Tactics For Determining Email Frequency

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Morning guys,

I have a question - how do you determine the frequency of your email autoresponders?

My list used to sit comfortably in the mid 40%'s with an open rate of averaging high 30's to low 40's %.

Recently i've noticed it started to nose dive as my list got bigger - the above was when my list was around 3000 emails, now it is up to almost 5000 and i'm getting around 17%/18% with around 33% open rate.

My auto responders go out every 3 days over the course of 31 days - i asked them on FB (i have over 1500 followers now) and the unanimously agreed that the frequency is fine.

How can i increase this open rate - it's trending downwards over time.

Most of my traffic comes from Google - a very small niche, and i collect emails via popup domination, a side bar sign up form and a sign up form on my FB group page.

The conversions on my sales have dipped also from a good 3 or 400 sales per email blast out to around 50 or so.

Not really sure why - the quality of the content is only getting better!!

I'd be keen to know your thoughts.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #determining #email #frequency #tactics

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