Do you get unsubscribers from message #1?

23 replies
Ok the very first message my autoresponder sends out is...wait for thank you message.

This is nothing but a positive "Thank you for downloading my free ebook. You're on your way now.." short message.

Yet lots , that is to say around 85% of unsubscribers are cheaply immediately unsubscribing as soon as they get my short thank you message.

- Should I be glad they are unsubscribing as they won't buy anyway, and always unsubscribe from the very first message, whatever it is?


- Should I stop sending thank you messages and just start my autoresponders about 2 days after they download the ebook?

What does everyone think?
#message #unsubscribers
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Wow, 85% seems very high.

    This question is probably somewhat conditional.

    I guess it depends a lot on what your marketplace/customer/product is.

    Is there any money in this niche, or is it full of freebie seekers?

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4384900].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author vok
      I bet if you're in MMO you'll be getting that because they know why you want their email. Which is why I'm not in the MMO niche.

      People are so spammy with email marketing now. I bet a subject line of "Hey {First_name] how are you? Gets opened like crazy because it looks human, the whole "Make 56 Zillion Dollers In 3 Seconds" A sounds like sh*t, and B sounds like a machine.

      I'm not interested in having a relationship with a 'machine'.
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      • Profile picture of the author JRemington
        Originally Posted by chriswick View Post

        I bet if you're in MMO you'll be getting that because they know why you want their email. Which is why I'm not in the MMO niche.

        People are so spammy with email marketing now. I bet a subject line of "Hey {First_name] how are you? Gets opened like crazy because it looks human, the whole "Make 56 Zillion Dollers In 3 Seconds" A sounds like sh*t, and B sounds like a machine.

        I'm not interested in having a relationship with a 'machine'.
        Yep there are a lot of MMO lists which pummel you daily and it is true what you say.

        Maybe in my niche the people are more savvy then in most other health niches.
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    • Profile picture of the author JRemington
      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      Wow, 85% seems very high.

      This question is probably somewhat conditional.

      I guess it depends a lot on what your marketplace/customer/product is.

      Is there any money in this niche, or is it full of freebie seekers?
      Yep. To answer you directly, this one is a "man problem" site. I guess you know what I mean.

      My other niche is more music related and I hardly get any unsubscribes.

      However, for this health niche, what I'm thinking is that the cheap unsubscribers act this way because they don't really have a problem as such.

      I'm thinking that they go around the web looking for freebies to "improve" this particular aspect of their health then immediately unsubscribe.

      I deliberately added lots of space between the end of my message and the unsubscribe link, so it appears far away from the text and is less eye-catching. However, this doesn't appear to be stopping the unsubscribers!

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      • Profile picture of the author Adam Sussman
        Originally Posted by JRemington View Post

        I deliberately added lots of space between the end of my message and the unsubscribe link, so it appears far away from the text and is less eye-catching. However, this doesn't appear to be stopping the unsubscribers!
        Not a good idea. Some AR companies will close your account for that.
        "He elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victorias funeral."

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4386700].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author inhwanie
        Originally Posted by JRemington View Post

        Yep. To answer you directly, this one is a "man problem" site. I guess you know what I mean.
        It's probably a combination of people who privately download information that they need and want to hide their tracks as fast and complete as they possibly can + whatever it is your offering either answers what they're looking for or is not at all.

        You can't really do much about the first factor but if you are giving them a complete solution, you might benefit from either offering a bit less upfront in hopes that they'll want something more out of you before unsubscribing or offering/hinting at something even better at the end of your first freebie.
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      • Profile picture of the author Coby
        Originally Posted by JRemington View Post

        I deliberately added lots of space between the end of my message and the unsubscribe link, so it appears far away from the text and is less eye-catching. However, this doesn't appear to be stopping the unsubscribers!
        This could be why you are getting unsubscribes...

        I personally unsub from any list anytime I see this for several reasons...

        1) Makes you look unethical (I won't make judgements as to rather you are or not, you seem okay to me)
        2) Lots of Autoresponders will shut you down quick if they catch this

        These being the two biggest ones...

        Fix that and don't sweat the unsubs - my first message has the biggest amount of unsubs too...

        Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
    Originally Posted by JRemington View Post

    Ok the very first message my autoresponder sends out is...wait for thank you message.

    This is nothing but a positive "Thank you for downloading my free ebook. You're on your way now.." short message.

    Yet lots , that is to say around 85% of unsubscribers are cheaply immediately unsubscribing as soon as they get my short thank you message.

    - Should I be glad they are unsubscribing as they won't buy anyway, and always unsubscribe from the very first message, whatever it is?


    - Should I stop sending thank you messages and just start my autoresponders about 2 days after they download the ebook?

    What does everyone think?
    It's almost inevitable that some people will unsubscribe on
    your first message.

    However, if 85% of your unsubscribes are coming from your
    first message - then it's time to adjust the front part of
    your follow-up sequence.

    The first message you send to a new subscriber is critical
    and it's one time when you have a great chance to make a
    good first impression.

    Ask yourself how much value you're adding with your first
    e-mail message. How would you feel about receiving it as
    a new subscriber?

    A simple "hi, here's your download" e-mail is pretty bland
    and doesn't really educate the subscriber on why they
    should continue to subscribe and read your messages.

    Dedicated to mutual success,



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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      this one is a "man problem" site
      Could be people looking for "info" about their "man problem" but reluctant to have their name/email on any list that identifies them as having a "man problem". I can see where some would download a free product as they feel anonymous - and not liking the idea of appearing on a list on that topic.

      Just a thought.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Have you considered that perhaps this "problem" might be somewhat embarrasing for them and their email might be shared?

    Just a thought...

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4385518].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Scott Lilly
      Instead of offering your complete book for free, can you break it up into several different tips? Then create a follow-up series with the individual tips. They get the first tip in the "thank you" e-mail, along with a message saying that the other tips will come every day/two days/whatever.

      On my list, I offer seven free tips, each one in its own e-mail that comes every other day. My unsubscribes on the first e-mail is probably only around 10%, since they see a reason to stay on the list.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4385856].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JRemington
        Originally Posted by TheUruguayan View Post

        Instead of offering your complete book for free, can you break it up into several different tips? Then create a follow-up series with the individual tips. They get the first tip in the "thank you" e-mail, along with a message saying that the other tips will come every day/two days/whatever.

        On my list, I offer seven free tips, each one in its own e-mail that comes every other day. My unsubscribes on the first e-mail is probably only around 10%, since they see a reason to stay on the list.
        Now this is a plan

        I think my freebie is really pretty good. Having since downloaded other freebies, I was wondering if I'd actually made it too informative.

        Thanks for this great idea Uruguayan, muy amable, I'm gonna give it a try.

        Regarding the embarrassment factor: yep that is absolutely possible too and it hadn't even occurred to me, good thinking. I'm not sure what I can do about it but reassure them that their details are safe. I'll try this too, thanks a lot
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4386188].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
          Originally Posted by JRemington View Post

          Now this is a plan

          I think my freebie is really pretty good. Having since downloaded other freebies, I was wondering if I'd actually made it too informative.

          Thanks for this great idea Uruguayan, muy amable, I'm gonna give it a try.

          Regarding the embarrassment factor: yep that is absolutely possible too and it hadn't even occurred to me, good thinking. I'm not sure what I can do about it but reassure them that their details are safe. I'll try this too, thanks a lot
          It could even be something as simple as the header in the email.

          I doubt most people would want an email titled: GENITAL WARTS NEWSLETTER!!! on their screen if they browse their email around other people.

          Many people may not mind staying on your list so long as the contents of the email can be kept private.

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  • Profile picture of the author samsmithwarrior
    instead of sending a thankyou message... send them another unadvertised goody... and show to them via your content that you are expert in whatever niche you are...

    don't sell them right away,,, first provide them with the best content you have and then see the results , you will be well on your way to profits and building a huge list and your subscriber will love you for the value you have provided to them
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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    You do...

    Especially when your giving a free gift.. Let me give you Bob for todays example


    Bob is a newbie, and Bob wants to make money online.. But he hates mailing lists.. Bob sees your free offer, and says "OOOH, I want this".

    Gets the free item you've offered, and goes "Bye bye list".

    That happens often, sadly


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    No offense to OP, but maybe your free ebook isn't anything your 85% unsubscribers are interested in? Maybe they figure everything else you send will be similar content that they won't want/need, so they bail?

    I would do a complete rewrite of another similar ebook & test again, see which free ebook keeps the subscribers. Look at the subject from another angle. If the first ebook is from a mans point of view, switch it up on the 2nd ebook & write from a womens point of view (author name, etc...), test & see what happens.

    You'll never know whats going on without testing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4386850].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    You know the best way to find out why their unsubscribing, rather than guessing (which is quite possibly what you are doing right now) is to ASK THEM.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4387723].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      You know the best way to find out why their unsubscribing, rather than guessing (which is quite possibly what you are doing right now) is to ASK THEM.
      but if they unsubscribed - and you sent them a message 'asking them why' - wouldn't that be blatant spamming?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4387752].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
        Originally Posted by MostlyHarmless View Post

        but if they unsubscribed - and you sent them a message 'asking them why' - wouldn't that be blatant spamming?
        To a degree you could be right.

        But Im sure if you personally emailed say, 10 people and said "Hey look, I noticed you unsubscribed from my list, after downloading my xxxx, I just wanted to ask why? Would you be kind enough to let me know so I can make improvements"

        Then Im sure those 10 or so people wouldnt mind.

        You could of course put a link to a survey within your first email

        They might not all do it, but some might. And those some might have your answer.

        BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4387769].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by chriswick View Post

          I bet if you're in MMO you'll be getting that because they know why you want their email. Which is why I'm not in the MMO niche.

          People are so spammy with email marketing now. I bet a subject line of "Hey {First_name] how are you? Gets opened like crazy because it looks human, the whole "Make 56 Zillion Dollers In 3 Seconds" A sounds like sh*t, and B sounds like a machine.

          I'm not interested in having a relationship with a 'machine'.
          I've gotten this, EXACTLY as written. Can't say I was impressed enough to open it.

          It also sets off my BS meter because it's so close to the opening line so many telemarketers (but none of my friends or family) use.

          Originally Posted by MostlyHarmless View Post

          but if they unsubscribed - and you sent them a message 'asking them why' - wouldn't that be blatant spamming?
          I got this from Alex Mandossian if I remember right. Try putting an anonymous feedback form on the unsubscribe success page. The text was something like "Sorry to see you go. No hard feelings. I would like to ask one more thing of you. See the form below? Please tell me WHY you unsubscribed. It's anonymous, so you can tell it to me straight. Thanks..."

          A percentage of the people leaving your list will tell you why.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4388207].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    My first mail usually contains the download link, rather that it appearing on the page the subscriber sees when they confirm.

    The second mail is a friendly check to see if they got their download OK. Any issues, please let me know and I will fix things.

    No selling, no unadvertised gifts, just old-fashioned customer support. A bit like the waiter who, politely and discreetly, makes sure that everything is in order and that you have everything you want when you have started your meal in a restaurant. Many people reply by saying yes, they got the download and thank me for asking. I make sure I fire an e-mail straight back saying I am glad they got the product OK and to enjoy it.

    I have found that this helps both the new subscriber and I to get a good relationship started. It also means that they have opened at least 2 mails from me and they (hopefully) have started a new habit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Schwenk
    Are you branding the from line with something related to the niche/product? If so, be sure to use your name.

    Are you giving them any reason to actually stick around in the e-mail?

    This is off-the-cuff, so not the best...but perhaps will give you some ideas.

    And, of course, if something isn't actually true (below) or doesn't jive with your product/ sure to cut it out or modify it so that it does...

    You'll have to edit them out, but I made some notes as well (in the bold double brackets):

    Subject: Regarding your download, [[firstname]]


    [yourname] here with a quick bit of info you should know about
    [product name]... [[remind them who you are and make them curious enough to read the next line]]

    But first, I’d like to congratulate you for taking the time to
    check it out... [[make them feel good]]

    There have been many others...just like you...who have decided
    to improve their lives by taking a look at this report and so far...the feedback
    speaks for itself. [[lets them know they're not alone + indirect social proof]]

    As you read through the report, you’ll [what they’ll discover/big benefits of reading]

    [[the above helps to make sure they actually go through the product]]

    But here’s the most important thing:

    All details you used to get this product are absolutely, 100% safe and

    Plus, any e-mails you get from me in the future will—just like this one—be
    totally casual and not full of embarrassing content or bogus claims... [[soothes their fear of potential embarrassment + implies future communication]]

    In the next few days, I’ll also be [something interesting/teaser here] [[gives them a reason to stick around]]

    Sound good to you? [[never hurts to get them to agree with you or say 'yes']]

    For now, if you haven’t already downloaded the can do
    so by visiting the page below: [[help them consume the info and make sure they get the product in case they had technical problems]]

    [download link]

    Thanks for checking it out. Talk to you soon!


    PS - Don’t forget to confirm your subscription so you don’t miss
    out on [refer to teaser from above]. You can do so by using the
    link I gave you...which will then take you to your download:

    [download link]
    Hope that helps!

    -Mike Schwenk
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