Rubbing the Magic Lamp: Alexa I Need You

2 replies
I've been reading a bunch of your posts on syndication to EZA, as well as how Gravity works with CB (I too thought that high gravity meant alot of sales until your posts shifted my thinking. Thanks.)

My question are:

1. I have a few hundred good-to-great articles on my sites that I want to syndicate to EZA, Articlebase, Goarticles..(any more?). These articles are brand spanking new up to 3+ years old. I submitted about 20 of these articles today to GoArticles, EZA and ArticleBase today and am getting exhausted... My question is there a tool you suggest me use to quicken/automate the process?

2. Can I take my original articles from EZA or Hubpages for example and "syndicate" the same articles to Goarticles and Squidoo as well as my own site?(Of course this will weigh down the workload even further...) Can I drip feed the same articles into my sites?

Thanks in Advance,


P.S. Sorry about the magic lamp thingy... your avatar reminds me of "I Dream of Jeannie" for some reason.
#alexa #lamp #magic #rubbing #syndication
  • Profile picture of the author RAMarketing
    You can certainly submit them everywhere except places like buzzle or hubpages (they want 100% unique). She's going to tell you to put them on your site first, and I doubt at the rate of 20 per day. I've been wrong before though :-) (I'd say 3 a day at most, but that's just me)
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  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    Your post title made me laugh out loud

    I know what you're going through. Uploading articles is a pain.

    To answer question 2: YES

    RAMarketing is correct she is going to tell you to submit the all to your site first.
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