What market have you made the most money with?

33 replies
Hi there,

I wonder, what market have you made the most money with?

IM, health, dating,...

I know, we are here in IM world, but many people make nice money with different markets (especially niches).

Please, share your experience...

All the best,
#made #market #money
  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    For my personal sites, mixed martial arts.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ricky Allen
      Well one of the best markets for me a year or so back was ebay.

      Not selling products there, although of course I did, but the most profitable part was interviewing powersellers and creating ebooks from the interviews.

      Ricky Allen
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  • Profile picture of the author jewin
    Web hosting by far. I'm in the industry though and have been for years. I think you really need to find 'your' niche and entrench yourself there.
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    • Profile picture of the author SerenitySerenity
      i do well online through stock trading via the internet. specially in futures and options.
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  • Things people are too embarrassed to buy in a store. True story.
    DareDevil Marketing
    Fearless Marketing Strategies
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Boduch
      Originally Posted by Daredevil Marketing View Post

      Things people are too embarrassed to buy in a store. True story.
      Indeed! I have a client who's made a killing selling information that most people would never buy in a store - or admit to owning. When I took the project on, it meant stepping outside of my comfort zone just to write about it. We really didn't know in the beginning if it would work or not as there wasn't much competition at the time. But what surprised me most was the sheer size of the market eager to spend good money to download a "personal" information product.

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      • Profile picture of the author Damian Kitchen
        my first venture into making money came through Ebay

        i did that for just over a year and did very well,

        now i have decided to have a go at the I-M - M.M.O niche
        just starting out with this one so i report my findings in a
        later post
        Visit My Blog & Follow MY Internet Marketing Journey at
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  • Profile picture of the author mmntv
    I'll give away one that I crushed it with for awhile... I have no idea if these even exist anymore because its been awhile but...

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  • Profile picture of the author dcc1980
    Pet products!! Especially training videos
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
    I've made the most money in services so far. Video creation, article writing, consulting, that sort of stuff.

    I started out writing for AssociatedContent, then wrote a bunch of articles for Ehow. Then when I realized you can really make money doing that sort of stuff, I found oDesk.com and got some jobs through that site. Now I find most of my clients through my own website.

    I do hope to build a product business however, in any niche that relates to my hobbies or my interests. I've found that if you're not interested in a topic, you won't be motivated to write the articles and do the work.

    Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-


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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    All of the money I have earned so far has come through services: specifically writing. It's all about finding what you are good at, and finding someone to pay you for it. Everybody has SOMETHING they can offer as a service.
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  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    Software (own products)

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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Barrington
      I'll give you this one, mostly because I got bored with it. World of Warcraft
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      I'm making a killing by selling health and medical products.
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      • Profile picture of the author celente
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        I'm making a killing by selling health and medical products.
        who was it Robert Kyosaki that said the health and wellness industry is going to be the next multi billion dollar industry because baby boomers are living longer and they have lots of money to spend.

        Makes sense I guess.

        Myself am in the self help, financial and relationship niches. They bring home the bacon to MUMMA!
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
    That's a great variety of opportunities...

    Keep sharing people!

    Thank you all,
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    • Profile picture of the author jrpt
      Sports related products by far but I know the niche well.

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  • Profile picture of the author drcrdc
    Of course >> Health Niche
    It's evergreen !

    [Dominate Health Niche Easily]
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  • Profile picture of the author shuvo
    Well for me its higher education and scholarship niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    For me its the intimacy niche. Helping married couples improve their intimacy.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Definitely weight loss (sub-niche of health) .

    Ever since I first got into IM I've mainly been interested in 2 niches- health and IM.

    They both have so many subniches that you can do just about anything you want with them!
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  • Profile picture of the author JimmyWrex
    The vast majority of my income comes from selling products in various health niches. One of my best sites spits out $1000 p/m and I hardly ever touch it. I'm not going to give away the exact niche but I'll tell you how I found it.

    I was a newbie and clueless so I started digging around in the weight loss niche. I found a condition that makes it very tough for people to lose weight and normal dieting products wont work because these people have very specific dietary requirements. In fact, going on a "normal" diet would be counterproductive for these people.

    So I built a campaign around helping people with this condition and I recommend the products that really work.

    It's that simple.

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  • Profile picture of the author warrich
    My experience says, these all niches are saturated and have lots of competition and no one wants to reveal there niches..
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      I won't go into specifics, but my most profitable markets have had some common characteristics.

      > They consist of "obsessive buyers", people who gladly buy multiple products in their niche. Think sports, hobbies, and 'special experiences'.

      > They have a high percentage of affluent to, pardon the expression, filthy rich buyers.

      > Tend to have a high concentration of baby boomers, especially empty-nesters or DINKs (Double Income, No Kids).
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by warrich View Post

      My experience says, these all niches are saturated and have lots of competition and no one wants to reveal there niches..
      Besides health and fitness, here's a few of my other favorite niches: mobile marketing, telecommunications, Near-Field Communication (NFC), Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), light emitting diodes (LED), robotics, astronomy, software, renewable energy, agriculture, apparel, personal development, interior design, weight loss, pharmaceuticals, video games, gambling, golfing, tattoo removal, condoms, circumcision, mammagrams, baby products, baby boomer products, funeral products, sports, security, janitorial services, water treatment, weddings, asbestos litigation, pet services, conspiracies, UFOs, end of the world ... etc. Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author magnd
    Have you thought of freelancing: offer your skills for sale and get paid. You don't really need to be an expert to start earning. Some body out there can make use of the "stupidest" thought in your head right now and it is all a matter of finding them.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
    I want to thank you all for sharing your profitable markets/niches.

    Keep sharing, my friends!

    All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author vok
    Wealth generation and wealth management. What can I say I like to market to the wealthy.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
    As for me, IM and women health was the most profitable markets.
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  • Profile picture of the author madmmd
    I am in SEO niche.. and making enough so that i dont have time to think about other niches.. choose the one that you love and be the authority on it..
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    Dating has always be my favorite and main niche


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  • Profile picture of the author nnsjw702
    Providing link building service is best one I think.
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