Can you make a living off IM

75 replies
I know the gurus claim to make millions but I hear a lot of people say "IM is good for making some extra cash but you can't make a living off of it".

Then you have people that say they can't live off of less then $80,000 per year. I myself would be more than happy making $30,000 per year.

What would you consider enough to quit your day job? Are you making that yet and if so how long did it take you to get to that point?

What do you think are unrealistic income expectations for newbies?

#income #internet makerting #living #make
  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    Yes you can but im telling you it wont be easy. You can make a good income if you have built a solid long term business such as an authority website with thousands of subscribers. Or you have create an ebook and have made profits from a big market.

    Try to start with 10$ a day goal and you can maybe achieve 100$+

    Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author DomainSky
    Originally Posted by topfree View Post

    I know the gurus claim to make millions but I hear a lot of people say "IM is good for making some extra cash but you can't make a living off of it".

    Then you have people that say they can't live off of less then $80,000 per year. I myself would be more than happy making $30,000 per year.

    What would you consider enough to quit your day job? Are you making that yet and if so how long did it take you to get to that point?

    What do you think are unrealistic income expectations for newbies?

    Why people say that is beyond me. Anything is possible and I currently live off internet marketing making 6 figures a year.

    - DomainSky

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by DomainSky View Post

      Why people say that is beyond me.
      I think it's mostly because the success rate (at "making a living" from it) is rather low, overall, just as it is with any form of self-employment, so the world's full of people who didn't manage to make a living from it, and some of them - rather than making themselves uncomfortable by acknowledging that perhaps they didn't go about it in the optimal manner - are quick to conclude that "it doesn't work". :confused:

      Internet marketing perhaps lends itself more than most things, to that kind of reasoning, or at least to communicating it.

      Even here.

      Every time someone starts a thread here asking about using safelists or traffic exchanges, six or eight people post pretty quickly saying "they don't work because their traffic 'isn't targeted'," and the reality that other Warriors are making five figures per month from them, month after month, somehow doesn't seem to impinge on them at all. (And one could easily give many other examples.)

      Call me a skepchick, but it seems to me that "I tried it and I couldn't make it work" aren't words that come as easily, to many people, as "it doesn't work".
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I haven't had a day job for over 12 years. I don't make millions but I make enough to support myself.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jaymark
      Judging by the responses here, they are plenty of people who are making a living at IM. Yes there are probably very few of them who make 6 figures plus but it's the same thing in the "real" world.

      If your expectations for a comfortable income is around $30K/yr, you should have no problem generating that regularly if you choose a strategy you like and stick with it. It could be article marketing, affiliate marketing, blogging or whatever. There are hundreds of ways to make money.

      This forum is a great place to get ideas and the support from other members is fantastic. use it and you'll be on your way. Good luck!
      Article Writers - American article writers, sharp pricing, quick turnaround, quality articles and web content
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    • Profile picture of the author Contentpimps
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      I haven't had a day job for over 12 years. I don't make millions but I make enough to support myself.

      Hi Suzanne,

      I am new to the forum but I saw your comment and was wondering .mobi will work fine at this point (August 7, 2011) in time, I have heard mixed comments, but I could not get THE .com domain name I wanted but did get the .mobi name, I wonder now if I can just go with .mobi and use BOTH the internet and (hopefully) mobile versions of my site....

      I this is a stupid a question I apologize. Also, despite my moniker I have virtually NO content for my site, which promped me to get, Thanks, and feel free to pm me with your mobile offer and opinion...
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    • Profile picture of the author CyberSorcerer
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      I haven't had a day job for over 12 years. I don't make millions but I make enough to support myself.
      I haven't had a job in about 15 years, but IM isn't my full-time income either.

      I believe last time I checked, my Internet Marketing business accounted for about 13% of my income.
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  • Profile picture of the author JD Nunes
    I struggled for years with Internet marketing, mainly because I spent most of my time learning all I could instead of implementing that knowledge. But I eventually managed to make a living from it.

    I think the only realistic expectation for a newbie would be to do all you could, and focus on making your first dollar, then ten, then a hundred, and so on, until you have reached your goal. If your goal is to make four or more figures a day on autopilot without first building up to it, you will be sorely disappointed. That's why I recommend gradual steps.
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  • Profile picture of the author andynathan
    The unrealistic expectation comes from making boatloads of money with no effort in no time at all. The fact is that you need to spend the time to get what you want.

    Delighfully Inexpensive: The Scientific Formula For Profitable Blogging takes you step-by-step into how to create mind-blowing content that inspires your readers to learn more about your services.
    Scientific Formula For Profitable Blogging Link

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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Cohen
    As a wise man once said -- or rather many wise men (and women), don't put all your eggs in one basket. Do your best to make lots of money with IM and such, but I wouldn't say prioritize it over a full-time job, etc. There is lots of money to be made, but not everyone can find means to obtain it.
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    Really there is no definitive answer to your question.

    Is it unrealistic to make six figures or better in your first year? Apparently not, since I have seen members say that they have done it.

    What's realistic is the reality you create.

    What you deem as enough to live off of by way of internet medium is something only you can determine. Is it $500, $1000, $2000, _______, a month?
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  • This is what I think

    Good question... asked many different times...

    If you are good at what you do you will ALWAYS MAKE money!

    You can be a dog crapper picker uper but if you are the best you can make a GREAT living from it
    Next time you're at a McDonald's Playplace and someone asks you, "Aww which one is yours?" Say, "I haven't picked one out yet..."

    Im selling 2 adwords accounts with $100 in each account for $30! $200 value! PM me only!
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Groom
    I think as with anything in life there are winners and losers. One thing is true though, you will only get out what you put in!!
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    • Originally Posted by Richard Groom View Post

      I think as with anything in life there are winners and losers. One thing is true though, you will only get out what you put in!!
      thats without a doubt!
      Next time you're at a McDonald's Playplace and someone asks you, "Aww which one is yours?" Say, "I haven't picked one out yet..."

      Im selling 2 adwords accounts with $100 in each account for $30! $200 value! PM me only!
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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    I don't know... with 2 houses, 2 cars, a wife, 6 kids, 4 dogs and 6 grandkids... $30,000 a year doesn't go far!

    ♫You got to pay the dues if you want to sing the blues ♫,
    ♫ & you know it don't come easy!♫
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    • Profile picture of the author Alminc
      Originally Posted by DogScout View Post

      I don't know... with 2 houses, 2 cars, a wife, 6 kids, 4 dogs and 6 grandkids... $30,000 a year doesn't go far!

      ♫You got to pay the dues if you want to sing the blues ♫,
      ♫ & you know it don't come easy!♫
      Only one wife? Hmmm, that souldn't be a problem then
      No links :)
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      • Profile picture of the author heavyjay
        Originally Posted by Alminc View Post

        Only one wife? Hmmm, that souldn't be a problem then
        My wife spends money like it's her job.
        My New Blog - isn't much on it and your critique is more than welcome!
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        • Profile picture of the author ghen
          Yes you can make a living off IM, but be aware that there are many facets to IM. Dont try to be an expert in all of them. Just learn one technique very well and specialize in it before moving to the next one. Dont try to learn all at one time. You wont get anywhere doing that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    I guess it depends on what you call 'making a living' Some people here call making a living online earning $500 per month. Other it might be 10-20k per month.
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    • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
      Originally Posted by Steven Miranda View Post

      I guess it depends on what you call 'making a living' Some people here call making a living online earning $500 per month. Other it might be 10-20k per month.
      Exactly, its different for everyone. 30 k a year is peanuts for some but a goldmine for others. It depends on what you consider a lot of money. I would say paying the bills and travelling here and there would be enough for me.

      Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author lilc800
    Well I am 14 so I don't need that much money...

    But the only thing I am not yet making money off of this so But If I did $500 a week would be Awesome if I could make that much...

    But I don't so... yeah
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  • Profile picture of the author wanjugu
    This is the hottest topic today even in Nairobi.Its a big question that cannot be answered by a yes or no.Making a living in IM is a journey that needs a minimum of 1-3 years for one to conclude whether theres is money or not.
    My take,there is a lot of money.All depends on what you are doing to access it.
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  • Profile picture of the author yeshuaisiam
    Of course it is possible, but truly I'd like to say that most IM jobs and revenue sites will probably give you some extra cash. Sometimes spending cash, other times enough for a good car payment.

    Google's panda ate my first born.

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  • Profile picture of the author redbearing
    You are what you believe you are. If you want to live off the income made from IM, then you should develop the mindset and tell yourself that it is possible. Like most people here (I believe), I am making enough to support myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Whatever you mind can dream you can acheive.

    Just takes one thing...


    there is a guy in here that posted how it took him 10 years to make $11

    No action for 10

    Now for the people that dont eat, and sleep till they get their work done...there are big thigns coming. Give yourself daily and weekly goals and build on that.

    Oh, also make sure you are creating a list of prospect too. Nothing more powerful than that.
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  • Profile picture of the author moodooguru
    I quit my day job 8 years ago and haven't looked back. It was slow going and you'll have to put a lot of work into it... (or get extremely lucky) ... but if you ENJOY what you do, it's worth it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Divapreneur
    I totally think you can totally live off your IM biz. I mean, why not?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandru
    Don't want to be rude, but your you're basically asking if you can make a living with a business. Internet marketing is nothing else than a business. A business ran online.

    I'm sure you know lots of people who make money by running a business. It's definitely possible. There are many others who make a comfortable living and they're not IM gurus.

    One niche, good products, lots of split testing = decent amount of cash.

    But first you have to change your mindset. Not just think you've changed it. Really really change it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
      Originally Posted by Alexandru View Post

      Don't want to be rude, but your you're basically asking if you can make a living with a business. Internet marketing is nothing else than a business. A business ran online.

      I'm sure you know lots of people who make money by running a business. It's definitely possible. There are many others who make a comfortable living and they're not IM gurus.

      One niche, good products, lots of split testing = decent amount of cash.

      But first you have to change your mindset. Not just think you've changed it. Really really change it.
      I was wondering when someone would mention the fact that IM is a business!

      A business that requires hard work and dedication just like all the others. mentioned mind set in the same post. You're my hero for the day!
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    To be succesful in IM you have to do a lot of hard work. You won't get rich quickly just by sitting around. I've been successful so far in IM that I'm living comfortably with the income I get from it.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Here is a thought: Ask Allen (the owner of this forum) if it is possible to make money with IM
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    I make around 50K per year with IM which is not much for some but a goal mine for me (i don't live in a developed country)


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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by garytsang View Post

      I make around 50K per year with IM which is not much for some but a goal mine for me (i don't live in a developed country)


      That's still a very good income in many parts of America.
      For example, in the middle states such as Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Iowa, the vast majority of those states $50,000 is above the average income for a person, and would get you a nice house, a couple cars, etc... so don't "short change" yourself, $50k is very nice...congrats!
      100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
      + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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  • Profile picture of the author bam2bam
    I think it is possible but start with a small amount goal,
    and let that grow overtime. But the most important thing is
    take Action and it is also a trial and error cours...

    But you don't make it if you don't take action and it is not a push button
    business... you have to working on it day in day out...
    An Incredible $200 Value Report - FREE! Building A List Now
    BRAINDEAD money making Workshops The PLR Cashblowout
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  • Profile picture of the author RellGins
    Do you think that you could make a living selling oranges? Depends on your production, distribution, management, pricing, customer base, advertising, etc.

    A man starts selling oranges he grows in his backyard on the side of the road. He sells a couple per day to passersby. He does this for a few months and saves enough money to open a stand at the local farmers market. At this point he's selling out of the oranges he grows in his backyard and is buying them from a nearby farmer. A couple of years later, he has bought the farmers orange grove and is selling oranges exclusively to a national grocery store chain. His goal is to export oranges to 7 other countries by the end of the year.

    The moral of the story is that you have to start small, use your money wisely, be innovative and most importantly... have BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOALS.
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  • Profile picture of the author aneel90
    Yes you can. However the question is not whether can you make a living, but rather how will you make a living

    the possibilities are endless
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  • Profile picture of the author Goldenboy
    This may sound a bit different but this is my point in your question. You are asking for an assurance if we can make a living off IM. The answer is YES, it is possible that this is not easy money as what other people have been thinking. Earning some money to make a living undergoes some process, people will have to work for it, learn from it, and commit to it.
    In the IM world, there are so much ways to earn and all you need to ask yourself is : am I really committed in this business? And in what way could I make a living from the IM world?
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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    Originally Posted by topfree View Post

    I know the gurus claim to make millions but I hear a lot of people say "IM is good for making some extra cash but you can't make a living off of it".

    Then you have people that say they can't live off of less then $80,000 per year. I myself would be more than happy making $30,000 per year.

    What would you consider enough to quit your day job? Are you making that yet and if so how long did it take you to get to that point?

    What do you think are unrealistic income expectations for newbies?
    i think the unrealistic income expectation is just plain wrong

    You are not going to be a millionaire after 10 minutes after buying a product or service

    It is just plain unrealistic for absolutely beginner to earn so quickily without any external help

    if they could do it on their own , They would have already created the millions

    That said , I think you are asking the wrong question

    Rather than ask people "Can you make a living online " ask

    "how many people are making a living through IM "

    There are already people in here who can't remember the last time they worked a job

    It is possible .Just put in the work , stay tenacious and take massive action

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    • Profile picture of the author topfree
      Originally Posted by magnates View Post

      I think you are asking the wrong question

      Rather than ask people "Can you make a living online " ask

      "how many people are making a living through IM "


      Actually that kind of was my question. My questions were the second half of the original post as follows

      "What would you consider enough to quit your day job? Are you making that yet and if so how long did it take you to get to that point?

      What do you think are unrealistic income expectations for newbies?"

      Out of all these answers only 2 or 3 people actually answered my original questions lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Originally Posted by topfree View Post

    I know the gurus claim to make millions but I hear a lot of people say "IM is good for making some extra cash but you can't make a living off of it".

    Then you have people that say they can't live off of less then $80,000 per year. I myself would be more than happy making $30,000 per year.

    What would you consider enough to quit your day job? Are you making that yet and if so how long did it take you to get to that point?

    What do you think are unrealistic income expectations for newbies?

    I've been working for myself (and making what I consider a very good living) for more than a decade. So YES, you can.

    When you say "IM", are you referring specifically to "make money" types of products and services, or do you just mean any type of Internet based business in general?

    The answer is YES to both...I was just curious.
    100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
    + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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  • Profile picture of the author drmfitz
    Harrison Ford tells a great story for getting the part of Han Solo in Star Wars. he said there weren't harldly any other guys his age who fir the profile so just be hanging around and sticking with it got him all his glory and fame and money. attrition! Alexa S. hit on it first, in life, there is the 90/10 rule. those who stick with it no matter what go big. i "failed" for 17 years in network marketing, and the last few items i did all eclipsed 7 figures. it all comes down to you. i am curious if internet marketers consider personal development a skill necessary in their success? i have made all my results offline, and am following closely all of your successes on line-thank you all for your input! Dr. Mike
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  • Profile picture of the author nohypetraining
    If others can earn a full time living online, so can you...but you have to have the drive and focus to do what is necessary. I agree with others, if you pick what works for you and you enjoy will not have trouble making or offline.
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  • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
    Originally Posted by topfree View Post

    I know the gurus claim to make millions but I hear a lot of people say "IM is good for making some extra cash but you can't make a living off of it".

    Then you have people that say they can't live off of less then $80,000 per year. I myself would be more than happy making $30,000 per year.

    What would you consider enough to quit your day job? Are you making that yet and if so how long did it take you to get to that point?

    What do you think are unrealistic income expectations for newbies?

    Well ask Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Larry Page (Google), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Pierre Omidyar (Ebay), Jack Ma (alibaba), Allen Says (Warrior Forum) if it's possible to make a living off IM

    Even though I named all the big guys, there are a lot of unknown people who lived very well thanks to Internet.


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  • Profile picture of the author bwiemers
    If you are a newbie, Don't quit your day job until you have proven to yourself you can make money.

    As alexandru said, "internet marketing is a business on the internet". Start doing it part time and let the business prove to you it is worth persisting with.

    I've been running online businesses since about 2005 and I quit my day job to do this full time about 3 years back and I still find it hard going at times, but business does have it's ups and downs.

    During this journey I have found offline work as a trainer and I take on web design and graphic design jobs for periods of time when business is slow. I also cut back my expenses so that I don't have to earn as much. My current target is $100 per day to sustain my lifestyle.

    I stick with this because of the lifestyle I now lead. I live out of my motorhome touring Australia and this provides me with the income and freedom to see this beautiful country. But I am still looking for offline work whenever I can find it. (anyone want a trainer or web designer )

    As far as making six figures, like all businesses. Yes, people that are good at what they do make the money, where others do not.

    Unfortunately a lot of newbies think that it's easy to make this kind of money and get disappointed. Not that this is their fault as some people in the IM industry promote this as a fast way to riches so they can sell more of their products.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChesterDan
    I run a website in the health and fitness niche and make a full time living in my home country from it. It's all mindset and knowing you can do it, not giving up. I ended up replacing my day job income as a bean counter which I fell out of love with. If it's something that you enjoy doing, than that's half the battle of become rich in money and rich in LIFE.

    Believe. Act. Repeat. Succeed. Reward. Repeat. Get Richer in Friends Life Money Time

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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by ChesterDan View Post

      I run a website in the health and fitness niche and make a full time living in my home country from it. It's all mindset and knowing you can do it, not giving up. I ended up replacing my day job income as a bean counter which I fell out of love with. If it's something that you enjoy doing, than that's half the battle of become rich in money and rich in LIFE.
      Its great to see that you know how to use the search function but digging up a 5 year old thread???
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author AdrianPang
    I believe that IM definitely can help to replace the day job.

    Of course, it will also depend on how much you are making in your day job.
    If you are some CEO of a company who easily bags in few millions in a year, then I think it is a 100% no.
    Unless, you have some proven formula to rake in more than that few millions in a year.

    To make around 50k - 100k from IM is not something impossible.
    For a newbie, I guess it is always safer to keep the day job while trying out on IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author luketr
    Certainly don't quit your day job until you have some momentum under your belt; but it is easier than you think once you learn how to approach the game.

    Stop thinking of IM as just $7 ebooks or digital products; there are so many more monetisation options - generate amazing content and offer advertising (think Dr Oz, Oprah, Ellen etc); affiliate sales for more than clickbank; dropshipping; create your own products (alibaba has been a goldmine for me); or offer services if you have any particular skills (once you build enough you can either automate or hire help).

    My first site was born after a short holiday trip to a busy tourist destination & I was looking for a private transport option. After a couple of hours scouring the internet there wasn't much of an online presence for these businesses; just a few simple 1-3 page websites. None of them even allowed me to book online.

    Long story short: I set up an affiliate deal with the business owner for 20% commission, got a website built with online enquiry & booking functionality, then did a bit of content marketing. Now on average I earn $3.5K a month completely on autopilot.

    Rinse & repeat.
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    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by luketr View Post

      Certainly don't quit your day job until you have some momentum under your belt; but it is easier than you think once you learn how to approach the game.

      Stop thinking of IM as just $7 ebooks or digital products; there are so many more monetisation options - generate amazing content and offer advertising (think Dr Oz, Oprah, Ellen etc); affiliate sales for more than clickbank; dropshipping; create your own products (alibaba has been a goldmine for me); or offer services if you have any particular skills (once you build enough you can either automate or hire help).
      Just in case any readers decide to opt for your suggestion to create your own products, I will chime in and say avoid Alibaba if you want to find real manufacturers and that goldmine will be even more lucrative.

      I have received many success stories from people who have started off as total newbies and built lucrative businesses out of buying direct from factories overseas, importing, then selling on the own eCommerce sites, eBay, or Amazon.

      Profit margins can be enormous. Some of them have posted on Warrior Forum about their margins being cost x 300% to 500%.

      For some ideas see my thread Ask Me Anything About Product Sourcing And Importing For Profit. ― Veteran Importer Here.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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  • Profile picture of the author minahcangkul
    Are there strong evident for this thing to happen or just an opinion only ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
      Making a living online is different than making money online. To do this year after year you need a structured business with a lot of discipline. For many people a product that made several thousand dollars in a few days would blow them away and they would blow that money away just as fast.

      But if you are reinvesting in your business and getting the most from every sale and treating your customers like the royalty they are then your chances for success increase exponentially.

      These old threads make you miss old friends!

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    • I don't understand why people always ask for proof, like it's not your money and these days it can be faked and why would you want to post bank statements?

      I understand being skeptical is normal but jeez, the main reason most marketers fail...
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  • Profile picture of the author paderipedofil
    anyone care to share their daily income here?
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  • Profile picture of the author ns17
    is there anyone who can give coaching here.... struggling in IM.... thanks

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    • Profile picture of the author TobiasThomsen
      Originally Posted by ns17 View Post

      is there anyone who can give coaching here.... struggling in IM.... thanks
      A lot of people can provide you coaching.
      Some of the people i follow are "Shaqir Hussyin" & "Giancarlo Barrazza"

      If you want to learn CPA, then Giancarlo is your man.
      If you want to learn online marketing in general, Shaqir is your man.

      There are many people out there who can coach you. Attend live events, meet people, that way you can also find a coach.

      Good luck mate!
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    • Profile picture of the author ShayB
      Originally Posted by ns17 View Post

      is there anyone who can give coaching here.... struggling in IM.... thanks
      You need to be more specific. What are you trying to do? Blogging? CPA? Adsense? Online basket weaving instruction? Selling cross stitch patterns via webinars?

      The more detail you give when asking a question, the more help you will get.

      I don't say that to be mean, but it's hard to help you steer if we have no idea which direction you want to go.
      "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author wealthydon
    Yes, you can make full time income from IM. But you have to learn, study
    and implement. The challenge is about implementation i.e. taking daily action
    in order to achieve your goal.

    Again, you need a clear road map to follow at any point in time. This is where
    a coach or course becomes useful. Above all, you must be able to build relationships
    in your internet marketing career because it is the platform for making a living.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Anything is possible! I make a living off of internet marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author palotaik
    anyone with proof to support that claim ?
    FREE: The $500 Per Week Newbies Method ... CLICK HERE
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    IMO the amount of money you can make online is nearly limitless. It all depends on how much work you put in. Mind you, it isn't always easy but it's damn well worth if you stick with it and put in enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author daftdog
    Originally Posted by topfree View Post

    I know the gurus claim to make millions but I hear a lot of people say "IM is good for making some extra cash but you can't make a living off of it".

    Then you have people that say they can't live off of less then $80,000 per year. I myself would be more than happy making $30,000 per year.

    What would you consider enough to quit your day job? Are you making that yet and if so how long did it take you to get to that point?

    What do you think are unrealistic income expectations for newbies?

    Simple answer mate is yes....I wouldn't waste my time doing IM as a hobby. I make a full time living and am always expanding. Maybe I am lucky as I moved to Croatia where making 10k$ a month means I live like a king and so do my little family.

    I'm right now studying everything about eCom as I want to start making 10k$ a day rather than monthly...

    Make a plan, don't be scared to make mistakes and take massive action...

    Good luck friend,

    My best in success,

    Get Up To Date Online Marketing Training with Reviews and Online News With Marc Gray
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  • Profile picture of the author Nile Vincent

    Depending on your current experience with online marketing...whether you're
    a newbie at this or an experienced's the kicker...

    A newbie has to start at the marketing foundation...and it takes time to
    get a handle on the skills he won't be making big bucks right
    out the door...yet sticking with it will definitely help in the long run...

    An experienced marketer...with skills, training and action in this business...
    doesn't guarantee a huge income either...lot's of variables...yet with the time he's
    putting in...this long as they're doing the right things...and only
    time and experience...i.e. trial-and-error in-the-trenches kind of marketing...
    will eventually pay off...down the line...

    So, can you make a living online? Damn straight...what are newbie and intermediate
    marketer's realistic expectations?...I'd think just take it one day at a time, build your
    foundation...meaning your first buck...then keep building...

    Want some help in a no bs marketing way?...check out
    from Declan O here's a no nonsense guy that'll have you up and
    running quickly...everything marketing under one roof...

    And please don't buy into everything being promoted...most of it is junk...and
    you'll waste your hard earned money...

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  • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
    Keep dreaming guys. Give us proof of results!

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    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by coolmanyou2 View Post

      Keep dreaming guys. Give us proof of results!

      That's proof??? Anyone can make images like that.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10707235].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
    I doubt none yall have actually made serious money online.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by coolmanyou2 View Post

      I doubt none yall have actually made serious money online.
      I have never made any money online, I don't know of anyone personally that's ever made any money online, I'm pretty sure no one in here has ever made any money online and as far as I can tell no one has ever made any money online so you're probably right.

      What a ridiculous thing to say...unless of course you've never made any money online either.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    anyone with proof to support that claim ?
    Proof? You mean you want to see my bank statements? I don't know what else would constitute proof as all you have to do is make a quick visit to G Images:

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
    "I doubt none yall have actually made serious money online"

    hahaha, you sound like my wife - before I made it happen for us.

    We build a house from strictly Internet biz only.

    Would I sell it today it's worth around 300k - and of course we spend money on food too the last 10 years.

    then got a piece of land as well, from the same income source, worth another 100-200k

    so, don't listen to the naysayers that didnt find the entry point to that yet.

    Simply Believe.

    Then DO IT!

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  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    It depends on which state you live in.

    In my state $ 10,000 per year enough for our lives
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  • Profile picture of the author blackli0n
    Originally Posted by topfree View Post

    I know the gurus claim to make millions but I hear a lot of people say "IM is good for making some extra cash but you can't make a living off of it".

    Then you have people that say they can't live off of less then $80,000 per year. I myself would be more than happy making $30,000 per year.

    What would you consider enough to quit your day job? Are you making that yet and if so how long did it take you to get to that point?

    What do you think are unrealistic income expectations for newbies?
    Here are my expectations for newbies. Some people seem to make money right off the bat. Something about their personality, their luck, they get it. And others take a long freaken time and get mediocre results. $30,000/year is very doable and for many of the best guys, they make that in a month even.
    Signature - Make Money with Wordpress
    Passive income since 2007. Trying to consistently crack 5-figures/month. find what you love - dream big - work hard
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  • Profile picture of the author Alastair Hayward
    Affiliate marketing is definitely an excellent way to make money online but it's highly competitive too. In order to be successful in Affiliate marketing you need to know the market needs, learn how to promote products, what works and what doesn't.

    The first mistake a lot of affiliate marketers make is that they register with too many different affiliate programs and try to promote everything. Pursuing affiliate marketing down this path can become very overwhelming and you won't be able to promote any product properly. All you need in order to be successful is a handful of good products to promote.

    To be successful with internet marketing you need to use several traffic sources to promote the product the more targeted traffic you can send to the sales page the more your chances are of making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author ByEdvin
    Here Is The Thing...

    What other people are saying means nothing... If you know that people are making millions in the IM space then thats everything you need to know!

    The question is actually; Do You Really Want To Succeed???

    Hope it helps you on your journey to success
    =============> Is This too Much Hype For You? :-) <=============

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  • Profile picture of the author marketingworlds
    I def. make living online full tine @ 5 figures per month now. Just make SMART GOALS and you will be fine. Start with 3k month to start and then you can move into hi ticket stuff. and get to 5 figs quick.
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  • Profile picture of the author BODH
    My Advice is to Keep a Day job or a regular income job until you make 5 figures per month through IM, also keep updated,
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