Facebook Expert Only Help!

8 replies
Help! I spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to figure this out:

I have my main/personal profile under my own name on Facebook. I also have three separate "pages" for three different businesses I run connected to that profile.

My dilemma: I want to create a different social plugin for each of my "pages." The only social plugin it will let me create is for my main/personal profile.:confused:

Does anyone know how to create three different social plugins without it trying to create one for the personal profile? I want one for business one, one for business two and one for business three in order to direct traffic back to each of the three different businesses.:rolleyes:

Help! (and Thanks!)
#expert #facebook #socialplugin
  • Profile picture of the author ItsChrissy
    Hi Dianne

    Are you trying to create a Like Box for example to add to a website?

    If that's the case, this lets you choose the URL of the FB Page you want the Box to lead back to when you're setting it up so you just type in your particular Page URL each time.

    By default it has this in the box "http://www.facebook.com/platform" so just substitute your FB Page URL instead.

    Hope I'm not missing something here and this is what you're trying to achieve - otherwise sorry and hopefully somebody else will come along and help you.

    All the best
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    • Profile picture of the author DianneH
      Well, yes and no....I ran across the Like Box in the Social Plugins where I believe you can change out the URL. I was trying to add a LiveStream or Activity Feed Box. Maybe that is not possible. It always tells me I have to "switch back to my main DianneHumphries profile to use this social plugin." I think the Platform box just takes you back to the main Facebook sign-in page?
      Dianne Humphries

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      • Profile picture of the author ItsChrissy
        Here is a clue I think "The Activity Feed plugin shows users what their friends are doing on your site through likes and comments." and the Live Stream plugin has a check box on it which says "Always post to friends".

        Since users / profiles have friends, as opposed to pages having fans / likes, I think those plugins are for profiles only.

        Could be wrong but that's the way it's looking to me.

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        • Profile picture of the author DianneH
          You know, it is kind of weird. This morning I looked at someone who is BIG in the industry and her two feeds are out of whack....I wonder if FB changed something and we just don't know about it. I may be trying to climb the rock wall without a rope
          Dianne Humphries

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  • Profile picture of the author uumair
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    • Profile picture of the author DianneH
      I have done that. That is what I am saying. It will only let me make a plugin for my personal page...not the other pages.

      I don't see Settings then resources. Sorry.

      Make a URL of every page? How do you do that?
      Dianne Humphries

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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Disclaimer: I am not an expert.

        Originally Posted by DianneH View Post

        Well, yes and no....I ran across the Like Box in the Social Plugins where I believe you can change out the URL. I was trying to add a LiveStream or Activity Feed Box. Maybe that is not possible. It always tells me I have to "switch back to my main DianneHumphries profile to use this social plugin." I think the Platform box just takes you back to the main Facebook sign-in page?
        What is the best way to know which Like button on my page generated the traffic?

        Add the 'ref' parameter to the plugin (see "Attributes" above).


        <fb:like ref="top_left"></fb:like>
        <iframe src="...&ref=top_left"></iframe>

        When a user clicks a link back to your website, we will pass back both the ref value as a fb_ref parameter and the fb_source parameter in the referrer URL. Example:
        Ok, for the like button you can add some reference code so you can sort out what is being liked. I would imagine you can do this with the other apps.

        I don't know if your pages are all built on FBML or if you are streaming them in from external sites - but,

        Live Stream - Facebook Developers

        This you can embed on an external site, then use it in the fan page within the iframe to display it on a fan page.

        Is this what you are trying to do?

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author DianneH
    Thanks to everyone but I found the answer here:
    Facebook Badges | Facebook

    If you are on your page that you want to advertise on your website and type that in along with:page.php it should bring up the choices for your badge.

    I don't know how I came across it but there it was after I clicked around a couple of times. I would know more about how I got there if I hadn't spent the last couple of days clicking on everything in Facebook trying to figure this out.

    Don't take my word for it, though, because it seems like every time I try to do something in Facebook, I can never duplicate the last process. I think FB does this to keep you confused. LOL
    Dianne Humphries

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    • Profile picture of the author DianneH
      How do I get a Page Badge? How can I promote my Page to my fans off of Facebook?

      The "Find Us on Facebook" badge provides your business a way to promote your Page off of our website, and help direct your customers to your presence on Facebook. This Badge can be applied in-store or on location, on the web, and in print collateral. You can learn how to create a badge for your Page from the "Promotion Guidelines" link, in the "Promote your page" section when you are editing your Page, or by clicking here.

      When you click the "here" link, it takes you to the page I mentioned in my last post.

      Hope this helps anyone who wants to add a facebook badge on one of their other pages.
      Dianne Humphries

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