I Quit - IM sucks
I built a number of Amazon review sites and did everything according to all the so called gurus out there. I picked products that have lots of reviews and that sell well. Not too much competition yet have good buyer keywords receiving around 4000 exact searches a month. So where's the money?
I bought a couple of well know courses and followed them to the letter. Each review had around 800 words and some i wrote myself and some i out sourced. Used seo presser as well. I have done article marketing, rss feed submission, website directory submission, blog, forum and profile backlinking. Videos,Edu, Gov etc, you name it i have done it and each day i built around 30 links to each site.
All of this effort got my sites to page 1&2 in google but where are the sales? All the sites are in completely different niches so i'm at a loss. I really wanted to make a full time income but i cannot see how this is possible, well not for me anyway. Many say just keep building more sites, but where's the logic in that. If i cant make any money from the sites i have what's the point in building more.
I think that 99% of the people who try IM as a living fail. The other 1% are the exception to the rule. No one has tried harder than me.
If not Amazon then what else? I went with Amazon as everyone said it was the way to go, well i've had it.
If anyone has any other ideas, all suggestions will be appreciated.
That's my rant over

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