Are We Internet Marketers UNRELIABLE?

1 replies
I have had several great years building up our company with investors. I'm having the business time of my life, but I have encountered time and time again, one major obstacle...

The UNRELIABILITY of internet marketers and marketing companies...

Now don't get me wrong, I have the privilege of working with some really great people as well, but not without wasting a lot of money, time and energy with way too many unscrupulous people.

Here's my assessment...
  • The fact many marketers work from the luxury of their homes, they feel the rules that normal business is done by, doesn't apply to them. Do we as an industry keep to the deadlines we promise people? Are we providing the value we promise them?
  • Do we sometimes hide behind the computer to be treat a relationship lighter than we would if we had a physical contact with that person?
  • Do we try to sell (ourselves or as an affiliate) products we ourselves would NEVER buy, or worse still, have bought but got little success from?
I can't tell you how many times I have been let down by "marketers" who have over promised and under delivered.

I'm not just talking about products I have bought over the years (outside the warrior forum, that's already a given!...How lucky we are we have this forum!) I'm talking about outsourcing high end projects to high end marketers.

Let's face it, our industry doesn't have a great reputation out there in the big wide world.

I have seen 1st hand why that's the case.

Again I want to STRESS, I am working and have worked with some real gems. People who have consistently over delivered on everything they say.

It just seems they are the exception to the rule.

and, if I may add, most of those have been found right here on this forum!

What's your experience?
#internet #marketers #unreliable
  • Profile picture of the author Peter Livingston
    Originally Posted by Barry Plaskow View Post

    I have had several great years building up our company with investors. I'm having the business time of my life, but I have encountered time and time again, one major obstacle...

    The UNRELIABILITY of internet marketers and marketing companies...

    Now don't get me wrong, I have the privilege of working with some really great people as well, but not without wasting a lot of money, time and energy with way too many unscrupulous people.

    Here's my assessment...
    • The fact many marketers work from the luxury of their homes, they feel the rules that normal business is done by, doesn't apply to them. Do we as an industry keep to the deadlines we promise people? Are we providing the value we promise them?
    • Do we sometimes hide behind the computer to be treat a relationship lighter than we would if we had a physical contact with that person?
    • Do we try to sell (ourselves or as an affiliate) products we ourselves would NEVER buy, or worse still, have bought but got little success from?
    I can't tell you how many times I have been let down by "marketers" who have over promised and under delivered.

    I'm not just talking about products I have bought over the years (outside the warrior forum, that's already a given!...How lucky we are we have this forum!) I'm talking about outsourcing high end projects to high end marketers.

    Let's face it, our industry doesn't have a great reputation out there in the big wide world.

    I have seen 1st hand why that's the case.

    Again I want to STRESS, I am working and have worked with some real gems. People who have consistently over delivered on everything they say.

    It just seems they are the exception to the rule.

    and, if I may add, most of those have been found right here on this forum!

    What's your experience?
    There are some real gems to be found on this forum. A good suggestion would be to join the War room. You could find tons of quality stuff there that you cannot find anywhere else in cyber space, or even the real world!
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