Amazon Affiliate Program Safe for International Affiliates?

4 replies
I've been running a niche website that makes most of its profits from Amazon. Seeing its success, I've been thinking of launching some more similar sites.

However, after hearing that Amazon has closed its affiliate programs in Texas and California, I'm a little wary of putting all my eggs in the Amazon basket.

Is Amazon safe for international affiliates? Or are they likely to close their affiliate program for international affiliates in the coming future?
#affiliate #affiliates #amazon #international #program #safe
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Hi Sashas,

    My advice would be to diversify your income sources, if possible.

    The Amazon issues in the US are to to with local taxes, mainly, and are not likely to affect international affiliates directly. But it's always possible that Amazon might decide down the line that the affiliate model is no longer necessary for them or they could restrict the program in your country for a variety of other reasons.

    By all means, continue to build your Amazon business; but at the same time, it's worth developing a broader range of income channels.


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  • Profile picture of the author brunom
    I believe we're pretty safe unless Amazon goes nuts. A lot of international affiliates getting them sales. No reason to shut us down.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    Amazon is fine but look to diversify once your income starts to stabalize. I can recommend using sites like, shareashale, and so on as backups. There's no movement against international affiliates but no one can predict the future. There will always be an alternative source for the products you are promoting which you can use as a backup.
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