by midasman09 Banned
5 replies
This is a Survey;

I want to set up a "Town Directory" of businesses with MOBILE websites and I'd like to know WHICH name to use...

A) MOBI Town Directory
B) MOBILE Town Directory
C) MOBILE PHONE Town Directory

So....I'd appreciate YOUR choice of which name do YOU think....would be a) "most appealing"
b) "most easily recognized and remembered" by local Town consumers

Thanks much,
Don Alm
#mobi #mobile
  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Depends on your target audience.

    "Mobi" is used in Europe, especially Switzerland (the also use "handy" there).

    In the US for example cellphone or cellular is used.

    Do some research and find out what your target audience uses.

    Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
    Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

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    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      Thanks for response...however....if I was setting up a "Directory" of businesses that have "Mobile-Ready" websites in....Tampa, Florida....would I use a domain name like;


      They don't "sound" right or appealing.

      That's why I'm looking for a MORE appealing and easily remembered Domain like;


      Whatcha Think?

      Don Alm
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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Well, in that case Tampamobi or Tampamobile would sound better. Or maybe a variation of "mobile" like "on the go".

    While writing this is still available while and are taken.

    Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
    Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

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  • Profile picture of the author guitarjosh
    Something to consider... The death of dotMobi has been a pretty hot topic and much predicted since the tablet/iphone started changing things...

    Donna Pawar, Co-Founder of Yojo Mobile, succinctly summarizes the present state of affairs; "Having a special domain extension exclusively for mobile devices is not really needed anymore given today’s next generation devices like the iPhone…"
    Mobile SEO: Death of the '.mobi'
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  • Profile picture of the author oldyounggary
    How about TampaBizCells or TampaBizMobile? Whatever you call it, if it's useful people will make a shortcut to it on their device. I was thinking, would using mobile in the name make people think it was for mobile businesses like catering trucks and car detailers, etc.?

    Just thinking...

    By the way, I've really appreciated your other ideas...
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