What would-you do if.....?
Imagine that you win an internet marketing contest and you're given free access to Facebook's huge database of 500 million+ users for a mailing, what would-you choose to promote and how would-you go about it?
There are 3 restrictions:
1. Facebook's database covers a lot of countries with lots of languages, but you only have the right to send 1 single email and that's it.
2. You don't have the right to retrieve personal info from the users in any way (no list-building allowed, phone numbers...)
3. 100 internet marketers would be offered this incredible opportunity, but only the most profitable one could keep the profits from his mailing.
No matter what you would choose to promote you would obviously be making a TON of money. But because of rule number 3 making money is not enough, you need to maximize your profits as much as possible.
I thought I would come up with a quick answer, but it's not that easy...
What would-you do?
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