Here's how to Get Rich ...

191 replies
Here's how I did it ...

1) I learned very early in life that the ONLY way to make money was to "sell" something ... either a product or a service ... something people wanted or needed - or - do something for them they couldn't, or wouldn't, do for themselves.

2) I learned to "make do" with what I had, until I could get what I needed to do a better job.

3) I learned that I had to do anything necessary (but legal) to get to where I wanted to be, even if I didn't like doing it (especially if I didn't like doing it). -- You can do ANYTHING you need to do ... until you can do what you want to do.
"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -- Saint Francis of Assisi
4) I learned to never ask anyone to do anything for me that I wasn't willing to do myself - and - everyone who has ever worked with me has taught me about what they have done for me and how they did it. After a while, I could do it, too - but - maybe not as well as they did.
"Anyone can be a genius, if they pick just one specific subject and study it diligently just 15 minutes each day." -- Albert Einstein
5) I learned to "pay" for what I wanted. If I couldn't afford it, I saved-up to be able to afford it. (Sometimes if seemed like forever.)

6) I learned that no matter how long it took to achieve my goal (whatever it was), it would have been just as long if I hadn't persisted, but I would have accomplished nothing.

7) I learned that NOTHING is as easy or as fast as it should be. It only gets easier and faster when you know how to really do it - and - learning how to really do it is just a matter of doing it over, and over, and over, until you finally find out how it works. Of course, if you give up after the first (second, third, or fourth) try, you'll never do it.

"The secret to success is the constancy of purpose." -- Benjamin Disraeli

8) I learned most of what I know from my mistakes and failures. My successes never taught me anything ... they were only based upon what I had learned from my mistakes and failures. (That's why those who are afraid to make mistakes, or fail, never achieve the success they desire.)

"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." -- Bill Gates

9) I learned that my most prized possessions were my customers. People who, directly or indirectly, paid for my lunch every day. (That's why, unlike my contemporaries, I reply to my customers emails personally.)

I learned that "money" is NOT an end unto itself ... it is only a way of keeping score. (The saddest people in the world are those who are forever chasing the almighty dollar - and - the vast majority of them have no real respect for money.)

"If your ONLY goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it." -- John D. Rockefeller

11) I learned to ASK for what I wanted or needed - and - to graciously accept a "NO" as readily as a "YES."

YES ... you can get rich - but - you'll have to do it yourself.
No one will do it for you!

I get tickled by people who want to start at the top of the ladder. -- For some unknown reason, they honestly believe they are better than I am, since I had to start on the bottom rung and climb up one rung at a time.

When I mention the above, I often hear ... "Yeah. I could do that - but - it will take too much time. I need money now - and - I don't want to just make a little money, I want to get rich."

Sorry, you'll have to start where I started. -- Do what you need to do to make a little money. Then, do more and more of it to make more and more money. As you make more and more money, the greater the opportunities you will have to make even more money. -- Nothing succeeds like success ... even small success.

The more things you don't want to do, the fewer and fewer things you will do ... until you are doing as most people do ... NOTHING but dreaming!


  • Profile picture of the author PRBandit
    Thanks for the post. But you sure can speed somethings up if you ignore the being legal part
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    3) I learned that I had to do anything necessary (but legal)
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by PRBandit View Post

      Thanks for the post. But you sure can speed somethings up if you ignore the being legal part
      Yes, like landing in jail sooner vs never. :p

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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    • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
      Originally Posted by PRBandit View Post

      Thanks for the post. But you sure can speed somethings up if you ignore the being legal part
      You may ignore the legal part, but the "legal part"
      won't ignore you.
      Penalty Safe, Long Term, 100% Whitehat Backlinks
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    • Profile picture of the author jfstraw
      Originally Posted by PRBandit View Post

      Thanks for the post. But you sure can speed somethings up if you ignore the being legal part
      Yes - but ...

      Think how much time I would waste in jail.

      It is counter productive although too many beginners actually believe they have to be dishonest to make any money.


      Having spent over 50 years in business; doing business successfully, J.F. (Jim) Straw now shares "Practical Instruction in the Arts & Sciences of Making Money" at the Business Lyceum. --

      Who is J.F. (Jim) Straw? --

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    • Profile picture of the author scsheldon33
      Fantastic! This is worth reading for...hopefully, I can apply this myself.
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    • Profile picture of the author Newbieee
      Originally Posted by PRBandit View Post

      Thanks for the post. But you sure can speed somethings up if you ignore the being legal part

      lol. yea.. im chilling in a library and you made me laugh out loud. lol.

      but even if its legal you can be a prostitude. [countries have legal areas for prostitution]

      and if you are a guy you can operate brothels or be social escorts.

      so ya, if you really want to be rich there are plenty of ways to go about, its just whether you are willing.
      Pain is a perception, so is defeat & happiness!
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  • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
    I actually thought about printing this page out and putting it on my wall... Thanks man
    "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
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    • Profile picture of the author spearce000
      Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

      I actually thought about printing this page out and putting it on my wall... Thanks man
      My printer is whirring away as I write this . Thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan92
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    Here's how I did it ...

    "Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." -- Bill Gates

    I never would have guessed who said this from just the quote. It's actually kind of funny while being insightful.
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  • Profile picture of the author MIRENGE
    Thank you for this post it is good to be legal in everything you do.
    Interior design .... where beautiful homes is all we care.
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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    Good to see you posting again Jim
    thanks for the share

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author EugeneA
    Nice post, something everyone new to IM needs to read and take to heart.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    I have never really gotten in to the "printing stuff out" to read later!

    Well I am going to HAVE to start with this one!

    What an awesome post!

    Thanks for that - this is golden!

    Also my favourite Einstein quote:

    "Do not try to be a man of success, rather try to be a man of VALUE"

    Looks like you are on track...

    Awesome work!

    Chris Jones
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    Thanks for a great post! Even if those 11 points do not make you rich with money they will make you rich in other ways.
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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    People, pay attention. You've just seen a rare sighting of a marketing giant... a true legend.

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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Originally Posted by R Hagel View Post

      People, pay attention. You've just seen a rare sighting of a marketing giant... a true legend.

      I always say that about you, Becky. But Jim's pretty good, too.


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      • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
        Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

        I always say that about you, Becky. But Jim's pretty good, too.

        Gee, when I said I'd pay you for posting nice things about me on the forum, I didn't think you'd actually do it.

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        • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
          Excellent post, Jim. Good to see you back here again. I was just looking at your "Just Snooping" last night and was reminded of how much I enjoy your writing style.

          Originally Posted by R Hagel View Post


          Gee, when I said I'd pay you for posting nice things about me on the forum, I didn't think you'd actually do it.
          What's the going rate these days, Becky? Did you find Frank on Fiverr.

          Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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          • Profile picture of the author theory expert
            Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

            This OP has been PDFed, printed on good, thick stock paper, and being placed on my white board.........

            That has made 2 of us...I done that years ago!!!!

            Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

            was reminded of how much I enjoy your writing style.
            That's for sure!!!!

            He has a distinct style of writng to say the least!
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  • Profile picture of the author entrprnr
    I logged in specifically so I could put a thanks on your post.
    Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.
    -Andre Malraux
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  • Profile picture of the author entrprnr
    BTW, I had a flash of insight while writing in this thread last week. Your post reminded me of it:

    Try this one on for size:

    Until you consistently take action you are new to IM.

    If you have already, then fantastic - the next frame of mind necessary is:
    "Until you actually get a check from your online efforts you are new to IM"

    If you have already, then fantastic - the next frame of mind necessary is:
    "Until you scale up what worked you are new to IM"

    If you have already, then fantastic - the next frame of mind necessary is:
    "Until you make X amount of money per day you're new to IM"

    See where this is going?
    Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.
    -Andre Malraux
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  • Profile picture of the author Onora Oz
    Cheers, Jim! Thanks for posting and sharing this great piece. I've been following your works for a while, and absolutely hoping to see your "signature" on and around WF more often.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Hollywood
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    "If your ONLY goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it." -- John D. Rockefeller
    Awesome quote right there!

    My goal really isn't to become rich.

    My goal is to live a dream lifestyle of being able to do what I want, whenever I want. It just so happens that becoming rich will more than likely come before that lifestyle kicks in.
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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Mr. Hollywood,

      My goal is to live a dream lifestyle of being able to do what I want, whenever I want. It just so happens that becoming rich will more than likely come before that lifestyle kicks in.
      Be careful there. You can spend your whole life chasing 'richness' in order to live the life you want and never get there.

      If your goal is to 'do what you want, whenever you want' there's nothing stopping you achieving that goal right now except having the guts to get on with it. It's like the 'burning your boats' story - burn the ****ers, live the way you want to, then see about getting richer and possibly securing that lifestyle even more through finance, if that suits your plan.

      'Doing whatever you want, whenever you want' is barely connected with money at all, but it takes real guts and faith in yourself. I highly recommend it and recommend no other way of life except that one.

      Roger Davis

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      • Profile picture of the author jordan08

        WOW! I am so glad you posted this. There are so many people that need to read this and listen to this advice, I don't even know where to start!

        It's unfortunate that some newbies would look at this and never give it a second thought...until they are tired of chasing the next 'get rich quick idea'!

        Thanks again, Jim!

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      • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
        Originally Posted by ExRat View Post

        Hi Mr. Hollywood,

        Be careful there. You can spend your whole life chasing 'richness' in order to live the life you want and never get there.

        If your goal is to 'do what you want, whenever you want' there's nothing stopping you achieving that goal right now except having the guts to get on with it. It's like the 'burning your boats' story - burn the ****ers, live the way you want to, then see about getting richer and possibly securing that lifestyle even more through finance, if that suits your plan.

        'Doing whatever you want, whenever you want' is barely connected with money at all, but it takes real guts and faith in yourself. I highly recommend it and recommend no other way of life except that one.
        Mr Hollywood,
        Roger has nailed this one my friend. I speak from experience that for many years I wanted to live abroad and travel. I wanted certain things to happen before I would do this. But I realised I was in fact putting up barriers to doing those things. I really didn't need the 15 bed £15 million mansion in foriegn lands or the gulf stream jet. What I needed was to take action and to do it. I 'did it' nearly 2 years ago and now wish I'd done it sooner! Don't wait to align the sun, moon and stars to do something. Jump in whether it's business or personal life otherwise you'll get to 75 and be disappointed!

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        • Profile picture of the author theory expert
          Originally Posted by Richard Tunnah View Post

          I really didn't need the 15 bed £15 million mansion in foriegn lands or the gulf stream jet.
          Are you kidding me?
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  • Profile picture of the author uktrading
    This is what I hope I'm teaching my Grandchildren.

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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Amazing stuff- thanks Jim!

    P.S. I'm a Georgia boy too- but I can't say I'm from the carpet capital of the world :-p
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
    Thanks Jim. I think I first heard you say many of those things about 5/6 years ago and they still are true today as they were then. I think it's easy to get trapped by shiny things that will make you money in this 'game' without thinking of the basics - wants and needs.

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    Great post man.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Jim - great post.

    Some wonderful observations in there and I know most, if not all of them to be true from personal experience.

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    ..and the other day somebody said "marketing legends" are not posting in this forum

    Here we go!
    (I also saved it to my computer to be able to read it whenever I need to remind myself of these great teachings...)

    Thanks, Jim!

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  • Profile picture of the author samsmithwarrior
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    Thank you Sir,

    Much appreciated. Yours is one of the lists I have been on for a long time. You always send great emails.

    Thanks again,

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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    • Profile picture of the author brewerent
      What a fantastic post. I too will be saving this to read time and time again.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Marketing
    Great post.You really exposed the truth about making money and reaching your goals.A piece of wisdom that I can put on my vision board.Cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sornie Samante
    Great Post! this post inspires me more!! Thanks Jim!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Now that's a great principle-based formula for achieving opulence if I ever saw one. And written by the master himself, Mr. Jim Straw.

    What a great day this has been. Thank you for sharing.

    This OP has been PDFed, printed on good, thick stock paper, and being placed on my white board.........

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Truxx
    Very inspiring and well said!

    I especially like Einstein's quote: "Anyone can be a genius, if they pick just one specific subject and study it diligently just 15 minutes each day." -- Albert Einstein

    His genius ultimately boiled down to him simplifiying the most complex things humans can think of.
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  • Profile picture of the author ContentMachine
    This is such a wonderful post! Very inspirational and full of useful, legitimate information!
    Thanks so much!

    Wish you all the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author dannypayton
    Really awesome post. Thanks for sharing. I'll get this and laminate it and hang it in my room to remind me what I am supposed to do everyday.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Mr. Straw, your post made my day. Thank you.

      I was getting a bit frustrated (won't bore anyone with the story), but your wise words reassured me that I'm on the right path...
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    today, there are so many self proclaimed LEGENDS on the Internet. Most are legends in their own mind.

    A MASTER is a DOER. And Jim has been doing for over 50 years. I have personally applied several of his techniques and strategies, going back to the 1960s and 70s, and have profited from every single one when I ACTED and followed directions.

    Jim taught me to "twist and tweak" a couple of his methods, found in Snooping Around and in Finder's Fees as well as the Be A Millionaire Course.

    He shares a "concept" taught to me by Joe Karbo on the beach of S. Calif. many years ago, and that concept is:

    "... to make money was to "sell" something ... either a product or a service ... something people wanted or needed - or - do something for them they couldn't, or wouldn't, do for themselves."

    Joe Karbo liked to sell boats, and also little books he wrote to the tune of millions of dollars.

    I think I've read everything Jim Straw has written (shame on me if I haven't)...and his reports, newsletters, booklets, folios are like peanuts on the can't eat just've got to have more.

    BUT, having the information, is only the MUST ACT on the information, and you too will find wonderful and wildly successful ways of making money.

    "Do what other's won't, can't or just don't want to do". AND you'll have the golden ticket that gets you on the E-Rides of life.

    I salute the living MASTER, who has helped me live a lifestyle most only dream about.

    Gordon Jay Alexander

    PS. The living Masters aren't getting any younger, but their wisdom, knowledge and education they rec'd by DOING are worthy of all of our attention.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    YES ... you can get rich - but - you'll have to do it yourself.
    No one will do it for you!
    Damn, I was hoping that someone else would do the work for me.:p:p:p

    Just kidding. You know, Jim Straw is one of the most amazing people I know of. Jim has made a fortune out of more business ideas than anyone I have ever encountered. This post of his is exactly on target. You would do well to take heed of it.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    6) I learned that no matter how long it took to achieve my goal (whatever it was), it would have been just as long if I hadn't persisted, but I would have accomplished nothing.

    10) [/SIZE]I learned that "money" is NOT an end unto itself ... it is only a way of keeping score. (The saddest people in the world are those who are forever chasing the almighty dollar - and - the vast majority of them have no real respect for money.)
    All of this is great advice, but I especially loved these two.

    Thanks very much.

    I can see now why so many people sing the praises of Jim Straw.
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  • Profile picture of the author rts2271
    Awesome post. Thanks Jim
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  • Profile picture of the author pbdollars
    Very good stuff.

    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    Here's how I did it ...

    1) I learned very early in life that the ONLY way to make money was to "sell" something ... either a product or a service ... something people wanted or needed - or - do something for them they couldn't, or wouldn't, do for themselves.

    2) I learned to "make do" with what I had, until I could get what I needed to do a better job.

    3) I learned that I had to do anything necessary (but legal) to get to where I wanted to be, even if I didn't like doing it (especially if I didn't like doing it). -- You can do ANYTHING you need to do ... until you can do what you want to do.
    "Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -- Saint Francis of Assisi
    4) I learned to never ask anyone to do anything for me that I wasn't willing to do myself - and - everyone who has ever worked with me has taught me about what they have done for me and how they did it. After a while, I could do it, too - but - maybe not as well as they did.
    "Anyone can be a genius, if they pick just one specific subject and study it diligently just 15 minutes each day." -- Albert Einstein
    5) I learned to "pay" for what I wanted. If I couldn't afford it, I saved-up to be able to afford it. (Sometimes if seemed like forever.)

    6) I learned that no matter how long it took to achieve my goal (whatever it was), it would have been just as long if I hadn't persisted, but I would have accomplished nothing.

    7) I learned that NOTHING is as easy or as fast as it should be. It only gets easier and faster when you know how to really do it - and - learning how to really do it is just a matter of doing it over, and over, and over, until you finally find out how it works. Of course, if you give up after the first (second, third, or fourth) try, you'll never do it.

    "The secret to success is the constancy of purpose." -- Benjamin Disraeli

    8) I learned most of what I know from my mistakes and failures. My successes never taught me anything ... they were only based upon what I had learned from my mistakes and failures. (That's why those who are afraid to make mistakes, or fail, never achieve the success they desire.)

    "Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." -- Bill Gates

    9) I learned that my most prized possessions were my customers. People who, directly or indirectly, paid for my lunch every day. (That's why, unlike my contemporaries, I reply to my customers emails personally.)

    I learned that "money" is NOT an end unto itself ... it is only a way of keeping score. (The saddest people in the world are those who are forever chasing the almighty dollar - and - the vast majority of them have no real respect for money.)

    "If your ONLY goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it." -- John D. Rockefeller

    11) I learned to ASK for what I wanted or needed - and - to graciously accept a "NO" as readily as a "YES."

    YES ... you can get rich - but - you'll have to do it yourself.
    No one will do it for you!

    I get tickled by people who want to start at the top of the ladder. -- For some unknown reason, they honestly believe they are better than I am, since I had to start on the bottom rung and climb up one rung at a time.

    When I mention the above, I often hear ... "Yeah. I could do that - but - it will take too much time. I need money now - and - I don't want to just make a little money, I want to get rich."

    Sorry, you'll have to start where I started. -- Do what you need to do to make a little money. Then, do more and more of it to make more and more money. As you make more and more money, the greater the opportunities you will have to make even more money. -- Nothing succeeds like success ... even small success.

    The more things you don't want to do, the fewer and fewer things you will do ... until you are doing as most people do ... NOTHING but dreaming!


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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Right on Jim... Words of wisdom that a lot more people need to pay attention to including me

    Thanks for reminding me Jim.

    The greatest thing about you Mr. Straw is that every time your pen hits the paper I learn something!
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    • Profile picture of the author Angela Chen Shui
      Down to Earth life and business success goodness. Thank You, Jim. Signed up for your newsletter.

      btw, totally enjoyed the large font size... ;-)

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  • Profile picture of the author trulyrich
    wow..this is a great post. you got it man! well, just drop by to say thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mfnatic
    Phenomenal post Jim, you're spot on. This is definitely something to read over every so often.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Excellent...Excellent...Excellent post Jim.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tony Matos
      Thanks for the great post!!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Gavine
      I don't want to become rich its just a greed nothing else.. I am happy as i am right now and having enough money to spend my life. Anyways but great way of earning you have provided here.
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    • Profile picture of the author mauricio.quito
      Great contribution to the forum... Thanks a lot!
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    • Profile picture of the author capitalalchemy
      I believe he meant "do anything necessary as LONG as it's legal". I agree with all of these statements - thank you!
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      Great post and very inspirational. This is something I think everyone should read at least once a month (or more frequently). There is a lot of good information there.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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    • Profile picture of the author Leejeong
      Oh men. i wan't expecting a turning point in my life after I read this thread. Thanks for reminding me with you BIG WORDS of WISDOM. You really deserves a thanks for that.

      Lee Jeong
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    • Profile picture of the author PayPower
      Great post Jim! a.k.a. If it is to be it is up to me!
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        It's certainly a nice summary!

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    • Profile picture of the author ourteamsuccess
      So great. This is one of the many reasons I love this forum. There are so many great minds in marketing. Thank you Jim!
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  • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    Here's how I did it ...
    I learned that "money" is NOT an end unto itself ... it is only a way of keeping score. (The saddest people in the world are those who are forever chasing the almighty dollar - and - the vast majority of them have no real respect for money.)

    "If your ONLY goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it." -- John D. Rockefeller
    TRUE! If money is your only gauge for success...then you will never really achieve the success you wanted....because you will always want more....
    Great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ansar Pasha
    Incredible post... I've been guilty of chasing the "almighty" dollar many times in my life. I often gave up time with my friends and family in the pursuit of it...

    The sad part is, when you actually get it, it's still never enough.

    I was never happy with where I was at and kept "striving"... instead of "arriving".

    "Happiness" was but a distant thought and a goal for the future (which wasn't coming as I soon learned).

    Nowadays, I live for freedom and it wouldn't have happened without coming to some cold truth's about myself... I think it's a journey people will have to go through and experience for themselves (unless you're not as hard headed ).

    Thanks for the inspiration Jim,
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  • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
    Excellent advice- all newbies should read this!
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  • Profile picture of the author David Maschke
    Nice house.

    I can't help but like somebody who trusts me with a picture of their house and their address.

    I signed up to his newsletter, with my address and telephone number

    The large font was kind of refreshing, very easy to read.


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  • Profile picture of the author design2convert
    Money makes man always greedy, a man wishes can't be fill about this thing. How much they got but they will wish for more.
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    • Profile picture of the author jfstraw
      Sorry ... greed never produces any lasting results.

      You must learn; as I did many, many years ago ... just be happy wherever you are.


      Having spent over 50 years in business; doing business successfully, J.F. (Jim) Straw now shares "Practical Instruction in the Arts & Sciences of Making Money" at the Business Lyceum. --

      Who is J.F. (Jim) Straw? --

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4392466].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author iva
        Fantastic advise. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have subscribed to the newsletter as well (how can you not?). Looking forward to getting additional inspirational information. Thanks again.

        Send me a PM if you have any questions.

        "Ask simple questions to get simple answers"
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4392529].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by design2convert View Post

      Money makes man always greedy, a man wishes can't be fill about this thing. How much they got but they will wish for more.
      I used to think so too. But life experience has taught me that money only amplifies what you already are.

      So people who are already greedy by nature get more greedy once they start making money. People who are not greedy and well-grounded remain so. Are there exceptions to this? Most certainly.

      But more often than not it's not the money that's the actual causation behind the greed. Nor is it the "root of all evil", as some people like to quote, as it only allows people to show their truest colors.


      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      Thank you Mr. Straw, for posting these vital reminders. It's so important to be grounded in reality when reaching for the stars.
      Very eloquently written. I'm going to borrow it and send your royalties.

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Thank you Mr. Straw, for posting these vital reminders. It's so important to be grounded in reality when reaching for the stars.
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    Greed is all relative really. One person may think $2000 a month is enough to live off....some backpacker my say you're greedy, you don't need $2000 a month to live off of...blah blah blah, so, the debate continues.
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  • Profile picture of the author chofawundaga
    Thanks for such wonderful information and principles. At least some of us should start doing something and stop hoping
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  • Profile picture of the author wilandria
    Wow. you're great ! I should to be like you. You can be a great consultant for this. Thanks for share, What a great tips . Experience must be the best teacher.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony Scorza
    Thanks for posting Jim.

    Isn't it interesting that when you get advice from people who have achieved sustained success it's nearly always grounded in common sense and reality rather than hype and bravado?

    I popped over to your site and read a couple more of your articles, and I feel like someone who I really should listen to has sat me down and firmly told me a few home truths. I needed to hear them to.

    Here's to your continued success sir!
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  • Profile picture of the author specialtee
    Great post. Just printed it off and gave it to my kids so they can see im not the only person saying these things.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victoria Gates
    Such true words. I just keep going and going with the family in my mind... oh the sleepless nights up typing and editing and creating products.
    Victoria Gates - Digital Marketing Specialist

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  • Profile picture of the author mcass
    Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing your wisdom. :-) As a newbie these messages are nice to hear.
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  • Profile picture of the author jaywebdev
    Oh honestly I'm planning to start a business something that can really help me to earn money. But I was afraid of investing.. Because of reading this good advice it's like an adrenalin to me to give up my social life and focus on a business. I hope I can do it. And soon I'll share my success story here Thanks for this post very inspiring!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Brownsword
    Always good to hear from you, Mr. Straw, especially when it's something like this.

    Best regards,

    Tom Brownsword, CISSP®, GCIA, ITILv3
    Certified Computer Security Pro

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  • Profile picture of the author Karen Connell
    After reading these pearls of wisdom, I had to sign up to your newsletter.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of your insights.


    Never Mistake Activity for Accomplishment

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  • Profile picture of the author Letitia
    Mr. Straw.
    Thank you for the down to earth encouragement.
    Thank you again for role modeling graciousness. Thank you for showing us we're important. You have thanked or replied to everyone in this thread.
    Now I will find out how to get on your list.


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  • Profile picture of the author BIG JOHN
    Take total responsibility in every action you take, is this what we can say in summary?
    Thanks Jim for the reminder of all elements that equal value.
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  • Profile picture of the author dorianjohn425
    Right on Jim. Awesome nuggets of wisdom - the kind that everyone should consider seriously.
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  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
    Thanks that you made the font size quite bigger Jim but most of all the contents of your thread is incomparable.

    Thanks a lot Sir.
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  • Profile picture of the author HarrisonJ
    Yep, most people fail because they just don't try hard enough.

    And right on with the idea that you need to sell a product or service if you want to make money. Tack on your own high paying affiliate program, and you'll have an army of affiliates sending you traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Daniel an awesome post
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  • Profile picture of the author Harbourmaster
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    2) I learned to "make do" with what I had, until I could get what I needed to do a better job.

    3) I learned that I had to do anything necessary (but legal) to get to where I wanted to be, even if I didn't like doing it (especially if I didn't like doing it). -- You can do ANYTHING you need to do ... until you can do what you want to do.
    "Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -- Saint Francis of Assisi

    I never imagined that I would find something like this on the WF!

    These 2 hit home the most for me, along with the quote from Saint Francis...

    Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom with all of us Jim!

    Aloha, Ken Santucci
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  • Profile picture of the author Christine2011
    Thanks for posting Jim enjoy reading this plus with big fonts...groovy
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  • Profile picture of the author BabyMama
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    2) I learned to "make do" with what I had, until I could get what I needed to do a better job.

    This one is especially inspiring to me as I have worked my way up from zero and am now building on my profits every day!
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  • Profile picture of the author jobayerahmed
    good one man, i really liked it, cheers!

    Do you like Man Utd ? R you a fan of Man Utd?

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  • Profile picture of the author aneel90
    Hey Jim,

    Thanks for sharing this. This is truly an example of one of the best threads filled with immense value that the members of this forum have to offer!
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  • Profile picture of the author uumair
    Thank you so much for this kind of information. Worth reading this thread. Thanks Warriors
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  • Profile picture of the author xohaibx
    One of the most powerful posts I've ever come across on the Warrior Forum.

    But the fact is, true contentment does not come from "more" - it lies in "less".

    Less is more; it always was, it always will be.

    Thank you for sharing your priceless experience with us
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  • Profile picture of the author sfoster
    Someone sent me an email encouraging me read this inspiring and real value post... Thanks Michael for the email... A real treat to start my morning with! I don't know Jim but this post and thread encourages me to get to know his works. Sounds like he's an inspiring teacher.

    Nothing could be more true.. These are very inspiring words and bring you back to where you need to be... just in case we wandered off in a direction that leads nowhere and spinning your wheels as is so often the case in the wonderful world of IM

    Thanks Jim for this truth.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shannon Herod
    Jim, You really are the man. I hope people do not over look this because they are unfamiliar with the man. This man is a legend people. (and pretty old) i.e the huge font :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author getbizy
    great post man....really informative...i think i would print this
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Brilliant post! thanks. This is one of the best posts I have ever read on this forum
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  • Profile picture of the author anthonyb
    Mr. Shaw is a generous fellow, very few of your type around, and much obliged to you sir. Interestingly many will read this Perl of wisdom and appear to understand it. But yet revert back to their emotional constitution. Sadly this is what governs humanity. This Perl of wisdom worked for Mr. Shaw, only because he accepted them emotionally. Let’s hope we can all accept it beyond the intellect.
    Add Value When You Can
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    • Profile picture of the author kbailey1734
      Thank you Jim - you are definitely one to follow as I am sure many people here already know. For anyone that lives their life (and business) in a way that is not like how this list describes, it is certainly not too late to make some changes.

      Thanks Jim.
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  • Profile picture of the author James-Robson
    Wise words there Jim - thanks for sharing! I think this is stuff we all know deep down, but just seeing it up there in black and white really helps us to remember it
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  • Profile picture of the author willN
    I know most people do not read this far into posts. But if you are, I want you to note how Mr. Straw thanks each and every person who comments on his thread. It may not seem much, but it's these small tiny details that make the bigger picture. Respect is earned not given. And I have only seen this one post, and how he responds to comments but this man has earned my respect.

    I completely understand what he is saying because I am living it. I am only 28, but I have made my first million. I continue to do what I need to do, even though it's not what I want. To see where I will be at age 50 makes me all the more willing to proceed.

    Thank you Sir.

    Newbies, you will want to check this out! I made it for you free of charge to help you get started here in the WF.
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  • Profile picture of the author FoxWalker
    The information you shared with us is very motivational and makes sense a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author RS3RS
    Great words, thanks. Of course it's easier to read that on paper than have the discipline to apply it to your daily life without failure, but it's the right path to be on (and surely the path to wealth).
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    WOW.......I've had a brutal week and this post has, very neatly, put everything back in to perspective for me.

    Thank's printing as I type!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    Thank you Mr Straw for these gems. I will be reading this more than once. I printed it out and will share it with someone else as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Dominguez
    Thank You Jim for your incredible advice !
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    • Profile picture of the author CitizenEra5ed
      Excellent post Jim and certainly food for thought. I especially like no6, I'd never thought of it that way, but so true.

      6) I learned that no matter how long it took to achieve my goal (whatever it was), it would have been just as long if I hadn't persisted, but I would have accomplished nothing.


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  • Profile picture of the author Elsoft
    Very well documented along with words of successful people.Great Post.Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Super Affiliate
    Wow Jim, that was one powerful and inspiring post you made. I totally agree that money is not the end in itself. Money can never buy you happiness. It's all about relationships. Thanks for your post. : )

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  • Profile picture of the author mspiva1
    This post is one of those "Grass Hopper" moments when the Kung Fu Master gives the Initiate the key/code to true enlightenment.

    I not only take note of this wisdom, but I go further and believe it for myself and thus DO it to truly succeed.

    May blessings of abundance continually encompass you, Jim.

    Thanks for the gold nuggets!
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  • Profile picture of the author Renavon
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    I learned that my most prized possessions were my customers. People who, directly or indirectly, paid for my lunch every day. (That's why, unlike my contemporaries, I reply to my customers emails personally.)

    Great post, that post i think was the most important in my eyes. Sometimes im just to tired to reply so i think ill leave it for a while. Now ill just think of that. Thanks a lot
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  • Profile picture of the author whtever2045
    Great Post thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author kaif0346
    thankz for this useful post ..
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  • Profile picture of the author JaisonG
    Wow great post, most people in this market just want to get rich without trying and this a real eye opener to most of those people, well atleast I hope so!

    Great Post
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  • Profile picture of the author Nirnaeth
    Thank you for this great post! Very inspiring! I'm going to bookmark it and read it again every time I feel like giving up
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  • Profile picture of the author Liam Swift
    Excellent post, thanks for this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Harris
    Thank You very much Jim. This is the same school of thought my parents tried to instill in me. I think they did a pretty good job, maybe too good sometimes, I tend to give to much rather than get as good as I give.
    I thank you for the wise, and prophetic words for some of the people just starting out. For those of us that have been at it is a great re focus reminder. Would you mind if I posted it on one of my blogs complete with credit of course. I think it would work nicely with an article I am writing.

    I love what I do and make money every day. It is as easy as 123. If you are interested in finally making money online, and you want to work with an amazing mastermind group that will be with you every step of the way showing you how let me know...

    Advertising your business doesn't have to take you all day... simple amazing customer support and personalized service.

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  • Profile picture of the author rocky80
    Fantastic advice, thank you SIR!
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    Originally Posted by Christian Chan View Post

    I just have to ask this.
    No, you didn't have to ask that. But you did.

    And in doing so demonstrate clearly what the bottom of the WF barrel looks like these days.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4563901].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Christian Chan
      You don't have to be rude

      Did I offend your feeling?

      Originally Posted by BrianMcLeod View Post

      No, you didn't have to ask that. But you did.

      And in doing so demonstrate clearly what the bottom of the WF barrel looks like these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author cartks
    Thanks for posting...this is inspiring and so true when you think about it. This gets you motivated to accept that "No" even as much as that "Yes". Thanks for taking the time to write and share!

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author bolo1107
    Thank you very much Jim for the truly remarkable post! Now I see the light (sans reading glasses too).

    I'm gonna make extra large posters of this and mount them in my bedroom's wall - kids' rooms too come to think of it.
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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      Great post Jim. It definitely puts things in perspective. This is worth reading everyday...
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  • Profile picture of the author davejug1
    Spot on with this thread. We all haveto start somewhere and in most cases this is the bottom rung, learning the basics and getting experience. Only the very lucky ones start at the top and maintain it.
    FREE List Building help. Click here!

    Yes I do have freebies!

    Expertise comes not through knowledge or skills, but through practice
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  • Profile picture of the author barrogz
    nice post jim!
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  • Profile picture of the author MOCrendon
    12) I learned to appreciate the wisdom of others (who clearly know better than me) and to follow in their steps until I find the path to my own success.

    Thanks Jim
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Nice tips, the problem many people have is finding that product or service many people will need
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  • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
    Than k you so much for posting this. It was beyond insightful and very true. I really like the first thing you said. You DO have to sell something like a product or service which basically provides someone with something they don't want to do themselves. There are tons of people who are always looking for an easy way out and it's crazy that you can manipulate those people into buying products and services that they would never think to create themselves so they could start making some real money, once again, bravo with this post, it was very impressive...


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  • Profile picture of the author albag999
    Very good post. It is going to be tough but people don't understand that it does not take them to be rich over night. Its all hard work and then once you get the money rolling then it is all fun and games.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hectorboss
    Thanks for the insipiration.

    With or without a degree i'm on my way to getting rich.
    Friends made millions illegally in the first dot com boom! Now 90% of them are broke. I decided to get a degree to study the economy now am here a newbie proud of the decision i made. I knew i could get rich on the internet using the legal front. GOT help for me? I NEED GUIDANCE!
    EntrepreneursTake GET a Copy of My Premium Affiliate Marketing Blog with Massive Monetization Features PLUS Free INSTALLATION! For ONLY $20
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4674173].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Aviator Joe
    Solid points.
    No Excuses.
    Are You Serious About Affiliate Marketing?

    If You Are SICK of Being Stuck in the Affiliate Rat Race, CLICK HERE
    By Professional Marketers. For Professional Marketers.
    Got this product All I can say is WOW
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4674326].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author londoncoffee
    But i don't wanna be RICH!
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  • Profile picture of the author MickoP
    Great post Jim, thanks for sharing it.

    I really love this one:

    3) I learned that I had to do anything necessary (but legal) to get to where I wanted to be, even if I didn't like doing it (especially if I didn't like doing it). -- You can do ANYTHING you need to do ... until you can do what you want to do.

    That is the way how I made my first money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Henri Lind
    Very inspiring and pure gold. Love the realism in your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Glenn
    Thanks a lot for writing this. It was a great way to start my day! Also printed this out so I can read it often.
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  • Profile picture of the author LindaC
    Good to see you back posting Mr. Straw.

    To me...your post is like opening a Snicker's candy bar. Full of peanuts.

    Like Gordon, I have learned and applied some of the gems you have shared in the past.

    Even today...putting buyers and sellers together is a great money maker for me.

    My Best 2 U,

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  • Profile picture of the author mosthost
    That's one of the biggest fonts I ever saw
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  • Profile picture of the author Challendge
    This entire post is very accurate. If you don't win the lottery or inherit it, you will never get rich quick! And the funny part is that you don't want that anyway! The best way to appreciate life and what you have is to earn it!

    Thanks for this post Jim!
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel Cunningham
    "providing people with a service that they want".... You know what, when you break it down into its simplest form that's all any of us have to do if we want to make money - just give people a service they want/need and they will pay you for it.

    I think where a lot of people fail is they don't do their due diligence in the beginning and never really research and test their idea before they jump head first into it. If the testing is done right it can really set you up on the right path....

    Another quote "business is simple - but People make it hard!"
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  • Profile picture of the author sajithdil
    thank you...great advice...i will take it to heart!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Joseph
    Well said Jim!


    "Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen alone." -- Deepak Chopra

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  • Profile picture of the author smlover
    Man this is very nice postttt
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  • Profile picture of the author xionwardz
    Thanks for the tips. Too get rich fast you have to go slow
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  • Profile picture of the author cheyser
    Awesome post... thanks for sharing this great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Irwin Dominguez
    Great post - thanks for sharing... that's what I'm talking about!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryK
    Amazing post, spurs me on to achieve my own goals and desires. Good to hear someone being honest about how they achieved success- not the 'I made mega bucks in five seconds flat' - you all know the type.
    Mary K Gill Latest book: The Twelve Natural Laws of the Universe - achieve all your desires for less than the price of coffee and cake. P.S. It only fattens your mind, not your thighs.
    Mindset Power Site
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  • Profile picture of the author Larkrise
    Thanks for this lovely reminder of what I believe in...

    It's a little too easy to get caught in a maelstrom of 'wants' and rush past all the really important stuff

    I too will be printing this to keep on my radar

    "energy flows where attentions goes..." if attention is only focused on what is missing in life, then you get more of it

    my eyes needed some adjustment and they just got it

    Thanks Jim
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    NLP, Coaching, Blogging, Promoting, Psychobabbly Potions & Spells, SEO and the usual IM fluff
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6018901].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Guzman
    Great Post Jim I really Enjoyed reading it. Unfortunately many people never really appreciate their customers... Which you are 100% Right we should, because they put food in the table...
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  • Profile picture of the author kabira2012
    nice threads.
    all the best for you
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  • Profile picture of the author liindsay
    yep, very inspiring!
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  • Profile picture of the author darrenchow
    Can't help but to hit the "Thanks" button.
    This is a great post. No one can really help you if you do not take action in the first place.
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  • Profile picture of the author marcelomusza
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    Here's how I did it ...

    8) I learned most of what I know from my mistakes and failures. My successes never taught me anything ... they were only based upon what I had learned from my mistakes and failures. (That's why those who are afraid to make mistakes, or fail, never achieve the success they desire.)

    "Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." -- Bill Gates

    I couldn't agree more with you, this point is the center of my self-teachings in this business and as you say, you don't learn anything from your success... like the old saying, if you fall off the horse, you get up again... (is that well said? I translated from spanish and I don't know if I spelled correctly )
    Internet Marketing Resources for Online Entrepreneurs
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  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    Great post. Very inspiring
    "Anyone can be a genius, if they pick just one specific subject and study it diligently just 15 minutes each day." -- Albert Einstein

    This quote especially caught my attention. Sometimes little and often is the key.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Barrs
    Originally Posted by jfstraw View Post

    I get tickled by people who want to start at the top of the ladder. -- For some unknown reason, they honestly believe they are better than I am, since I had to start on the bottom rung and climb up one rung at a time.
    Love this one - beautiful!

    It's Simple... I don't "sell" IM anymore, but still do lots of YouTube Videos
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6052594].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author elitebag
    Wow I agree with you .If we really can earn money ,then we can earn more and more money and know how to earn money well .

    Elite Art & Craft Factory

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  • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
    R.I.P. Mr. Straw
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Ken Russell
    Thanks for sharing that, really.. these threads are always a pleasure to go through.
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  • Profile picture of the author importavip
    Awesome post!
    You deserve my Thanks...

    My favorite quote:
    "Do not try to be a man of success, rather try to be a man of VALUE"
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  • Profile picture of the author Dariuszden
    RIP, and here's to you Mr Straw!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
    Inspiring reading. A toast to Mr Straw....RIP
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Silvey
    While these are inspirational words I really detest post stating "Here is How to Get Rich" "This is How I did it!"

    The reason being is that these are disciplines and not instructions.
    If one wishes to learn how to build a coffee table, one would expect diagrams, instructions, a list of tools and material to use instead of quotes such as "be one with the wood" "measure twice, cut once"
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    • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
      Originally Posted by Chris Silvey View Post

      While these are inspirational words I really detest post stating "Here is How to Get Rich" "This is How I did it!"

      The reason being is that these are disciplines and not instructions.
      If one wishes to learn how to build a coffee table, one would expect diagrams, instructions, a list of tools and material to use instead of quotes such as "be one with the wood" "measure twice, cut once"
      With something like making money, there are probably millions of ways to do so. But building a coffee table, there's a few cut and dry instructions since most coffee tables are built similarly. Only way to tell someone how to make money in the way you're suggesting is by advising them to do the same types of business you've done, which isn't good advice. Mr. Straw did the right thing....instructed others to find their own path and taught them the proper way of approaching things.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrelk159
    Fantastic share, definitely great for people who are new to IM an entrepreneurship and also more advanced warriors as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    somebody needs to put this up somewhere where it can be seen forever and ever
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  • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
    I would "sticky" this thread if I could.

    RIP my friend.
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  • Great post. I wish I'd got it earlier. Also, these tips seems to be quite simple and easy, but when we try to practice it, we'll find things are not so easy as we expected.
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  • Great Post. I've learned many of the same lessons on my own as well, but thank you for posting them in this valuable list
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  • Profile picture of the author seoraghu

    The knowledge truly deserves a hats off.

    The whole words are just a real wisdom, it has made me think from a different prospect and it has opened my eyes on many topics. Thanks a bunch for your words dear.
    SEO Friendly Website Designing Services and Website Mainteance Services - Xpert Web Inc
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    • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
      For those of you looking for one of the best books Jim Straw ever put out....look no further then MUSTARD SEEDS, SHOVELS AND MOUNTAINS's a great short read that even life long fans will love. Only $9.99 and I believe they have a Kindle version.

      Best money you'll spend online.

      The only thing sadder then Jim's death is the fact that so many people have no clue as to who he really was.....this man was literally a millionaire before almost all of you were born.

      He generated nearly half a billion dollars as the son of a sharecropper. One dime at a time. His legacy will be the fact he is beloved among his peers....those of us like me who bought my first product from Jim when I was 13 years old.

      We have lost the LAST of the MOHICANS....Jim was the last of 'em and they aint making anymore. There is NOT a single shiny bright object pusher on this forum who will last over 50 glorious years with the reputation in tact that this man did.

      I had the honor of speaking to several of his students last night......all asking me how it felt to joint ventures with the legendary Jim Straw etc. It felt legendary. As was he.

      While fighting cancer I could always count on an inspiring email from Jim......and the man never cheated me out of a dime and sent me several commissions I didn't even know I had coming. I trusted Jim with my life and my finances and he never tried TO HIJACK EITHER...UNLIKE A FEW OTHERS who looted my work and took it as there own.

      No....Jim Straw was one of a kind. He didn't just write about it.....he did it. He didn't make u wait a month to get your log in information to your own these "guys worried about their branding image" do. Jim answered every email promptly and actually gave you a real answer. Old school. Old school values. Gonna miss him.

      Vegas Vince
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  • Profile picture of the author CalinDan
    Here's for you Mr Straw.
    May you rest in peace.

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  • Profile picture of the author janzco
    I really love this post. i will keep this for my motivation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshster
    RIP Jim.
    Thank you for the words of wisdom.
    Looking to form an LLC or C/S Corporation?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerome Y
    Awesome Post. RIP Jim.
    Make Money By Sharing Cool Apps with Friends! No Selling involved, PM me for details!
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  • Profile picture of the author huskiekira
    Great post. It takes alot to be successful and very little to stay the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    With Mr. Jim Straw's recent passing and with the weekend just around the corner and people who are just logging in this week definitely should read this. It contains simple wisdom born out of decades of practical experience.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
    I remember this short powerful statement Jim sent on an email to me:-

    It doesn't matter what product or service (from nails to flash bang online gizmo's) you sell but you'll only ever make money by finding buyers of product/service.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Its great to see people showing respect to this man who I never really knew.
    He sounded like a smart man.

    But I think we can derive something profoundly elusive, that we may not have cared about while Jim was alive.

    The strongest form of wealth, that any man or woman can have, is their health. Not their money. Take care of yourselves people. You definitely want to be around to enjoy all that money you make.

    ps. I hope this post didn't offend anyone I just thought it was important to mention.

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  • 8) I learned most of what I know from my mistakes and failures.
    I personally agree with all the points but this one.

    In my experience, I've learned more from my successful projects than my flops, so I could know (and replicate) exactly what business models I should mimic in the future, the exact key triggers that have brought in the cash home time and time again.

    More often than not, my failures have had me confused thinking "What the heck didnt this one work?", whereas my successes allowed me to draw a clear outline of the type of thing I should role-model in future projects, simply because you're able to gather more statistical data from winners than losers (since you carry them on for far longer).
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    • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      I personally agree with all the points but this one.

      In my experience, I've learned more from my successful projects than my flops, so I could know (and replicate) exactly what business models I should mimic in the future, the exact key triggers that have brought in the cash home time and time again.

      More often than not, my failures have had me confused thinking "What the heck didnt this one work?", whereas my successes allowed me to draw a clear outline of the type of thing I should role-model in future projects, simply because you're able to gather more statistical data from winners than losers (since you carry them on for far longer).
      Yeah. I agree with this. My successes led to more successes and knowledge I could apply again and again for good and expected results. My failures only led me to trying something different.
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  • Profile picture of the author derago21
    I Liked the way you said "Nothing Succeeds like Success"
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    It's the a New Year and there are many new members that have come into this forum over the past year. So I thought it was very appropos to bump this thread from the late legend himself, Jim Straw, to introduce his wisdom to many who have never heard of him before.

    Generally it's not a good idea to bump old threads, however, I think this is an exception since the original post carries a lot of value and Jim Straw is no longer with us.

    There are a lot of newbies and frustrated veterans alike who come into this forum asking "How do I make money?" or "how do I get rich?" and Jim addresses this simply and eloquently.

    I've saved this post as PDF and have it printed on my wall because I knew Jim had the life and business experience where I knew I HAD to pay attention.

    Most enlightened successful people will tell you that financial success usually comes from simplicity and it's in our very nature to over complicate things, so I hope you take his post seriously.

    I know I did and me, and my business, are much better for it.

    To a Happy & Prosperous New Year.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author bobson8788
    Bravo, thanks for the great post.

    Learn all about starting an online business here: The Online Business Post
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    I don't post on the forums much anymore even though I read almost everyday but Wow someone did a great job digging this golden post out. Just to let all the new members on the forum know, the OP Mr. Straw passed away a little over a year ago ( but it's amazing how great advice lives on even after the person has passed.

    Thanks Rod for bumping this and bringing this back into my life I'm Doing what I didn't do when I saw the thread for the first time, I'm printing out the thread and keeping a physical copy and I would recommend everyone else to do the same.

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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    • Profile picture of the author alodie
      Hi Mohammad,

      Before I saw your post about Jim's passing, I had already printing off
      that invaluable piece of instruction.

      Joan and Anonymous are correct in their views, regarding Jim's admonition.

      It is also very, very true that if one keeps one's eyes on some of his or her
      failures and bad judgments of the past, there is a chance, just a chance, that
      he or she might not go down that path ever again.So, to a great extent, it would do some of us well to pay close attention
      to some of the things that have served to get us in a rut...deep, deep rut.Great post.

      I have learned from it.

      "Providing personal and business transformational information: Working hard to always give the kind of value that will produce the best results for my customers. Because, the success of my business will depend on my customers' satisfaction."

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