Devaluers of IM products
Hi Joe,
For over a year now we have watched as some Internet
Marketers have taken Brand New Products and De-valuated
them to the point where no one can make money except the
De-valuer who's only purpose is to make a quick buck.
These De-Valuers Hurt your Business Everyday and need to
be Stopped! Join IMCops.com Today and see some of the
De-Valuers and License Violators like Paul Mihai Pavel , Terry
Jett, Russell Carter and Barbara King. Participate in
discussions on various subjects and help police the IM
Look at what fellow Internet Marketer Ken Reno said in a
recent Blog post:
There's something going on in the internet marketing
community, something terrible, and it's getting worse.
It's directly affecting you every day, even if you don't know
about it.
I'm talking about product devaluation for digital goods such as
ebooks, software, videos, memberships..etc.
Everyone is in such a rush to make a buck, they forgot to use
some common sense.
People are taking brand new products, and offering them for
pennies. As if that weren't bad enough, they do it the day a
product is released.
Year of The Challenge 2009!
Ken Reno
Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.
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~ Zig Ziglar
The IM World Will Be Shaken to the Core!
Join my list at: IMCool.Biz
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Beyond the Path
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How To Write And Profit From Hot Romance (Kindle Product)
Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.
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Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.
How To Write And Profit From Hot Romance (Kindle Product)