Making money off of the Oslo Bombing - Extremely speculative

27 replies
This is below despicable. OsloBomb. com - Oslo Bomb

This person has adsense ads on the site, which covers the bombing(s) with news videos and photos.

I am out of words.
#bombing #extremely #making #money #oslo #speculative
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisMcDonald
    That truly is disgusting. I feel rather sick now. Why would anyone do that? Why? Why? Why? Why?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
      Newspapers covering the story also have ads. Should they remove ads from their sites when covering horrible events?

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      • Profile picture of the author Gail_Curran
        Originally Posted by Dan C. Rinnert View Post

        Newspapers covering the story also have ads. Should they remove ads from their sites when covering horrible events?
        Newspapers existed before the event. This site was set up specifically to exploit the event. Big difference IMO.
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        • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
          Originally Posted by Gail_Curran View Post

          Newspapers existed before the event. This site was set up specifically to exploit the event. Big difference IMO.
          TV news and newspapers do that too.

          Nightline was born out of a nightly series of reports covering the Iran Hostage Crisis.

          Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

          Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Dan C. Rinnert View Post

        Newspapers covering the story also have ads. Should they remove ads from their sites when covering horrible events?

        Clearly not.

        But those advertisements were sold before the news was out, and in fact without much reference to the specifics of what else would be printed in the same location.

        Isn't that a totally different ball-game? I'm not sure, myself ... your post has given me "pause for thought" - never a bad thing, in itself.
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    • Profile picture of the author 12312
      Originally Posted by ChrisMcDonald View Post

      That truly is disgusting. I feel rather sick now. Why would anyone do that? Why? Why? Why? Why?
      No different to Google setting up a website all about the Japan Earthquake.
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      • Profile picture of the author adamj2
        At first I thought it was going to be just a generic news site that was already using adsense, so would not have seen the problem there.

        But then I clicked and saw that someone had specifically purchased just to make money from it! That seems pretty wrong to me.
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  • On one hand, yes it's despicable.

    On the other hand, he/she is only putting up information that's already out there and monetizing the people searching for news about the event.

    Which is exactly what major news networks do, just on a much larger scale.

    Is it something I'd feel comfortable doing? No.

    Is it something that is done each and every day by the mass media? Yes. And even more despicably than this guy is doing (see: Nancy Grace re: Casey Anthony trial)
    DareDevil Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Andreas B
    I live in Norway, and I'm following the situation very close:
    (sorry for the "link", but this is VERY related to the topic)

    If the person made the website ONLY for the sake of profit, then I do not enjoy his/her work. However, all mainstream news sources are making profit from this, so why not..?
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  • Profile picture of the author Zesh
    I can remember when people tried to cash in from Michael Jackson. I personally, would not do this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trivum
    I thought the same as others here -- that's what newspapers and news shows do.

    But there might be a slight difference, and I think the difference is conscious intent. When someone starts a newspaper or a news program, or they go to work for one, their idea is probably that they're going to be delivering information that people want.

    Of course everyone knows that "the news" tends to concentrate on the bad things that happen because those things are more dramatic, and drama sells. EVERYONE knows this, including those who work in the business, but I don't think those who work in the business go into it with the conscious intent of "profiting from tragedy." It may be what they do the majority of the time, but I don't believe they allow themselves to be fully conscious of it. And I also don't believe that's all they do.

    Now you might say that's just as bad, and you may be right in the end, but I think there's no doubt that the person who set up that Oslo site was fully and completely conscious that he/she was intending to profit from the tragedy of others. (Why the hidden registration, by the way?)

    Again, in the end, I'm not sure I could say that it's really that much different from the "news," but I can certainly say I wouldn't do it myself. It just seems over the line. (Maybe this is somewhat akin to the idea of, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it." ... Only here it's maybe, "It's not what you say, it's what else you say in addition to it." - i.e. "real news" does seem to have other motives than simply profit - by hook or by crook.)
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    • Profile picture of the author Andreas B
      20-30 political interessted teenagers are murdered at Utoya = cashflow for
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    That's pretty lame, but also a pretty common method.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    You can understand why they got private registration on the domain - they must know that it's a low-life thing to do but are just so desperate for money that they couldn't resist. I feel sorry for them. They have to live with that.

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author dv8domainsDotCom
    I think that it's a pretty low thing to do, on one hand. But really, can't fault them for making money. The service, in a sense, is consolidating information on the topic on one site (aggregation) and while crass, does serve it's purpose as long as it's legitimate news info (current feeds/news/videos) on the event, and not just repeating "oslo bomb" over and over... IE, there is some legitimacy as a service based on aggregation, but no original content. It wouldn't be something I would do because I think it is kinda short-lived. There will be quite a few bucks to made, but then it's gone. Nothing long-term, no real investment to it. (WSO in the making? "Learn this one {silly|rediculous|crazy|insane} {trick|tactic} to make {hundreds|thousands} per day from adsense!")
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by dv8domainsDotCom View Post

      I think that it's a pretty low thing to do, on one hand. But really, can't fault them for making money.

      You feel the same about drug dealers?

      nothing to see here.

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      • Profile picture of the author dv8domainsDotCom
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post


        You feel the same about drug dealers?
        I'm afraid your argument is invalid.

        How do I feel about DRUG DEALERS? Certain classes of drugs are bad, mmm'kay. (I'm against certain types of drugs and at the same time I feel that some classifications of drug law are too harsh given my personal opinions of the drugs themselves).

        How do I feel about a SITE that aggregates content about drug dealers (and monetizes through ads)?

        How do I feel about a SITE that aggregates content about bombings occurring in a any given location? Fine. (Although as I said, not something I would do personally).

        How do I feel about a BOMBER that terrorizes said community? I hope they burn.

        Big difference in the point you're trying to make. The site owner is not a drug dealer, any more than he is a bomber (I presume).
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        • Profile picture of the author davezan
          Originally Posted by dv8domainsDotCom View Post

          I'm afraid your argument is invalid.

          How do I feel about DRUG DEALERS? Certain classes of drugs are bad, mmm'kay. (I'm against certain types of drugs and at the same time I feel that some classifications of drug law are too harsh given my personal opinions of the drugs themselves).

          How do I feel about a SITE that aggregates content about drug dealers (and monetizes through ads)?

          How do I feel about a SITE that aggregates content about bombings occurring in a any given location? Fine. (Although as I said, not something I would do personally).

          How do I feel about a BOMBER that terrorizes said community? I hope they burn.

          Big difference in the point you're trying to make. The site owner is not a drug dealer, any more than he is a bomber (I presume).
          Essentially, it's a question of what effect (especially material ones if any) that
          method of making money has, and if certain laws apply.

          Looks like the site isn't working anymore?


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  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
    I don't know... He's just reposting stuff that can be found elsewhere. I've seen a lot worse.

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  • Profile picture of the author Damian Kitchen
    sounds like the kind of sick thing the people responsible would set-up.

    i appreciate disasters are covered in the media, but to set-up site
    with that domain name sickens me
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  • Profile picture of the author ebony66
    It is blood money and I hope they choke on it. Same goes for the people who tapped into a dead girl's phone to sell newspapers.

    We have become so sensitized to evil so much so that not much shocks us anymore and that is why so much evil continues. To try to justify this sick behavior is inexcusable.
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  • Profile picture of the author nickdamodda
    I really don't see the problem. He was just creating a blog and wanted some money off of it. That's just smart marketing. If you want to profit, you need to be first up with all of the latest news. He wanted to profit. He was in no way discriminating them or doing any harm so I'm still a little confused on this?
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  • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
    Quick - everybody go click on his ads like crazy - then... he (or she) will soon be moaning

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew S
    ^ it is one thing to disagree, it is a whole other thing to destroy someones livelihood

    please dont clickbomb this guy, that is a pretty dirty thing to do

    no pun intended
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