How to maximize conversions on my Amazon site

8 replies
Hi all,

I have 2-week old Amazon site that hasn't made a sale yet.

I was just wondering if you guys could share some tips on how to maximise conversions with Amazon sites. What has worked well for you?

A few questions:

- Product reviews on the front page? Or just short info and a link to my reviews?

- Text links to Amazon or graphics?

- Amazon widgets: to use or not to use?

Thank you! Any help would be greatly appreciated
#amazon #conversions #maximize #site
  • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
    Originally Posted by caskofdregs View Post

    Hi all,

    I have 2-week old Amazon site that hasn't made a sale yet.

    I was just wondering if you guys could share some tips on how to maximise conversions with Amazon sites. What has worked well for you?

    A few questions:

    - Product reviews on the front page? Or just short info and a link to my reviews?

    - Text links to Amazon or graphics?

    - Amazon widgets: to use or not to use?

    Thank you! Any help would be greatly appreciated
    These are my answers from my experience:

    1. Detailed product reviews on the front page. Make them look attractive with bullet points, sub-headings, etc.

    2. Text links to Amazon only. My conversions drop hugely whenever I experiment with Amazon graphic links.

    3. Amazon widgets - NO. They don't have a place in a high quality reviews. The unique, well written content will preclude the "this is just another sales site" impression for your visitors.

    You say your site is just 2 weeks old, with no sale. What on-site and off-site SEO have you done? What is your competition? Where do you show up on Google for your keywords?
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    • Profile picture of the author caskofdregs
      Thank you!

      I have hardly done any off-page SEO as of yet, but I have done quite a bit of on-page SEO - so I'm not too concerned about not getting a sale yet. I have a few reviews, that are in the 700-900 word range.

      My site is [product], and the product has several brands for it. So if I were to include product reviews on my site, how do I do it? Would I still be ranked for the "[product] reviews" keyword instead of "[product brand name] reviews"?

      I'm not sure how it works..
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      • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
        Originally Posted by caskofdregs View Post

        Thank you!

        I have hardly done any off-page SEO as of yet, but I have done quite a bit of on-page SEO - so I'm not too concerned about not getting a sale yet. I have a few reviews, that are in the 700-900 word range.

        My site is [product], and the product has several brands for it. So if I were to include product reviews on my site, how do I do it? Would I still be ranked for the "[product] reviews" keyword instead of "[product brand name] reviews"?

        I'm not sure how it works..
        You will need to do off-page SEO for both. Why concentrate on pulling (example) 5,000 visitors for one keyword when you can pull 10,000 visitors by promoting both?

        I see you are a War Room member, so I suggest you download Josip Barbaric's free gift - Link Building Domination.

        His methods are about 90% the same as mine, plus he explains everything you need to do beautifully.
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  • Profile picture of the author caskofdregs
    Thanks! Will take a look at the report..

    So - you the front page will bring the visitor straight to your blog posts with product reviews? Is that right? So you drive traffic with links to just the front page? Am I getting it right so far? Because right now my homepage is just an introductory static page.

    Thank you for the help
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    • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
      How many related products are you promoting? It works best with 5 or 6 maximum, promoted in their own, individual posts, with a very clear navigation, both within each of those posts, and in the sidebar, to the additional posts (products).

      Then, treat each post as an individual SEO/promotion project. The report I pointed you to explains this beautifully. This will give you lots of good, deep linking, which is what Google loves.

      Also, something I don't believe Josip Barbaric mentions (could be wrong), don't include links to what I call your 'administration' pages in your top navigation strip. Instead, place them in the site's footer and make them all (the administration pages) no follow. You need Google to find and index all your sales related posts and pages first. They need to see you have a privacy policy, etc., but they need to be prioritized below the important content.
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      • Profile picture of the author caskofdregs
        This is valuable information! Unfortunately I'm out of the house so it might be troublesome to read the report right now.

        So you have the blog posts right on the home page?

        I'm currently on the first page for "[product] reviews", though I suspect this might just be a Google dance
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        • Profile picture of the author SpikeS
          I suggest you check out Chris Guthries post here: Make Money with Amazon | Make Money on the Internet

          Once you get all those things nailed don't forget to make the content of your review really good. Not saying you have but, I see so many reviews that start 'Today I am going to review XYZ product'. There was even one posted in this forum where one of the first couple sentences was 'I'm an MMA fanatic' - the guy was reviewing GPS watches (major lols!)

          Hope that helps
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        • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
          Originally Posted by caskofdregs View Post

          This is valuable information! Unfortunately I'm out of the house so it might be troublesome to read the report right now.

          So you have the blog posts right on the home page?

          I'm currently on the first page for "[product] reviews", though I suspect this might just be a Google dance
          I've tried BOTH ways: Setting a static page as the front page, and blog posts on the front page. For me, the latter has always worked better. Similarly, I've also discovered that (assuming you use WordPress), in most situations, you get better SEO when you steer clear of the specifically written, Amazon themes. They all create footprints which Google easily recognizes.
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