When a person offers templates and they brag that they have 100+ templates in a box, why-o-why do they feel they can count the exact same template 100 times because they change the color?
Like, lets get real here...
When someone says X number of templates that's what I'm expecting. If it's the same template with 100 different colors well then say so in the sales page. "Same Template 100 Different Colors"
I don't know about other peoples feelings on this but man I get fired up when this happens because it's deceiving.
Like I said, I feel it's not 100 different templates but rather 100 different colors of the same template.
People do the same with Blog templates as well. "25 High Converting Blog Templates" are you kidding me... it's the same boring template with 25 different solid colors.
Time for you people who offer templates to step up your game!

---> Flappy Bird <---
-Andre Malraux
-Andre Malraux
When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
Beyond the Path