4,347 Unique visitors last month but not one sale! :(

17 replies
Hey Guys,

My dad's blog gets tons of free targetted traffic to his niche blog but it doesn't make any money from anything we try to promote. I know you guys will be asking what's the niche and domain. I will say publically that it's the BBQ niche but I won't put the domain here (I will PM it if someone wants to take a look at it).

I am just at a loss of what to try to promote at this point. Any advice is appreciated!
#347 #month #sale #unique #visitors
  • Profile picture of the author adamlantelme
    Originally Posted by Mike Linley View Post

    Hey Guys,

    My dad's blog gets tons of free targetted traffic to his niche blog but it doesn't make any money from anything we try to promote. I know you guys will be asking what's the niche and domain. I will say publically that it's the BBQ niche but I won't put the domain here (I will PM it if someone wants to take a look at it).

    I am just at a loss of what to try to promote at this point. Any advice is appreciated!
    Either your product sucks or you aren't doing a good job of letting them know how awesome it is.

    It could be any number of issues but I would suspect that oneof the biggest reasons for this is probably the copy on the page. If you don't have good copy to promote and sell the product then people probably will not buy.

    You need a good sales funnel.

    Having that many unique visitors and no sales would indicate that what you are saying to them when they get to the website is of no interest and they just click out.

    It's kind of hard without the URl, so why are you hesitant to put it on here?

    PM me the domain and I'll look at it.
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    • Originally Posted by adamlantelme View Post

      Either your product sucks or you aren't doing a good job of letting them know how awesome it is.

      It could be any number of issues but I would suspect that oneof the biggest reasons for this is probably the copy on the page. If you don't have good copy to promote and sell the product then people probably will not buy.

      You need a good sales funnel.

      Having that many unique visitors and no sales would indicate that what you are saying to them when they get to the website is of no interest and they just click out.

      It's kind of hard without the URl, so why are you hesitant to put it on here?

      PM me the domain and I'll look at it.

      I dont think its the product that sucks, because the visitors dont know if the copy sucks or not, because they havent bought it.

      I think its more about preselling...

      And on top of that, we cannot see if your traffic is targeted enough.

      And if so, we dont know if you're using buyer keywords.

      For example:

      your keyword is "tinnitus".

      lets say, you rank on page 1 on Google for that keyword and get lots of traffic.

      Problem is, this is not a buyer keyword.

      A buyer keyword would be for example "how to get rid of tinnitus", you know what I mean.

      So always keep in mind go for buyer keywords and you will have success, guaranteed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Slyknight
    If people are not buying, then, try a different monetization method - like Adsense. With 4k unique visitors, you can make some decent extra income.
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    • Profile picture of the author FaBiz
      Mike, is your dad running an ecommerce or it's a blog about BBQ?

      If he has an ecommerce then the reason why doesn't get sales could be simply that the products are not too good or they are too expansive (for example some people could look at what your dad has on his site then go to ebay and look for the same products and probably find them cheaper).

      If it's just a blog then reasons could be many and actually it's difficult to give advices if we can't see it.

      But i guess that at least your dad should have AdSense on it. If not then best if he place it quickly.

      REAL RESULTS! Try and See!
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      • Profile picture of the author david carr
        Heres my views after looking at your site:

        You're not selling anything

        Put the adsense at the top of each post it might help, in the mean time put together a book on BBQ recepies. Offer the first x amount of chapters as a gift to signup to your newsletter.

        Then sell them the book.

        You can get a free account at mailchimp for upto 2000 subscribers.

        Email Marketing and Email List Manager | MailChimp

        And if you don't know about popups I wrote a review on 1 here:

        Popup Plugin

        Hope it helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    This would be a great niche to start a mailing list. Then send them recipes and tips as content. Then promote bbq books, tools, grills etc to them. SLOWLY.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author nossie
    Where is your traffic coming from?
    The key is to track everything, because something must be wrong:

    1) your product doesnt convert or not the right one for the visitors
    2) your traffic is very untargeted
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    I think the problem could be that its not exactly a buyer heavy niche. I don't know of many guys who buy their grills online. What most BBQ people search for are recipes and tips. They can easily find these for free and probably wouldn't pay for them. You might want to think about trying another niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author mpk
    Your traffic source is not organic or do not come through related websites or you are not being able to convince your visitors how is your product is the best available in the market?
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  • Profile picture of the author azmanar
    Originally Posted by Mike Linley View Post

    Hey Guys,

    My dad's blog gets tons of free targetted traffic to his niche blog but it doesn't make any money from anything we try to promote. I know you guys will be asking what's the niche and domain. I will say publically that it's the BBQ niche but I won't put the domain here (I will PM it if someone wants to take a look at it).

    I am just at a loss of what to try to promote at this point. Any advice is appreciated!

    So its a popular blog getting visitors.

    2 sets of questions you need to ask before you make more decisions:

    1. Why do they come to your site ? must be the content. So, which pages or posts are popular ?

    2. Where do they come from ? which cities, states, region.

    You can use a number of free tools to do so. Hopefully your site is hooked to Google Analytics and have the backend Web Stats.

    Once you know what are the popular pages and posts, you might be able to guess the sort of content they're looking for. You can also see the regions they're from.

    Pick up some keywords and phrases from the post and pages, then login to your Google Adwords Keyword Tools. See how popular they are and see what are the related searches people make about BBQ.

    Select the check-box "Only show ideas closely related to my search terms" and filter using "Broad" Match Type only.

    Outcome => You'll discover lots of info and products people are looking for. These are the sort of products you can select & offer - physical and downloadable products.

    At each keyword, click at the Google Insight link to see where they come from. Drill down to regions, states and cities.

    Outcome => The regions, states and cities with the highest searches are your target markets. Consider drilling down through Insights by adding buyer phrases to it.

    With the info above, you can now start shaping your biz and monetizing strategies.

    It would be good to include list-building and community building into that strategy.

    You may want to look at possibility of drop-shipping for physical products.
    And for downloadable products, you can produce your own or affiliate with ready sellers.

    Hope this helps a bit.
    === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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  • Profile picture of the author Murt@gh
    Hi - In my opinion I don't think the traffic is targeted at all if you can't get a sale out of 4,347 visitors. I don't think it is the niche that is the problem actually.

    If you could PM me the site, I'll happily take a look and give any feedback where I can.

    Are you using any of these - ClickBank, AdSense, Amazon?
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  • Profile picture of the author timvaquera
    what kind of products you are selling ?

    Affiliate products or your own products ?

    I think you need to start building your own lists so that it will be much better for you in the future
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  • Profile picture of the author DonPlourde
    Originally Posted by Mike Linley View Post

    Hey Guys,

    My dad's blog gets tons of free targetted traffic to his niche blog but it doesn't make any money from anything we try to promote. I know you guys will be asking what's the niche and domain. I will say publically that it's the BBQ niche but I won't put the domain here (I will PM it if someone wants to take a look at it).

    I am just at a loss of what to try to promote at this point. Any advice is appreciated!
    In my option if your traffic was well targeted, you should have had some conversions. I would start tracking your traffic very closely and try and get as many demographics as possible. If you could find out what keywords people are using to find the site and tailor your sales page around those keywords, you should see a higher conversion rate.

    Another thing you could is to offer a free recipes e-book with recipes related to the phrases that are bringing people to the site. and setup an autoresponder to start a funnel to capture some sales.

    There is a new kind of marketing coming to the net. it's called the Chameleon, if you would like to catch a glimpse of it come to http://333aplus.com

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  • Profile picture of the author MaxReferrals
    Heatmap the page with CrazyEgg.com and also make sure you're studying
    your Analytics
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  • Profile picture of the author kPybus
    I have a blog that gets 8k uniques a month and has 0 sales 3 months in a row. Most of traffic comes from twitter, so I don't expect much. One day when I have time I'm going to revamp it.
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    • Profile picture of the author rowanman28
      I haven't found it easy to get anyone to buy anything online. I've had more luck referring people to free to join sites. If all you need someone to do is fill out a form to get a little money, you have a better conversion rate. Adsense can sometimes make more than selling a product, cause all they have to do is click.
      Social Media Marketing Services
      Custom Facebook page design, Facebook Ads management, Facebook likes, Twitter followers, Google Plus, Instagram, social sharing, SEO, content production, video production, whatever you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    Try setting up an autoresponder and creating a mailing list. Other than that, 4k+ visitors with no sale might mean that you don't having buyer traffic.
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