How to sell a site securely?
I've received an email from someone interested in buying one of my sites.
I built this site some time ago, published some articles, monetized with adsense, built a few backlinks and let it go alone, but it's getting about 50 unique visitors per day and earning some money but really not much. Anyway I'm happy as it's all on autopilot.
Now the thing is.... The guy offered 1600$ for the site. Obviously it seems like a good deal to me, but it really worries me that he is willing to pay that much for this site, so it scares me that he is trying to scam me.
What would be the best way to sell the site and avoid being scammed? I'm worried just in case he does a paypal chargeback once I transfer him the site.
I've heard about chargebacks and want to be safe.
gingerhead -
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Starfusion -
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kenomen -
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Starfusion -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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