Promoting a recipe cookbook

by OT2131
4 replies
Has anyone had any success promoting recipe cookbooks?
I just started promoting a clickbank recipe cookbook but have not generated any sales with around 300 hops from targeted i wasting my time promoting a product like this?

#cookbook #promoting #recipe
  • Profile picture of the author hashif16
    Originally Posted by OT2131 View Post

    Has anyone had any success promoting recipe cookbooks?
    I just started promoting a clickbank recipe cookbook but have not generated any sales with around 300 hops from targeted i wasting my time promoting a product like this?

    Do you checked current Google trends for that product?..
    Make offer Via Pm:QUALIENT.COM for sale
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  • Profile picture of the author warrich
    I think you are not targetting countries for sale.. i suggest you to go for those countries who are very much fond of food and receipes..
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Advertise in ezine co-ops or in offline newspapers and consumer type magazines. Small classifieds for recipes pull well particularly in the tabloids.
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I've sold cookbooks for almost a dozen years and do very
    well with it.

    I attract people to my websites, get them on lists, and
    then follow-up with a regular newsletter, focused on cooking
    or related topics, and in most of those newsletters I run 1-3
    "sponsor ads" which are typically for my own or others

    It can be a tough market in that there are millions of
    recipes readily available for free on the internet. So, you
    have to really explain how you recipes are different.


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