by Wryker
19 replies
I am new to the entire Internet Marketing Business. I know you guys probaly have better things to do. However if anyone is willing to sit with me..and probaly teach me how you Structure your Business..and maybe some real good advice. I would be very grateful and appreciative. I'm not really skilled in website builidng, however i'm very willing to learn.
  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    I suggest that you study this forum for a while. A mentor that is worth anything will be very expensive.


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  • Profile picture of the author Wryker
    I figured, thank you hpgoodboy
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  • Profile picture of the author bam2bam
    hpgoodboy is right.... this forum is your mentor.... after a while when you are familiar with the basics you can always looking for a mentor
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  • Profile picture of the author baokhau
    Lots of WSOs are for the newbie of internet marketing. They are really worth for you to try.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wryker
    Thanks guys, i'll try to learn as much as I can.
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  • Profile picture of the author indigoistic
    Read much here, i'm a newbie here. But now i know a lot about Internet Market. Pick one of your business then try to find well known mentor.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Stewart
    I'm fairly new to this forum but one of the best things I did was to join the War Room.

    Tons of fantastic info in there and one the best investments you will make in your IM education.

    Good Luck


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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    i wonder how many successful warriors actually have a mentor?
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  • Profile picture of the author ukbuddy2
    take a cheap - very cheap basic wso and get started

    once you get a sit eup and then you will learn the basics

    you can then move on

    in my humble opinion no mentor worth his salt will teach you the basics as there is so much info out there
    but approach a mentor knowing the basics and you could be lucky

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    • Profile picture of the author King Louie
      No such thing as a free mentor.
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      • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
        I think you are wrong here...

        Originally Posted by King Louie View Post

        No such thing as a free mentor.

        Who is looking for mentor: New post and challenge here:

        I'm in it and few others....and we do it for free. Because we want to help...

        Friendships are more important than quick cash...

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        • Profile picture of the author Wryker
          wow awesome. I posted a response.. you never know!
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        • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
          Originally Posted by Margo Tuul View Post

          I think you are wrong here...

          Who is looking for mentor: New post and challenge here:

          I'm in it and few others....and we do it for free. Because we want to help...

          Friendships are more important than quick cash...
          Not to mention it is fun! I've had a lot of fun helping all of the people I have spoken to from that thread and others.
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          • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
            Ofc. it's fun. I also met 1 guy who can offer something in return. He is good in programming. So it's win-win for everybody.

            Originally Posted by AmandaT View Post

            Not to mention it is fun! I've had a lot of fun helping all of the people I have spoken to from that thread and others.

            If someone asks $10k for mentoring...are you 100% that you are going to make money? No!
            And if you spend this money on different products...are you going to make money? No!

            You can take advice from everybody...all you need to take action and actually do what you were told!

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        • Profile picture of the author zoeguy
          Originally Posted by Margo Tuul View Post

          I think you are wrong here...
          I'm in it and few others....and we do it for free. Because we want to help...
          Friendships are more important than quick cash...
          This is such a killer trend I see happening, I know I am extremely thankful to see people like Margo, AmandaT, and others as well doing this. I am sure many others just like me are really glad to see it happening also. Thanks for all who are jumping on this trend because for someone like myself who has NOTHING to invest except for time, it means the world. It really does.
          My two rules for success: 1. Never tell everything you know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wryker
    haha yeah I learned that not long ago... 10,000 dollars for a mentor is quite absurd. i'll stick to finding quality WSO's!
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  • Profile picture of the author thanhlan
    hey! same situation here, I hope success will come soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author seo1990
    Its a great but I am beginner Internet marketing Business, So, I can't prefer any advice. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author jonatan
    I know about a really good program (which have helped me a lot) where you get direct access to expert internet marketers... Send me a pm and I can tell you more if you are interested
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