Some Advice Please. 2009?

31 replies
G'day all fellow Warriors.

I am desperately seeking some guidance and wisdom from those of you who have made the transition from part time, to "sacking the boss", to full time.

I have been a member here for quite some time. As you can see, I have not made many posts. I have read hundreds, if not thousands of posts and implemented many of the strategies suggested.

Unfortunately, my results have only been ordinary to say the least.

It is not through the want of trying. I dread to think how many hours and dollars that I have spent on trying to "make it".

Despite my lack of results I have learned a great deal. I've learned about blogs, html, marketing funnels, websites, autoresponders, cloaking etc, etc etc.

What can I say... I really want this in 2009. I want this for myself, my wife and family who have unselfishly allowed me the time to have a real go. I am a good person and I believe that this forum contains another great person who can point me in the right direction.

I have been wanting to do this for some time.

I hope fellow Warriors will not think lesser of me for doing so.

Have a fantastic 2009.

Despite the doom and gloom, I have a great feeling for 2009.


#2009 #advice #guidance #mentor
  • Profile picture of the author Easy Cash
    Sounds like you have learned a lot - so why do you think you have had poor results so far?
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  • Hey Brett,

    I am not an authority on this one really, but since I did make the big move from "Cubicle" to being on my own, I can tell you this much -- it's a beautiful thing.

    Of course, you have a few things that need sorting out like trying to establish a source of income that holds steady and allows you to experiment with the IM thing that you want to do. As most of my friends here suggest, you could try putting your skills to use and earn a steady income while you try other things like Affiliate Marketing, blogging, etc.

    2009 will be good for you and I say that not from " seeing the future" point of view, but from a "confidence, belief and hope" point of view.

    There is no reason why you won't get to live your dreams if you do what it takes to make it to the top. I don't see why you can't give all those good things your family would love to have.

    Recession would come and go, but out hope for a better future never abates. It never dies.

    Our Skills will stay. Our hope will stay. Our resolve will be tested and we might even fall. But all of that is a prerequisite to success, right?

    If there were no ordinary results, so to speak, there would nothing "extra-ordinary" about extra-ordinary results. I am in the same boat are you are and been reading a lot on the forum, gaining tremendous amount of information and trying to make it big too and as I see it, we will do just fine.

    You and I, along with all of us here at the forum ( most of whom I have tremendous respect for), we shall rock!

    Cheers and Good luck

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[370083].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
      Hey Ash.

      Thank you my friend for the kind words.

      Congratulations on your success. It sounds as though it is truly deserved.

      I really appreciate such a heart felt post.

      It does the soul good.

      Cheers Mate.


      Originally Posted by ashwinsatyanarayana View Post

      Hey Brett,

      I am not an authority on this one really, but since I did make the big move from "Cubicle" to being on my own, I can tell you this much -- it's a beautiful thing.

      Of course, you have a few things that need sorting out like trying to establish a source of income that holds steady and allows you to experiment with the IM thing that you want to do. As most of my friends here suggest, you could try putting your skills to use and earn a steady income while you try other things like Affiliate Marketing, blogging, etc.

      2009 will be good for you and I say that not from " seeing the future" point of view, but from a "confidence, belief and hope" point of view.

      There is no reason why you won't get to live your dreams if you do what it takes to make it to the top. I don't see why you can't give all those good things your family would love to have.

      Recession would come and go, but out hope for a better future never abates. It never dies.

      Our Skills will stay. Our hope will stay. Our resolve will be tested and we might even fall. But all of that is a prerequisite to success, right?

      If there were no ordinary results, so to speak, there would nothing "extra-ordinary" about extra-ordinary results. I am in the same boat are you are and been reading a lot on the forum, gaining tremendous amount of information and trying to make it big too and as I see it, we will do just fine.

      You and I, along with all of us here at the forum ( most of whom I have tremendous respect for), we shall rock!

      Cheers and Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
    Hey Easy Cash.

    Thanks for the quick reply mate.

    I guess like most, I went in to this Ahemmm. 5 years ago (I'm embarrassed to say that!!!) hoping to change both mine and the life of my family.

    Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all the knowledge I have acquired along the way.

    It would however be nice to have some "real" monetary results for my efforts.

    Cheers Mate.

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  • Profile picture of the author jrsencio
    Hey Brett.... keep the faith.

    The lessons to learn are not all found in the end but also in the process of getting there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
      Thanks man.

      I know I've got it in me.

      Yes, I have certainly learned some lessons.

      Thanks for taking the time to post.

      All the best for 2009.



      Originally Posted by jrsencio View Post

      Hey Brett.... keep the faith.

      The lessons to learn are not all found in the end but also in the process of getting there.
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    • Profile picture of the author damienb
      Hi Brett,

      I don't know what you have done and accomplished yet, but here are some things I learned about making money online that could help you:

      What changed it all for me is when I decided on a precise Business Model, then created a quick plan of action to get where I wanted to be, and sticked to it until completion.

      I learned what I needed to learn along the way. I think it's Rich Scheffren who said to go from "learning just in case" to "learning just in time".

      So, my advice to you: pick one proven business model, get clear on your goals, create a quick action plan to get there and then Act on it.
      Stop learning for a while and just get into action. Choose only one Business Model, one strategy and implement it until you get satisfying results.

      For me, the biggest mistake one can make online is trying to go after all opportunities/tactics/strategies. It's a road leading to nowhere.

      Hope that will help you. Keep faith in your dreams!

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      • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
        Hi Damien.

        All great advice.

        I think if anything, I have been trying to do too much of everything and not enough of one thing. More focus is what is required.

        I would actually of focused on one model if I had seen some decent income from it.

        I guess I have been trying different things in the hope that one would stick and show me the direction I should be taking.

        Thanks again mate for taking the time to reply. I sincerely appreciate it.

        Warm Regards


        Originally Posted by damienb View Post

        Hi Brett,

        I don't know what you have done and accomplished yet, but here are some things I learned about making money online that could help you:

        What changed it all for me is when I decided on a precise Business Model, then created a quick plan of action to get where I wanted to be, and sticked to it until completion.

        I learned what I needed to learn along the way. I think it's Rich Scheffren who said to go from "learning just in case" to "learning just in time".

        So, my advice to you: pick one proven business model, get clear on your goals, create a quick action plan to get there and then Act on it.
        Stop learning for a while and just get into action. Choose only one Business Model, one strategy and implement it until you get satisfying results.

        For me, the biggest mistake one can make online is trying to go after all opportunities/tactics/strategies. It's a road leading to nowhere.

        Hope that will help you. Keep faith in your dreams!

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      • Profile picture of the author NewbiesDiary
        Originally Posted by damienb View Post

        Hi Brett,

        I don't know what you have done and accomplished yet, but here are some things I learned about making money online that could help you:

        What changed it all for me is when I decided on a precise Business Model, then created a quick plan of action to get where I wanted to be, and sticked to it until completion.

        I learned what I needed to learn along the way. I think it's Rich Scheffren who said to go from "learning just in case" to "learning just in time".

        So, my advice to you: pick one proven business model, get clear on your goals, create a quick action plan to get there and then Act on it.
        Stop learning for a while and just get into action. Choose only one Business Model, one strategy and implement it until you get satisfying results.

        For me, the biggest mistake one can make online is trying to go after all opportunities/tactics/strategies. It's a road leading to nowhere.

        Hope that will help you. Keep faith in your dreams!

        This here is the "secret" - this is it - nothing else!

        If you've been 'researching' this for 5 years (dont worry you're not on your own there - 3 for me!) you already have everything you need.

        Grab one of those programs & work through it until you do or die!!

        Here's a couple more gems for you...

        1. Check your email first thing in the morning & spend no more than 10 minutes on it.
        Answer what you HAVE TO and then shut down the email program!
        DO NOT BUY ANYTHING - DO NOT LOOK AT ANY SPECIAL OFFERS - URGENT TODAY - or any other "you need to act now" emails - there'll be more tomorrow - you wont miss anything!

        2. Stay out of WF until the END OF THE DAY - WF is the greatest place on the net (IMHO), but it is also a big time trap - you come in here for a quick look & then discover you've been here for 2 hours! Leave WF & Twitter etc until the end of the day when you've achieved everything on your list for the day.

        3. When you've decided on your system to follow - get a white board - or just write on the wall (& have some paint handy for your next project). Write the project you're following, your goals and time you expect it to take. Now break it down into daily activities - do the hardest FIRST - everything after that will be easy. Don't finish the day until you've finished the list for that day.

        these are just my thoughts & I still struggle with them - but I'm working on it.

        I have great days & then I have "OMG what did I do today" days. But the great days are getting more & the OMG days are less.

        My philosophy for 2009 - "If you always do what you've always done - you'll always get what you've always got"

        Good luck
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[371982].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
          Hi NewbiesDiary.

          More great advice.

          I really appreciate your thoughts.

          Sometimes you've just gotta hear them from other people.

          Have a great NYE in good old Brissie.



          Originally Posted by NewbiesDiary View Post

          This here is the "secret" - this is it - nothing else!

          If you've been 'researching' this for 5 years (dont worry you're not on your own there - 3 for me!) you already have everything you need.

          Grab one of those programs & work through it until you do or die!!

          Here's a couple more gems for you...

          1. Check your email first thing in the morning & spend no more than 10 minutes on it.
          Answer what you HAVE TO and then shut down the email program!
          DO NOT BUY ANYTHING - DO NOT LOOK AT ANY SPECIAL OFFERS - URGENT TODAY - or any other "you need to act now" emails - there'll be more tomorrow - you wont miss anything!

          2. Stay out of WF until the END OF THE DAY - WF is the greatest place on the net (IMHO), but it is also a big time trap - you come in here for a quick look & then discover you've been here for 2 hours! Leave WF & Twitter etc until the end of the day when you've achieved everything on your list for the day.

          3. When you've decided on your system to follow - get a white board - or just write on the wall (& have some paint handy for your next project). Write the project you're following, your goals and time you expect it to take. Now break it down into daily activities - do the hardest FIRST - everything after that will be easy. Don't finish the day until you've finished the list for that day.

          these are just my thoughts & I still struggle with them - but I'm working on it.

          I have great days & then I have "OMG what did I do today" days. But the great days are getting more & the OMG days are less.

          My philosophy for 2009 - "If you always do what you've always done - you'll always get what you've always got"

          Good luck
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[372230].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author damienb
            Hi again Brett,

            I just checked the thread and saw great advice from many people... I think you get it and you'll succeed. 2009 will be great!

            One more thought...this internet marketing journey is a PROCESS. If you stick to it, eventually you'll succeed. There's no losing, no failing, only learning and practicing.
            Finally, it all comes down to beliefs. When you're not 100% certain that what you're doing WILL bring you results, you can't bring all you got to the table.

            Personally, that's what kept me procrastinating for a long time. It's only when I started believing that what I was doing WAS going to get me where I wanted to go, that I started really implementing. Working wasn't a problem anymore, all I was seeing was the finish line and I put in the hours necessary.

            Anyway, time to go back to the party....2009 is waiting...

            Happy new year to all!

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  • Profile picture of the author JOhnny Depth
    The things that you learn in here are true. Just put it into work and I'm sure that you will succeed this coming new year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richniche
    One good thing about recession is people are more conscious about failure, spending, and earning. This year, I had more failures than success but just like you I learned good lessons. One of them is focus.

    I agree with Damien here, as focusing a single making money online strategy is a better idea. Although all strategies can work, we cannot do them simultaneously.

    A great success for all of us in 2009!

    Web content writer since 2007. Need high quality articles without worrying about the price? Let me help you.
    Check out what my clients are saying.

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    • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
      Hey Richniche.

      I think you are right.

      It can be so hard to focus when there are some many things begging for our attention.

      I hope you have a fantastic 2009 my friend.

      Cheers Mate.


      Originally Posted by Richniche View Post

      One good thing about recession is people are more conscious about failure, spending, and earning. This year, I had more failures than success but just like you I learned good lessons. One of them is focus.

      I agree with Damien here, as focusing a single making money online strategy is a better idea. Although all strategies can work, we cannot do them simultaneously.

      A great success for all of us in 2009!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[371596].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MasonRamm
    Hi Brett,

    I agree with Damien and richniches post...

    You definitely need to focus on one business model and/or proven method to make money online.

    How I got to transition from a job I hated to earning a fulltime living online is by buying the resell rights to products and creating a website for it and then promoting the hell out of it.

    The way I accomplished that was to find Internet Marketers with huge lists and to get them to jointventure with this product and I ie. they promoted my product inexchange for a share of the
    profits hence this made me money plus built me a list of customers which I could market and promote other products I later created or bought the rights to this time for 100% profit.

    I now focus on repeating this and on building my list that I can promote and market products to inorder to make money.

    Building a list is very important for continued success

    Anyway Brett, thats when I was finally able to quit my JOB however I will point out it was not an easy journey as I had to teach myself how to create a website, upload products files etc...all the technical stuff which often prevents one from starting or having any success.

    Basically it was about a year before I found this success and was able to quit my JOB and do IM fulltime. Alot of this year was also wasted with trying lots of different methods and getting mixed up with scams or products that didn't give you all the pieces one needed to succeed.

    I lacked focus with all this info foating around hence you need to focus on one method at a time.

    Another turning point for me was when I was able to purchase video products that actually showed me how to do these technical things step by step.

    Trust me, It was so much better than reading and learning from an ebook.

    Also another reason I created my video club to help others.

    Anyway I hope this info helps you.

    I wish you the best.

    Best Regards,
    Click Here For My Free Report (No Optin Required) Which Reveals A Cool Way to Make Money With Free Stuff!

    Discover Little Known Ways To Make Money - Click Here!
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    • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
      Hi Mason.

      I agree mate, there is a pretty steep learning curve for the technology.

      I actually feel quite confident now with 95% of the tech stuff now.

      It really is becoming more user friendly I'm finding.

      Yes, I agree. Focusing is what I need to focus on, if that makes sense.

      I will endeavor to make 2009 the year of focus!!!

      Believe it or not, I actually built a list and due to lack of confidence I guess, let it wither away.

      I think it really is time to stand up, find some Kahunas and forge ahead.

      Thanks again Mason for taking the time to reply.

      Your advice is sound.

      It is very much appreciated.

      Kind Regards


      Originally Posted by MasonRamm View Post

      Hi Brett,

      I agree with Damien and richniches post...

      You definitely need to focus on one business model and/or proven method to make money online.

      How I got to transition from a job I hated to earning a fulltime living online is by buying the resell rights to products and creating a website for it and then promoting the hell out of it.

      The way I accomplished that was to find Internet Marketers with huge lists and to get them to jointventure with this product and I ie. they promoted my product inexchange for a share of the
      profits hence this made me money plus built me a list of customers which I could market and promote other products I later created or bought the rights to this time for 100% profit.

      I now focus on repeating this and on building my list that I can promote and market products to inorder to make money.

      Building a list is very important for continued success

      Anyway Brett, thats when I was finally able to quit my JOB however I will point out it was not an easy journey as I had to teach myself how to create a website, upload products files etc...all the technical stuff which often prevents one from starting or having any success.

      Basically it was about a year before I found this success and was able to quit my JOB and do IM fulltime. Alot of this year was also wasted with trying lots of different methods and getting mixed up with scams or products that didn't give you all the pieces one needed to succeed.

      I lacked focus with all this info foating around hence you need to focus on one method at a time.

      Another turning point for me was when I was able to purchase video products that actually showed me how to do these technical things step by step.

      Trust me, It was so much better than reading and learning from an ebook.

      Also another reason I created my video club to help others.

      Anyway I hope this info helps you.

      I wish you the best.

      Best Regards,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[371628].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jhongren
    Maintain the positive learning attitude!

    It is going to bring you far.

    Many successful Internet Marketers started
    off reading and finding their info off the internet
    and apply them.

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  • Profile picture of the author lstoops
    Hi Brett,
    First, I think there are a lot of people out there that feel like you do...more than care to admit. I totally agree with Damien and MasonRamm. It really is about focusing on one business model and seeing it through to success.

    Here's to quitting your job in 2009!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
      Hi Lisa.

      Thanks for the reply.

      The same theme seems to be coming through. FOCUS.

      As I previously stated, I think I have been trying to do many things at once and not really succeeding at any of them.

      Thanks again Lisa for taking the time to reply.

      Warm Regards


      Originally Posted by lstoops View Post

      Hi Brett,
      First, I think there are a lot of people out there that feel like you do...more than care to admit. I totally agree with Damien and MasonRamm. It really is about focusing on one business model and seeing it through to success.

      Here's to quitting your job in 2009!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[371646].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PJ Morales
    Well, I see the fun and games continue here, and people just don't catch on.

    Guy starts a thread, "Some Advice Please. 2009?"

    Can't make enough money, blah blah blah...

    Oddly enough, the sig file picks up the theme - "Is This The Best Opportunity For 2009?" (Note the 2009)

    Affiliate sig, of course.

    Meanwhile, everyone comes along with encouraging words, giving the guy a chance to respond and expose his sig even more.

    C'mon boys and girls, open your eyes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[371248].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
      Hey PJ.

      I appreciate your skepticism.

      With that, please note that I have removed my signature totally.

      I am genuinely after some help and support here, which I have received a great deal.

      Thanks again.


      Originally Posted by PJ Morales View Post

      Well, I see the fun and games continue here, and people just don't catch on.

      Guy starts a thread, "Some Advice Please. 2009?"

      Can't make enough money, blah blah blah...

      Oddly enough, the sig file picks up the theme - "Is This The Best Opportunity For 2009?" (Note the 2009)

      Affiliate sig, of course.

      Meanwhile, everyone comes along with encouraging words, giving the guy a chance to respond and expose his sig even more.

      C'mon boys and girls, open your eyes.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[371555].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author boosey12
    just keep on keepin on!!!..

    you'll make money eventually!!... just stick with something, and don't give up after a week or so!!!...

    honestly!! that's what i did..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[371617].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
    Originally Posted by Aussie777 View Post

    G'day all fellow Warriors.

    Despite my lack of results I have learned a great deal. I've learned about blogs, html, marketing funnels, websites, autoresponders, cloaking etc, etc etc.

    Ive did not read the replies here in this thread to your post, but I'll throw in my adivce real fast. I do not see in your list of things you've learned as what's most important to making money online.


    I'm sure you are not making money because you are not sending enough quality traffic... and you are not converting that traffic into cash. Thats it. Period. End of discussion. No further questions your honor.

    Sell stuff.

    Now, there may be plenty of people out there who make a pretty penny off of their blogs, but I never have. I can only speak for myself. And I can tell you my quality traffic has come from:

    Paid traffic

    Are you doing either of those two?

    Conversions have come in high because of:

    professional copywriting
    recommended traffic from JV's
    events (tele-seminars/webinars, etc)

    You doing any of that?

    you can learn all the html and blog stuff, funnels and sales processes, techniques and secret methods until you're blue in the face... but until you get TRAFFIC & CONVERSIONS down, it's all a big, giant, fat, humongous waste of time... IMO

    happy 2009

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[372001].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Aussie777
      Hi Eric.

      I have tried paid and non paid traffic.

      Paid traffic from what I have seen is definitely the preferred method - IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!

      It is consistent and reliable.

      Which, as a business model makes the most sense.

      I will take your advice and go back to basics.

      Traffic and conversions.

      You are right!!! It is that simple.

      Thanks for taking the time.

      Your advice has really made me re-evaluate what I'm doing. (or not doing)

      Cheers Mate


      Originally Posted by Eric Louviere View Post

      Ive did not read the replies here in this thread to your post, but I'll throw in my adivce real fast. I do not see in your list of things you've learned as what's most important to making money online.


      I'm sure you are not making money because you are not sending enough quality traffic... and you are not converting that traffic into cash. Thats it. Period. End of discussion. No further questions your honor.

      Sell stuff.

      Now, there may be plenty of people out there who make a pretty penny off of their blogs, but I never have. I can only speak for myself. And I can tell you my quality traffic has come from:

      Paid traffic

      Are you doing either of those two?

      Conversions have come in high because of:

      professional copywriting
      recommended traffic from JV's
      events (tele-seminars/webinars, etc)

      You doing any of that?

      you can learn all the html and blog stuff, funnels and sales processes, techniques and secret methods until you're blue in the face... but until you get TRAFFIC & CONVERSIONS down, it's all a big, giant, fat, humongous waste of time... IMO

      happy 2009

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[372200].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JOhnny Depth
    The best advice that you could get is to work harder.
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  • Profile picture of the author kel
    Hey Aussie 777,
    As another aussie living in the beautiful leafy SE suburbs of Melbourne (I mean, is there any other town really??), keep the faith. I've been at this now for 2.5 years and view those many months as a University Course in IM. Ive learnt heaps and believe 2009 will be MY year to graduate and get some money back as Im starting to focus more on specific ideas/concepts/projects. May your year be awesome!
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