Int Marketing Artist
I've been struggling between two different directions for my internet career
I love drawing, I'm good and passionate about it, and I know a bit of a photoshop, and I would like to continue improving myself in it, so I can make a living out of it, If it is good financially.
My goal is to make $ 50k in 1 year so I can buy myself an appartment and finally have my own piece of real estate to live in.
What I lack is business insight of how I can (if it's possible) to make big money somehow of my art.
The bug question:
1) What could I do to increase my income, keeping drawing in photoshop as my main activity, and then keeping increasing it?
2) What are the ways I can make passive income of my art online, and What are the necessary skills (beside photoshop) I should learn to make it profitable (or should I learn them at all, or I can just outsource them)
I am learning and applying SEO right now, but It feels like It's not my thing, and I was to use it, it would be only for promoting my future art website or something else related to my art.
3) Can you make big money selling/promoting art ( I have all the time and I am willing to do it as it is my passion )
Ive been doing things I don't really like because I had these limiting thoughts that you can't make big money out of art, Artists are poor, etc.
So please enlighten me, open my mind to new possibilities that I can't see,
please make my day! =)
What I need now is a plan, of how I should spend my time and the things I should learn (by priority)
What I had in mind:
-> Selling drawing courses (for later, as I still need to improve my drawing)
-> Print on demand (T-shirts, mugs, etc...? )
-> Something like Istockphoto, where you preview the drawing in low quality, pay and recieve it in high quality.
-> Sell my skills to a good customer
Basically, most of my work-time I want to spend drawing and improving my skills, to be able to make 50k in 1 year
I await your suggestions...
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