With 100K Youtube Views-How To Make Money?

by xnice
3 replies
I have a video with max. 500 views per day. This relates to entertainment with viewers are 45-54 age men. Visitors from US and Canada with 45%.
I want to ask how to make money from this video. This is short video with about 1 min.
I tried some CB product like longer time ... for man and some free ways to make money, but it does not work. Do you have any suggestion for me.
Thanks for help.
#100k #make #money #viewshow #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author JPaston
    Difficult to say without knowing what your video is about.

    You need to find out what your viewers are interested in. Why are they viewing your video? What problems do they have that need solving?

    For example what about hair loss? Most men at this age are worried about it and would do anything that is 'proven' to prevent it.

    This is basic niche research, really, and applies to any site that has traffic.

    Also are you linking through to a site that offers useful information or reviews? Review sites for products should work well from video links. Don't try the hard sell, just provide the info your viewers may need and then use linked ads to promote associated products.
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    • Profile picture of the author xnice
      Originally Posted by JPaston View Post

      Difficult to say without knowing what your video is about.

      You need to find out what your viewers are interested in. Why are they viewing your video? What problems do they have that need solving?

      For example what about hair loss? Most men at this age are worried about it and would do anything that is 'proven' to prevent it.

      This is basic niche research, really, and applies to any site that has traffic.

      Also are you linking through to a site that offers useful information or reviews? Review sites for products should work well from video links. Don't try the hard sell, just provide the info your viewers may need and then use linked ads to promote associated products.
      Thanks a lot. I had promote some dating program, and had some people join in, but they may look for free program and do not want to buy. Make money with Youtube is not easy :confused:?
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      • Profile picture of the author ajwilliams
        You might consider renting the views out. That is to say, there are many marketers that are looking for high viewing numbers for videos that are owned by someone else.

        What you do is offer them a link from the video to their product, site or squeeze page for a price. I have no idea how to price it or how to find someone to rent it from you.

        I do know however that it is done because I remember a report I read about doing just that. You might search around youtube for some info on this. I hope you find something that helps so your views will not go out the window.

        A J
        Solo Ads Unplugged
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