EXPOSING one of my little secrets to making quick sales. This works real well....

36 replies
I have discussed this one on another forum but decided to share with my fellow warriors as well.

It's been almost 3 yrs since I have been in this industry and have learnt several ways to promote products online. Here is one of my secret techniques which tends to get some real quick sales. Hope you guys like it.

I have seen several people making videos and putting them on you tube and other social video sites but they often have to wait several months just to collect some decent views. Now here is a little experiment I did a long time ago....

I picked up a decent dating related product. Went to a humor site something like this- Funny Women Quotes - Funny Quotes about Women . Picked up some jokes off it...made a slide show using it and recorded it on camtasia.

I named the video something like- "7 Secrets about women most men don't know"(Not actually what I named it but just an example). This headline is very catchy and would get you instant views.

At the end of the video I put a call to action line saying something like- You don't know the rest yet. Do you want to know how you can make any girl desperately chase you even if you are ugly, broke or have no life?

Visit- www.examplesite.com right now and find out before it's too late.

I would say redirect your site directly to the merchant page since it would work better. At the same time this is a great way to get a lot of opt ins but as far as I know it does get a lot of sales too therefore direct linking would work great.

But here is the big secret. Most people tend to submit to several video sites but that would not work too well and might take a lot of time.

Go straight to break.com and only submit there. They have a recently submitted video tab where almost every video gets great views. Use a catchy headline and you can expect more than 5000 views within the very first 10 minutes.

Hope you guys find this useful.
#exposing #making #quick #real #sales #secrets #works
  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    One more thing...We all know how many views those adult videos seems to get all over the place. You can upload a video which gives advice on how to be good in bed and at the end of the video add a call to action such as- Visit- www.examplesite.com to know how to enlarge your penis...... Using a penis enlargement or any other dating or sexuality related product on clickbank. You really don't have to make anything adult but just put an article which gives advice on sexuality issues in a video format.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Great post, thanks for sharing! Yet another example of how important the title can be.
    PLR Affiliate Program Has Launched! Easily Promote Over 5,000 PLR and MRR Products.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    hahah....Someone told me I should have made a WSO on this.

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    • Profile picture of the author Razorblade
      Nice way to start the New Year! Thanks for sharing, Ryan!

      Have you tried using tubemogul.com for this technique?

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      • Profile picture of the author ryanman
        Originally Posted by Razorblade View Post

        Nice way to start the New Year! Thanks for sharing, Ryan!

        Have you tried using tubemogul.com for this technique?
        You are most welcome...No I didn't really distribute it around but this seems like a great idea. Would definitely use it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
    Cool! Thanks for sharing! But...

    Originally Posted by ryanman View Post

    Use a catchy headline and you can expect more than 5000 views within the very first 10 minutes.
    Really?! All the recently submitted videos I just looked at on the first page didn't have this at first glance, so I took some time analyzing the site and came up with some simple math:

    On the entire "recently viewed" page...out of all the videos on the first page (20 new vids on page 1)...freshest video being 0 minutes online oldest video being over 2 hours online range summed up as follows:

    1,239 total minutes online

    5,333 total views

    20 total videos on page 1 of recently submitted results.


    1,239 total mins./20total vids= avg. 61.95 minutes online per new video


    5,333 total views/20total vids= avg. 266.65 views online per new video (in 61.95 minutes)


    that means the average newly submitted video gets approx. 4.30 views/minute


    which means a newly submitted video can expect an average of 43.04 views in 10 minutes.


    Originally Posted by ryanman View Post

    Use a catchy headline and you can expect more than 5000 views within the very first 10 minutes.
    How did you come up with more than 5,000 views in 10 minutes when the average new video there gets about 40 views in the first 10 minutes? I realize my numbers are just AVERAGES of the videos submitted by folks who are more than likely not skilled in marketing and "titles"...and I also realize it is now 12:20AM CST Wed. morning so the timing of this depending on the day of week, etc. will also skew results...but can a good title make THAT big of a difference?! My God...wow...that'd be GREAT, wouldn't it? If so, I'd like to actually see it in action...that is: 5,000 views in 10 minutes! Many of the videos that are SEVERAL HOURS old don't even have 100 views. Can you see how I would question this?

    Also, please do not take this thread as offensive or confrontational, but rather educational and helpful. I've GOT to be missing something here... (I hope I am because I really like your idea!)
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanman
      I did it a year ago and used- remarkable ways to satisfy women in bed- An absolute must know....Don't have that video up now but that one produced a lot of views infact took a jump start & blasted with views. Haven't really gone back into it since because I got into deeper things.

      But I would say it's all about how catchy your title is. Average video doesn't get many views but if your title has a strong call to action it would get loads of views.

      Also on that note guys....Here is another great idea.

      We all know how many views those adult streaming sites get right? You can easily promote any video relating to sexuality advice using sexuality ebooks from clickbank. Any thoughts?

      Also you are most welcome anapest...

      I just saw someone post a forex promotion video there....Cool.

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  • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
    By the way, I like your "Pull Your Ex Back" product idea...powerful emotional one there...I might have to get around to some keyword research and push it for you one of these days. Powerful!
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketerGuy
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanman
      Originally Posted by MarketerGuy View Post

      I never really considered including Break.com in my video syndication strategies, this new data looks very intresting.
      I am doing more research and I guess there are more sites even better than break which can get any video a lot of views real quick.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    Learned another cool trick today using this same technique. You can use the element of surprise as well. For example- How to approach a woman in 5 minutes and get her to give you her number.

    Then show a guy approaching a girl...And the moment he is about to start talking mention- To watch the rest visit- www.mysite.com.

    I don't know how many guys can do this but is a sure shot winner and probably 50%+ traffic will go to the site just out of the curiosity to know more.

    Find a plr video and cut it into half...Post the whole video on your site which would be the call to action and below the video have a pre-sell article which would get you sales.

    Or just like the way daily TV dramas leave you on the last minute...They show you something shocking and then go Next Episode which guarantees viewer retention. Thoughts?

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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Denton
    great post Ryan, an innovative marketing strategy that i'll be sure to try.

    Online marketing, offline marketing and various other things.
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanman
      Originally Posted by Nathan Denton View Post

      great post Ryan, an innovative marketing strategy that i'll be sure to try.

      You are most welcome .

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  • Profile picture of the author vbm08
    ryanman, A very good trick to promote dating and relationship products. I really appreciate that you shared with us here.

    The only requirement here is great keywords and attractive titles which I think can easily attract many viewers in short amount of time.
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanman
      Originally Posted by vbm08 View Post

      ryanman, A very good trick to promote dating and relationship products. I really appreciate that you shared with us here.

      The only requirement here is great keywords and attractive titles which I think can easily attract many viewers in short amount of time.
      I have a list of call to action words personally collected by me....I've sent you the details on how to get them from my other post. Cheers.

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  • Profile picture of the author dclodge
    Great idea. Just for fun I created a short video for a CB product. Within minutes I was getting views and over a 12 hour period it was over 100 - not 5000 however...AND with break.com, I was ranked #1 for my video within 4 hours...incredible - the power of video should not be avoided. BTW, the same video on Youtube only received about 20 views in the same time.

    My only issue was click thrus - the only link is in the description - not the most obvious or accessible. Does anyone know a way to make the video itself clickable or am i dreaming?

    Thanks again for the tip
    MyLast5Dollars.Com - Internet Marketing For The Rest Of Us
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    • Profile picture of the author Micheal Perkins
      Originally Posted by dclodge View Post

      My only issue was click thrus - the only link is in the description - not the most obvious or accessible. Does anyone know a way to make the video itself clickable or am i dreaming?

      Thanks again for the tip
      Hey Dean,

      Here is a post from another warrior, Quick traffic tip [Take Two]. He talks about putting an arrow pointing to your link on the right for YouTube videos. He even has the picture he made to do this with attached in the post for you to download.

      I'd say do the same thing he did to draw attention to your link. I just put up 11 videos for a product I have 2 days ago using his method. I only posted to YouTube, but am going to post to other sites today.

      I'd say make videos the way he shows to draw attention to your links, and change the direction and location of the arrow depending on the site your uploading to.

      To your success,

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      • Profile picture of the author ryanman
        Originally Posted by Micheal Perkins View Post

        Hey Dean,

        Here is a post from another warrior, Quick traffic tip [Take Two]. He talks about putting an arrow pointing to your link on the right for YouTube videos. He even has the picture he made to do this with attached in the post for you to download.

        I'd say do the same thing he did to draw attention to your link. I just put up 11 videos for a product I have 2 days ago using his method. I only posted to YouTube, but am going to post to other sites today.

        I'd say make videos the way he shows to draw attention to your links, and change the direction and location of the arrow depending on the site your uploading to.

        To your success,
        This is a fantastic way to get instant clicks on your site. Great stuff!

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  • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
    Probably dreaming (as far as videos on those social video sites are concerned)...and I hear you on the description line being the only place to put a CLICKABLE link...but if like Ryan was saying to use the element of suprise/suspense/curiosity you put a easy-to-type domain in the video at the end "To find out what happens visit..." etc. that would increase our page hits VS. using only the URL in the description.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Cutting the video in half and making a "cliffhanger" to get
    people to click through is a stroke of genius. Thanks Ryanman.
    My head is spinning with possibilities.
    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    A user wouldn't type in your domain into the box if it's www.mysite.com/usersee.html.....

    Use a top level domain and keep your domain name as small as possible. Something which would be easy to remember and has fewer words. Remember people are lazy therefore make it easy for them.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    There is a site known as slideshare.net where you can easily make slides and put them up. This is another great way to get noticed.

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  • Profile picture of the author Simon74
    Fantastic information, I will have a go.
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  • Profile picture of the author goingup
    videodirectpay.com is a software that will put a clickable 'buy' button on your video.

    Only dead fish go with the flow.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    Just found the best way to use this method...Guys this is what I am talking about...Watch the video-


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  • Profile picture of the author mormel

    Almost makes me want to break up myself...



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  • Profile picture of the author dexthor
    excellent tip.
    thanx, ryan.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArthurRose
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanman
      Originally Posted by ArthurRose View Post

      Yeah, I also recommend using tubemogul when working with videos. Why upload only to youtube when you can upload to every video site?
      Have you tried it? Did it get good results?

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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Sounds brilliant Ryanman. Thanks for sharing that. I'm definitely going to try that when I stop camping out at the forum. (Hehe.) Seriously thanks for the great strategy.
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author dadhere
    Thanks for the info, I'm going to try this myself

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  • Profile picture of the author tram
    tried this method, uploaded to break.com, submited to digg,stumbleupon. Got about 2000 views in 4 hours which translated into about 30 hops to my offer. No sales. My ip was banned, who knows how many hits would have come...
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  • Profile picture of the author ArthurRose
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanman
      Originally Posted by ArthurRose View Post

      Yes, it's very good. Besides if you get banned by youtube or have slow internet, you don't even have to upload the vids yourself, just upload to tubemogul and it will do all the job for you and it will be fast. Tube mogul allows mass uploads, also.
      Thanks a lot...I am going to give it a shot.

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  • Profile picture of the author visit_faraz
    Thanks Ryan,
    Your ideas are really good.
    Will be applying it soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author d3sign3r
    Great method I must say. The video example was great..

    Planning to take action as I have some great ideas now..

    Thanks a lot
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  • Profile picture of the author RandyW32
    Wow thank you so much for this valuable information! I will definitely put it to good use!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    Here is another interesting thing I just saw today. For those of you promoting adult niches...You can always have a video of a girl about to do something naughty and just before she does it...You can say visit this link to view the rest of the video.

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