How much time do you actually spend on your business?
My question for you (especially if your new) is how many hours a week do you spend building and promoting your various sites, products and/or offers?
When I first started nearly three years ago I was spending more than 40 hours a week behind the computer working on my sites. I had to learn from the ground up and would work from 8:30 to 5pm at my job and then start working on my projects, reading or learning, from 6pm to 12am or 1am every night.
On weekends I was spending damn near 8 to 10 hours a day trying to figure this IM thing out.
Today I get to sit back and watch my sites make money, however, I'll never forget the time where I was working my freaking ass off to get to that holy "passive income" goal.
So where are you at? Are you working like a madman to make money or have you reached the point where the ship now runs itself, and you just need to steer it?
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