Membership Site Advice Needed!

11 replies
I am working on a membership site at the moment and I need some advice. My question is how do I entice people to sign up for a membership site besides access to the information and services that I will be providing on the site? For example ... "if you sign up today you will get a free __________ !! The site is a specific job related site, in which only people who work these jobs can join. Most of the info on the site will be work related. I want to charge a very small fee for joining ($1-$3) at the most. I was thinking about giving away some kind of a coupon book but then I thought I will probably have to pay for those coupon books so that would leave me with little to no profit ... any suggestions?
#advice #membership #needed #site
  • Profile picture of the author ContentMachine
    Maybe you can offer something valuable for free, such as an ebook, or anything related to what you're promoting.
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    • Profile picture of the author ProfessorSeo
      Free quality info always works! Write a small pdf report giving some useful tips for the niche you want them to sign up for. Have them enter email address to receive the free report. If they find your report helpful they will come back and sign up for your membership site.

      People love getting quality stuff for free!
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  • Profile picture of the author EugeneA
    I'd advise you to be unique, stand apart from the crowd. Ebooks are fine, but everyone is offering one lol.
    Be creative. The coupon book is somthing to consider.
    I don't know what you're promoting so I can't really give you ideas.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Yes I would give a free unique PDF not PLR report on what you are offering. The report is like a "teaser"so they know a little about what they can get if they sign up. Make sure you only tell them enough to get them interested. Let them know what they can expect if they sign up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
    Make part of the site free.

    Allow free moving except for the paid parts where it will tell the user they need to sign up for access.
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  • Profile picture of the author powerbaymarketing
    Offer a free trial (or very low cost) for seven days. After seven days your recur would start at whatever price point the market will bear.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Adams
    I'm wondering if maybe i can put a coupon book together? If I contacted amusement parks, big restaurant chains, etc .. and told them my plan of giving away a coupon book as a promotional method to sign up on my site do u think they would go for it? I mean how hard is it to get access to a bunch of coupons?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mitchell Assin
    create a website targeting those people "get lot's of traffic to your site - paid or free."

    build a relationship with those people - build a list "optin list."

    then promote your membership site "make sure they will benefit from it."

    that is how I make money with my membership sites

    hope this helps ~

    To your success,

    Mitchell Assin

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  • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic quality info such as a download link to a premium quality content may be a good way to get their interest.

    Also, call it membership’ rather than simply joining a list,

    keep your signup process short and sweet. Minimize the clicks, and ask only for the information you truly need
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  • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic quality info such as a download link to a premium quality content may be a good way to get their interest.

    Also, call it membership' rather than simply joining a list, and keep your signup process short and sweet. Minimize the clicks, and ask only for the information you truly need
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  • Profile picture of the author rossmore
    Give them a free mini e-course over a period of 7-14 days, so not only are you establishing a relationship with them by the constant contact, but they are also getting some kind of free training that relates to what you are promoting. it's a win win!
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