12 replies
Too many recession threads lately.. because it's on all our minds.

if tomorrow headlines say "we have entered a DEPRESSION"..
or if the headlines say "We are NOT in recession"...

it all doesn't matter what the numbers are.

people are feeling the heat of the financial mess, BIG TIME.

and many people and sectors are feeling it negatively- and some positively...

But the point of this rant is...

You shouldn't care if "the media" or "the latest study" says this or that... just stay laser focused on how to succeed in a changing environment (the landscape of your business is ALWAYS changing in some way or another!)

after reading this post, take 5 minutes to think for a minute... "what am I ALREADY doing, that I should be tweaking or changing to generate more income'?

then, after you've done that for five minutes, THEN you can comment your thoughts on this post.
#the us is in recession #thing
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Originally Posted by BizBooks View Post

    Too many recession threads lately.. because it's on all our minds.

    if tomorrow headlines say "we have entered a DEPRESSION"..
    or if the headlines say "We are NOT in recession"...

    it all doesn't matter what the numbers are.

    people are feeling the heat of the financial mess, BIG TIME.

    and many people and sectors are feeling it negatively- and some positively...

    But the point of this rant is...

    You shouldn't care if "the media" or "the latest study" says this or that... just stay laser focused on how to succeed in a changing environment (the landscape of your business is ALWAYS changing in some way or another!)

    after reading this post, take 5 minutes to think for a minute... "what am I ALREADY doing, that I should be tweaking or changing to generate more income'?

    then, after you've done that for five minutes, THEN you can comment your thoughts on this post.

    Personally, I'm still looking for this "recession".

    I'll refrain from saying why for personal reasons.

    I just don't see it though.

    Maybe I'm just oblivious.
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  • Profile picture of the author AnarchyAds
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  • Profile picture of the author Glenn Grundberg
    Is there a way to report a post for Idiocy?

    Myers? Anyone?


    I'm Baaaaaack...
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    • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
      Nice try, but I want to hear more about how this relates to Skull and Bones, the Bretton Woods Agreement, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Halliburton and international synarchism in general.
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

        Nice try, but I want to hear more about how this relates to Skull and Bones, the Bretton Woods Agreement, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Halliburton and international synarchism in general.
        That happens to be one of my niche markets. I charge $200/hr research and 4 cents a word. If you want graphics, that's $25 for the first three graphics, and $5 per additional graphic. Promotional costs are $35 per 2k clicks. Turn around time is 72 hours. Do want it on 50 DVDs or as a download?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[366197].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kimbollia2
        Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

        Nice try, but I want to hear more about how this relates to Skull and Bones, the Bretton Woods Agreement, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Halliburton and international synarchism in general.
        Not quite sure what that means but maybe someone could explain this a little more. Sorry just so new to this here...

        Thanks, Kimmy
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        • Profile picture of the author adamv
          Originally Posted by kimbollia2 View Post

          Not quite sure what that means but maybe someone could explain this a little more. Sorry just so new to this here...

          Thanks, Kimmy
          FYI - The quote that bgmacaw made has nothing to do with internet marketing. He was being sarcastic about the conspiracy theory post.

          Get a professional voice over for your next audio or video project at an affordable price -- I will record 150 words of text for just $5.

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  • Profile picture of the author trafficpayouts
    I think that JFK died because of the criminal act of a madman.
    I suppose that the world trade centre was part of a government sponsored David Coperfield tv show with the aim of starting a war to fill the government bank accounts as well.

    My thoughts on the recession are that although having an online business is a great way of making money,global financial markets and the positioning of the key economies around the globe will have some impact.

    Lets be positive and focus on what this forum is all about and that is sharing great ideas and business plans.

    I don't spend any time on them but I am sure there are some great conspiracy theory sites and forums out there for people that want to talk about 747 crashes that really didn't crash and had aliens take over the planes and fly the planes to secret island destinations.
    1.Free trial of fantastic software for 30 days
    2.One of the original Guru's offers this great FREE mini-course.
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  • Profile picture of the author yollyp
    Originally Posted by BizBooks View Post

    Too many recession threads lately.. because it's on all our minds.

    it all doesn't matter what the numbers are.
    You're very very correct. It's all in our minds. If we keep on thinking this negative thing, surely everything negative will follow. Why not start caring for the environment instead? This recession thing is never a problem if we stick to its positive side. Nothing in this world will put us down if we think only the good side of every circumstances.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Scott
    I don't know whether or not to take those conspiracy posts seriously.

    If I laugh I might offend someone.


    Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.

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  • Profile picture of the author billromer
    Recession has an economic definition. The problem is that the numbers used in the definition are open to some degree of massaging and interpretation by our own government.

    Yes, a bit of the conspiracy thing going on, or maybe just so much confusion at the spaghetti of economic indicators we've created.

    It all really comes down to sentiment and consumer confidence in the end, but how do you, but how much money do you have to print and distribute before enough people become happy again and everything becomes hunky dorey?

    Here's a suggestion - let's devalue all currencies to 1/10th of their current value. All millionaires become $100,000-aires, and bread is $0.29 a loaf in the U.S. Everything seems cheap again, people start buying, and we start the cycle all over again. Eh, might work...?

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  • Profile picture of the author TheAtHomeCouple
    Great thread...

    It's all about fear people.. fear equals control... and control is what governments depend on... Recession, Gas Prices, Real Estate Market etc... all these factors are made up.. and I don't care what anyone says...

    Think about it for a second...

    Our governments market fear to the public, just as we market opportunity to online traffic... They use commercials, newspapers, reports, press conferences, appearances, etc... The public is marketed fear, violence, corruption and vulnerability every minute of every day through every broadcast and ad medium known to man...

    lol... there's my rant.
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