Does hostgator work with godaddy domains?

12 replies
I just got my domain with godaddy but now i just need the web hosting services and I want to know if they're compatible.thx
#domains #godaddy #hostgator #work
  • Profile picture of the author indalor1
    Yup. I have 3 domains from GoDaddy and all 3 are hosted at Hostgator. So yes.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    Yes it does!

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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Why wouldn't it?

    In case you don't know, any hosting should work with Godaddy, as long as they give you the name servers. Then, you merely go into your domain control and put your hosting company's name servers in the DNS control. That's just how it works...
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    • Profile picture of the author mijagi
      It sure does. What you need to do is point your GoDaddy domain to Hostgator nameservers.

      Once you do that, you'll need to add this domain to your hostgator account and then wait for nameservers to update. Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author idk007
    Originally Posted by lauraca94 View Post

    I just got my domain with godaddy but now i just need the web hosting services and I want to know if they're compatible.thx
    yes, just change the DNS settings to point to the DNS server hostgator provides you. Its usually pretty quick
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    • Profile picture of the author richgrad
      Definitely! You just need to change the nameservers over at godaddy to point to hostgator. If you need any assistance just use the live chat feature at hostgator... I'm sure the friendly customer reps will be happy to guide you through
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      • Profile picture of the author Pluton
        No problem - I've used both for years.

        Buy at GoDaddy & host at Hostgator.
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        • Profile picture of the author Gregg
          In your HostGator cPanel scroll to the bottom on the left there should be a sub heading called Account Information. You will see NAME SERVERS. Copy the first one.

          Open your GoDaddy account and click into Domain Manager and click one the domain you want to point to HostGator.

          On the left hand side you will see NAME SERVERS. Click on "set name servers".

          A shadow box will open. Click on the fourth radio button down " I have specific nameservers for my domains.

          Paste you Hostgator Names server one to replace the names server one in Godaddy. Next go back to your Hostgator account and copy Name Server 2 and paste it in Godaddy Name Server 2.

          Click "OK" and you will be good to go in a little while.
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          • Profile picture of the author Go Daddy

            Looks like Gregg nailed it. Were you able to get your new domain pointed successfully? One note to remember is that this change can take up to 48 hours to be reflected across the multiple servers involved, meaning it may take that long to see the change however, generally nameserver updates go very quickly. Let us know if we can lend a hand with anything, our support team is 24/7 and always happy to help!

            Go Daddy Social Media Team
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Should work not only with Godaddy, but any domain registrar. As long as you can edit the nameservers, you can point them to any host.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe118
    Originally Posted by lauraca94 View Post

    I just got my domain with godaddy but now i just need the web hosting services and I want to know if they're compatible.thx
    Yes. <too short so this is extra blather>

    Why don't you ask the real question you wanted to ask...
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  • Profile picture of the author lowriderSTi
    Works just fine. I have 2 sites hosted at them and with the domains from go daddy
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