Warrior brain storm session- niches that support expensive products

5 replies
Hey Warriors,

I think it'd be cool to brainstorm together about niches that support high ticket products. I think everybody should sell at least one expensive item. They're so much more profitable.

Lets consider high ticket anything above $250.

What markets do you think would be suited to these kinds of products.

I've noticed that anything to do with investing or money making seems to do well.

I've seen high priced courses in options trading, real estate investing, stock trading, and home business/internet marketing niches.

Have you seen other niches with higher ticket items like home study courses, or video courses?

It'd be fun to get a huge list together for everybody who wants to create bigger, more expensive products to benefit from.

Let's make it a free for all!

#brain #expensive #niches #products #session #storm #support #warrior
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[391690].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChristianM
    Anything with a chance to make that money back.

    Job Training e.g. Graphics Design Courses
    Make Money Online
    Offline Business Promotion

    Apart from that there are also once in a life time things like wedding planning (possibly even funerals)
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  • Profile picture of the author winebuddy
    I think the higher end market would be great for micro-niche products...they would have to cater to the higher end DIYer like:

    Video Pool Repair Course
    High End Auto Repair Course
    What to look for in High End Jewelry
    How to Build an Ultra-Lite Sport Plane

    Stuff like that - I think people who really want to do that stuff have the money and want to learn.

    I have no experience in any of those areas so I won't be making those products any time soon - YOU should go for it :-0
    "Knowledge is NOT power... ACTION on Knowledge is power"
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  • Profile picture of the author GuruGazette
    Tangible products

    Designer Handbags

    Some of you might be amazed at just what really sells online
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