by spen
19 replies
I am a newbie
I wonder how to build a list?:confused:
#build #list
  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Post at forums just like this in your niche. It's a tried and true method. Best of all, it's free. Just add a link to your site in your sig & become an active / non-spammy member.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradBergeron
    In short,
    1) Sign up for an list service (aweber, constant contact to name a couple) and start an emailing campaign.
    2) Start your website and put in an opt-in box. Make sure the user has a reason to give you his/her email address, so use incentives, like a free ebook upon email confirmation.
    3) Drive traffic with various methods.

    That's the short, simple version. I'm sure many others will give you more in depth answers here.

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  • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
    I'll assume you're a totally raw newb.

    First, sign up for an autoresponder service. There are a lot out there, but most offer free or $1 trials, so you can get started on the cheap. Get Response has a free account, I'm pretty sure, and AWeber and Constant Contact both offer $1 trials, again, I'm pretty sure.

    One of the most popular ways of building a list is by setting up a squeeze page. A squeeze page is a website that serves one purpose, and one purpose only... to collect an e-mail address. Squeeze pages are usually short, to the point, include an Opt-In form (the form people sign up to your list through), and give the visitor something in return for his e-mail address.

    This something can be a free report, video, consultation, newsletter course, anything. The more creative you are with what you give to your list, the more successful.

    Note, though, that you don't always have to give something away for free in order to build a list. You can sell a product here on the Warrior Forum as a Special Offer and build a list of buyers that way.

    You can also throw an opt-in form on any existing website you may have and simply encourage your visitors to sign up for updates. I actually have one list that is growing way quicker than I expected using this method...

    So, go ahead and sign up for an autoresponder, determine how you're going to build a relationship with your list, and get to it. Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
      Originally Posted by bambii View Post

      I'll assume you're a totally raw newb.

      One of the most popular ways of building a list is by setting up a squeeze page. A squeeze page is a website that serves one purpose, and one purpose only... to collect an e-mail address. Squeeze pages are usually short, to the point, include an Opt-In form (the form people sign up to your list through), and give the visitor something in return for his e-mail address.

      This something can be a free report, video, consultation, newsletter course, anything. The more creative you are with what you give to your list, the more successful.

      Note, though, that you don't always have to give something away for free in order to build a list. You can sell a product here on the Warrior Forum as a Special Offer and build a list of buyers that way.
      Absolutely! When you give something away make sure it isn't junk and will help the person in some way. It can also be an ebook you wrote. I try to make it original not something everyone has seen before and something I would want myself. Remember, this is your "first impression" with the new subscriber! Also, send an email/newsletter to them when you actually have something new to say and it has quality for your subscriber. Some people have their auto-responder set up to send 2 and 3 times a week or even every day when they have absolutely nothing of value to say to their subscriber.

      One of the best newsletters I have ever subscribed to is at TalkBiz News: What you really need to know to succeed online - Online business building newsletter
      Paul Myers does not send a newsletter except when he has something important to say and of value to his readers. It's not set up for once a week, one every two weeks or even once a month, he sends his newsletter when he has something important to say and valuable to his readers. We all can learn a lot from Paul

      Charles E. White
      Internet Money Making Programs
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Kennedy
      Originally Posted by bambii View Post

      I'll assume you're a totally raw newb.

      First, sign up for an autoresponder service. There are a lot out there, but most offer free or $1 trials, so you can get started on the cheap. Get Response has a free account, I'm pretty sure, and AWeber and Constant Contact both offer $1 trials, again, I'm pretty sure.

      One of the most popular ways of building a list is by setting up a squeeze page. A squeeze page is a website that serves one purpose, and one purpose only... to collect an e-mail address. Squeeze pages are usually short, to the point, include an Opt-In form (the form people sign up to your list through), and give the visitor something in return for his e-mail address.

      This something can be a free report, video, consultation, newsletter course, anything. The more creative you are with what you give to your list, the more successful.

      Note, though, that you don't always have to give something away for free in order to build a list. You can sell a product here on the Warrior Forum as a Special Offer and build a list of buyers that way.

      You can also throw an opt-in form on any existing website you may have and simply encourage your visitors to sign up for updates. I actually have one list that is growing way quicker than I expected using this method...

      So, go ahead and sign up for an autoresponder, determine how you're going to build a relationship with your list, and get to it. Good luck.
      Follow this and you're set. All you need to do is drive traffic to your page. If you're a newbie I'd say give article marketing and forum posting a go. They're both free and can generate some decent returns. Posting a free ebook on a related forum and asking people to submit their email in order to receive the download link would probably be the best thing you can do at this early stage.
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  • Profile picture of the author TEC
    The first thing you need to get is an auto responder. You can use Aweber, or GetResponce, they are both good.

    You will need then some type of opt-in page and a thank you page and give stuff away for free.

    There are 2 different thoughts about building a list. Do you build a list of people who want stuff for free or do you make them pay a small amount so you know that they are buyers?

    I would say both are good, but people really like free stuff. Then once you have them in your list, survey them and ask them what they really want solved. Create a relationship with your people. Don't spam them like a lot of IM people do. You buy something from some of these people and the next day they tell you their friend just came out with something that is so great! And they just keep trying to sell you other peoples stuff left and right.

    So long story short, the money is NOT in the list, it's in the relationship that you create with the people in your list

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    • Profile picture of the author sscot
      Originally Posted by TEC View Post

      do you make them pay a small amount so you know that they are buyers?
      This is a brilliant idea.

      Do it in this way for excellent results.......

      create a product (eBook) and sell it for very cheap price, and build a list.


      Add great contents into the eBook and let people to feel it as this is an invaluable offer due to the price, Wow.....

      Create second product (high price) and promote to the list (first customers). With no doubt, you'll get snazzy conversions because they've already realized that you're a person who offers super contents, much more valuable than price.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    You are going to need a nice clean squeeze page and send lots of traffic to it. Infact send all your traffic to your squeeze page. A nice looking one that converts well.

    Make sure you have a reliable auto responder like aweber and that will house people as they subscribe.

    I can tell you that since building a list my business totally changed and my income. It is the single most important thing to do whilst building a business.

    Also test and test again, you will find that one version of your squeeze page will outpull the others seven fold, so be a constant tester of this to ensure you are getting lots of subscribers for minimal effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author rockyonfire
    Post at forums, get JV partners, PPC!
    PPC is the best way to build ultra targeted list in a short period of time.
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    • Profile picture of the author hashif16
      Sign up with awebr.create an OPT-in page that will conver better,..use ppc progrms to drive tageted customers to your list or you can contact any third party and send emails to their list and redirect them to your opt-in page..
      Make offer Via Pm:QUALIENT.COM for sale
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  • Profile picture of the author Angela Wills
    My preferred method is to host a webinar for someone with a good size list.

    You've got tons of great advice here on how to set up your list. I also love Aweber for my email list.

    @TEC Quote:
    So long story short, the money is NOT in the list, it's in the relationship that you create with the people in your list

    Very true!
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  • Profile picture of the author leegs
    Originally Posted by spen View Post

    I am a newbie
    I wonder how to build a list?:confused:
    Hi Spen,

    I believe you need a squeeze page with a free offer to provide to your subscribers once they have signed up to your opt-in. After which, you would require to send follow-up emails to them to build good relationship. Please remember to send them good and quality content to your list.

    Apart from content and technical set-up, you would need to drive traffic to your squeeze page and it is a long term process. Traffic such as adswaps, purchase solo ads and writing and submitting articles to build one-way backlinks are few methods you can use.

    Hope it helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author ciel
    Originally Posted by spen View Post

    I am a newbie
    I wonder how to build a list?:confused:
    If your focus is just on building list then I would suggest setting up a squeeze page (a web page designed for building list) where you can offer a freebie to grab name & email addresses of users.

    Now you need to send traffic to your squeeze page & this can be done in many ways. You can buy solo email ads or you can use any other way of traffic generation (there are many).

    Take action for sure to get success in IM.

    Wish you all the best.


    Take Action To Succeed In IM

    PM Me For Any Advice OR Help!


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  • Profile picture of the author lowkey786
    get your autoresponder first either aweber or get response and start doing adswaps. Set up your squeezepage and have a product that your going to give away for free. Basically the idea is to pair up with someone who already has a list in your niche, and help each other out. They mail for you, and you mail for them. Each of you is now reaching a broader audience than you were before, so everyone wins.
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    • Nearly all of this is pretty conventional wisdom. You've got ten thousand monkeys banging on ten thousand keyboards creating ten thousand squeeze pages...and competing for a tiny piece of the pie. If I've seen one monkey-see monkey-do squeeze page I've seen them all.

      I wonder why we are so quick to tell people the way it's always been done is the only way it can be done.

      Someday a newbie, unfettered by history, experience or conventional wisdom is going to invent a superior list-building method -- because he doesn't know any better. That person will become wealthy.

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      • Profile picture of the author TroelsJepsen
        Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

        Nearly all of this is pretty conventional wisdom. You've got ten thousand monkeys banging on ten thousand keyboards creating ten thousand squeeze pages...and competing for a tiny piece of the pie. If I've seen one monkey-see monkey-do squeeze page I've seen them all.

        I wonder why we are so quick to tell people the way it's always been done is the only way it can be done.

        Someday a newbie, unfettered by history, experience or conventional wisdom is going to invent a superior list-building method -- because he doesn't know any better. That person will become wealthy.

        I like your thinking with this reply, and I agree that we should all have an open mind and look in to methods other than the conventional ones.

        That being said, I believe that the reason why so many people recommend the good old fashion way to build a list is that it simply works. People have been doing this successfully for years, and they will keep doing it successfully for years.
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      • Profile picture of the author janjattne
        Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

        Nearly all of this is pretty conventional wisdom. You've got ten thousand monkeys banging on ten thousand keyboards creating ten thousand squeeze pages...and competing for a tiny piece of the pie. If I've seen one monkey-see monkey-do squeeze page I've seen them all.

        I wonder why we are so quick to tell people the way it's always been done is the only way it can be done.

        Someday a newbie, unfettered by history, experience or conventional wisdom is going to invent a superior list-building method -- because he doesn't know any better. That person will become wealthy.

        I totally agree with ”fLufF” and I would love to be that person but right now I’m not I’m going to give an ”old” advice because that’s what I think (or the best solution I know of for the moment) works right now.

        Start list building is key to a successful long-term IM-business. Chose a specific subject within a Niche, write a report or use a PLR and rewrite it, make it unique and specific.
        In these days specifically in the IM Niche you have to give your customers something with value. Give the report for free AFTER they have opted in on your site via an Opt-In Box where they are asked to give their email address in exchange of a free valuable report. Then build coifidence with your list by using the auto responder to keep in touch with your prospects. Also understand that it’s NOT a good idea to sell/promote products in all these mails.

        I guess ”fLufF” will hate me after this conservative advice

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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    There are many ways to build your list but first you must deal with the technical side of things (setting up your website, your squeeze page , setting up your autoresponders and your free gift )

    then you can use proven strategies to build your list fast such as free wso , solo ads and product to build your list of buyers and automate your sales
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