by spen
18 replies
which is best? org?
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  • Profile picture of the author AceOfShirts
    I'd be willing to bet that everyone is going to say .com, I know I am.

    But, if you don't market your website and build it right it won't matter what you choose. Just because you get the .com doesn't open the floodgates of traffic.

    If I was going to buy a site from somebody I would by a heavily marketed .net over a .com with no marketing behind it.

    I also think that .com is easier for people to remember because it is more common and likely to be typed in, even if it was supposed to be a .net.
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  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    .Com by a long shot, but the advantage is mainly in branding and type in traffic, supposedly .net and .org can do as sell SEO wise, you tend to see .com sites dominating the top search results, probably for the most part because the owners deem them worth investing more into them. One domainer said .com domains can resell for as much as x10 more than lesser domains.

    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    Extension does not effect SEO so it really depends on what you think fits best with your site. .com is nice because it is easier for people to remember, but the extension has nothing to do with SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author seo jack
    .com .net or .org you can still rank as high with all 3. Visually it would have to be .com followed by .net and lastly .org. I actually have all 3 on various sites and they all rank as well as each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author Money on the Side
    .com is best, but .net and .org will do as well
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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    I agree with previous poster. Extension is not that important SEO wise. I happen to have a .info and rank #1 in major engines for my main keyword, however, I would still opt for a .com... just a gut feeling.

    Bernard St-Pierre
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  • Profile picture of the author brendan9971
    is my opinion .gov or .edu haha

    but from that list definately .com, its repretable and if someone cant remember the domain ending then they will most likely guess at .com
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  • Profile picture of the author dyiosah
    In terms of popularity, .com is the best. But its still up to webmasters how they can make their website popular.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    I normally go for a .com, though I have several .info from when I was low on money or felt that .info fit more. If an exact match is available as a .info but not a .com, grab that .info. Exact match is way more helpful than having a .com.
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    • Profile picture of the author spen
      Originally Posted by AmandaT View Post

      I normally go for a .com, though I have several .info from when I was low on money or felt that .info fit more. If an exact match is available as a .info but not a .com, grab that .info. Exact match is way more helpful than having a .com.
      thank you !!
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    Going against the crowd but im using .info as much as possible. Very neutral in my mind (not-commercial and not net'ish'). Lets people know they can likely find information and the selling is stealth. They are also only $2 to register.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author melltonroper
    .com is the best if you make it for business...
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    • Profile picture of the author l1one
      Anyone of those is great, but even better. Buy an aged domain with PageRank and lots of backlinks. Then repurpose it for your site. You'll rank a heck of a lot faster and avoid many of the sand traps associated with new domains.
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      • Profile picture of the author spen
        Originally Posted by l1one View Post

        Anyone of those is great, but even better. Buy an aged domain with PageRank and lots of backlinks. Then repurpose it for your site. You'll rank a heck of a lot faster and avoid many of the sand traps associated with new domains.
        It is good,but it takes a lot of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author seo jack
    On a side note, I will very rarely click a .info site, mostly cos i think of cheap people buying the first year for $0.99 lol.

    If you can't afford $9 for a .com/.net, go home! Get a 9-5 job!
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    • Profile picture of the author spen
      Originally Posted by seo jack View Post

      On a side note, I will very rarely click a .info site, mostly cos i think of cheap people buying the first year for $0.99 lol.

      If you can't afford $9 for a .com/.net, go home! Get a 9-5 job!
      An aged domain with PageRank and lots of backlinks is not $9. but it is perhaps $1000.
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