Ads In Free Classifieds

7 replies
Are posting ads in free classified sites a waste of time?

Whats the best way to get traffic?
#ads #classifieds #free
  • Profile picture of the author Matt.McLaughlin
    I tried out, it supplies traffic and I have had a few conversions. NOTE : Promoting affiliate products is only allowable for paying members, otherwise it must be YOUR site. Don't try to trick them with a redirect
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  • Profile picture of the author KamauAustin
    Facebook and Twitter supply traffic if you take time to write valuable content. I find Facebook and Twitter supply almost as much traffic as SEO now. Also driving social media traffic to your site is more in your proactive control than in SEO, can be driven quicker, it can be automated with programs like Hootsuite, and even if you don't have a lot of followers, friends, fans, etc., you can post to large groups and get traffic.

    Also try, when it makes sense, to post in places like A Greater Town or StoreBoard. Google AgreaterTown and StoreBoard to find out more.

    Kamau Austin, helps emerging businesses vibe, survive, and thrive online. He is a Dadpreneur and Publisher of: eINFoNews . Austin is also a author of Raise Cash Fast and a SEO and Social Media Professional. Contact him at: Search Engine Plan

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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
      Depends on what free classifieds you use, what you're promoting, and your listing.

      I can draw attention in Craigslist just by using a special character in the title (➥ for example) and designing a graphic ad. If you have a long text ad, most people won't read it unless it's extremely targeted to them.

      Anyways it's free, try it out and test some different listings. If it works great, if not no big deal. You won't lose anything except the time you put into it.

      Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-

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  • Profile picture of the author magicthauma
    A1 Ads is a good place to get traffic by free ads, but I will try two times, I can not earn money by this way
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  • Profile picture of the author classiment
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    • Profile picture of the author AlexisMoore
      I also did and got absolutely nowhere. I thought it was just me, but it seems as though Matt didn't get anywhere with them either. Maybe they are just not the ones to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author ankushkohli
    I'm in favor of classifieds. It can improve your website caching specially.
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  • Profile picture of the author barache
    USFREEADS was a bust for me. I may not have promoted the right service, but I never saw a think from it. Seems to me I had read sometime ago it worked well, so I'm late again!
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