How To Give Affiliate Bonuses In Niches That Don't Understand Affiliates Or Bonuses?
I want to give one of my products as a bonus offer to increase affiliate promotion conversions.
I don't know the best way to automate delivery or even explain to prospects how they will get the product.
Because this is what usually happens:
Prospect goes to page, clicks on affiliate link, if they buy then YOU get a commission.
But the prospect does not KNOW you got a commission.
So what do you say?
"If you click on this link, and then buy the product, then I'll send you this bonus!"
I think that would be confusing to most people in other niches that don't "get" affiliate promotions.
And how would you track that?
Have them send you a receipt? Or transaction number?
Thanks for the help, I just need to get my head on straight here.
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