The Most Valuable Resource In Your Business' Survival?
constantly preaching the value of your list
to your business, but to be perfectly honest
with you, that's NOT what I consider THE most
important thing in my business.
The thing that I consider the most important
is the same thing that 20+ years of military
experience taught me won and lost wars,
elections, and entire countries.
That one thing is accurate intelligence...
something most of us here probably think about
VERY little.
I'm talking about know:
- What problems your customers really care about
- What products or services your competitors
are getting ready to release
- How well your competitors are REALLY doing...
what's actually selling for them and what's not
- What technological changes are just beyond
the horizon
- What legal and regulatory changes are just
beyond the horizon
- Where your customers actually hang out online
- How many customers are actually in your niche
and how fast that number is changing
Do you see the value in having this information?
Most internet marketers are forever in "catchup
mode" chasing after the latest fad, instead of
identifying trends early and steppping in front
of them.
That is what I actually try to do :-)
I'm definitely NOT a trend-setter. I was
taught that, in our business, "pioneers get
arrows in their backs and mud in their faces."
So, I personally wait until something is verified
as definitely headed in a certain direction,
and then I analyze that trend data, and take
action accordingly.
Do you monitor the industry intelligence?
How do you do that?
Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
Click To Go BIG!
Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
Click To Go BIG!