What Mentor Do Warriors Reccommend............

by akhtar
21 replies
Hi there i have been doing IM for about six months, bought courses been on memmberships had a mentor and etc, it all goes on.

I have made some money online but not been able to quite my day job.
Im at the emerge of quitting dont know if it possible think its all a hype.

I am looking for a mentor that can give me results and able to scale business.
I have a set budget in mind but i will not be paying money for BS and hype, iv been past that stage.

At the momment i am working on CPA and offline but i have tried the rest.

If anyone has any suggestions please point in the right direction

Thank you
#mentor #reccommend #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Seems to me like Tristan Bull has had some successful students.

    His coaching is $500 I think, and since he claims he'll get you to $5K a month its a pretty good ROI :-p
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    • Profile picture of the author marchenzo
      Kim Roach. Her program may be closed just at the minute but its well worth checking it out to see plus she is a star
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  • Profile picture of the author P.Sharma
    Trust me on this no one can guarantee your success. If you are not making enough money right now do not quit your job. Only do it once you are making 1.5 times more than your job and over a 3 months period. A rash decision may be very bad for the future, be careful man
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  • Profile picture of the author ktmakwana
    My suggestion would be first to decide on the strategy that you want to focus on and then look for the mentor who has a proven track record.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Brad Gossee. Tells you just like it is. no hype.
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  • Profile picture of the author akhtar
    Thanks people will take everything on board. Just getting little frustrated hehe
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    It really depends on what type of marketing you want to learn. There is so much to offer in the IM field. SEO, Search, Social Media, Web Design, Offline Marketing, CPA and Affiliate to name a few.
    Whatever you chose....you will be way ahead of the flock of people getting into this industry daily. Look at this like going to Internet College.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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    • Profile picture of the author John F Kennedy
      It would really depend on what niche you would be looking to work in. Maybe you should decide upon this first then rephrase your question.

      There are many fine warrior's in several niches that would be more than happy to take you under their wing - so to speak...

      First choose your market
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  • I respect and admire the high level of integrity that Mike Cowles brings to the game, while also teaching low-cost methods of getting started FAST.

    But honestly, you need to find one that "clicks" for you.

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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    Frank Sinatra, 'I Did It My way.'
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Crooke
      I agree in the fact you are reaching out for a mentor, that's the fastest way to succeed online.

      I also agree with the comments, don't quick you day job until you are consistently making money online; no one can guaranty you income - you must take action and create the outcome.

      I have joined a couple of coaching programs, some good and not so good. I didn't start making money until I had a one-on-one mentor.

      Now I am trying another revenue model, so I reached out to another coach. I see the Tristan Bull was mentioned above, I just joined on Sunday and I received 2 or 3 responses from him personally.

      His bonuses are great and the initial training is good.

      To your success,

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      • Profile picture of the author akhtar
        I was reading on other forums that triston bull is another hype and getting testimonials from fiverr. Is his content good and does he have one and one coaching. No dis to the dude googled it and read a bad reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author kb24
    Chris Farrell Membership is another..
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  • Profile picture of the author Miraclem
    Are these mentors 1 on 1? Because someone said Tristan bull and he does video training, not actual 1 on 1..so who's the best when it comes to adsense?
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Johnson
    Tristan bull is and awesome mentor
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  • Profile picture of the author benbro
    There are lots of great folks here on WF. The two that I'd recommend based upon personal experience would be Darren Monroe and Maria Gudelis. They're both really down to earth and want to see you succeed.

    "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    Try John Thornhill, Eric Louviere, Mike Cowles or Mike Mc Millan.

    PS ...or me
    I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
    Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

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    Do You Want to become a High Ticket Closer Like Me and work from anywhere around the world?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4162221].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      You are probably not looking for a mentor. That kind of relationship is usually long term and private.

      It sounds like you are looking more for a coach. Another viable model, but it is not mentoring.

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  • Profile picture of the author Beverley Watts
    Kim Roach, Chris Farrell, Tony Shepherd - all very successful IMers providing coaching programs that rock
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  • Profile picture of the author vedremo
    Write down exactly what you want from the coaching and approach the different vendors to see what they can do to take your business to the next level.

    I'm in the same boat. Tried Googling "1 on 1 coaching warrior forum", seems no shortage of them.
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    • Profile picture of the author angelast
      There are so many excellent mentors to follow. Whether or not you decide to go with any of them the main thing is not to get frustrated and give up. You can get a great education here on the WF.

      I myself have been dancing with online marketing for some years and not done much of anything. Some of the best advice I got was from John Reese many years ago who said "just do something!!" Would that I had heeded that advice. However now is a great time to start and get serious despite the competition. Stick with it.
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