Tell Anyone Who Says You Are Crazy For Wanting To Boost Sales To Buzz Off!

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Haters. If you aren't following the crowd, they come out
of the woodwork. But you are about to learn the advantage
of not following it. Because while the majority of e-mail
marketers are shooting themselves in the foot, you'll be
raking in extra cash. Read on.

Here's the first thing you need to know. E-mail isn't free
anymore. You are paying for it - - but not out of your
wallet. If you want people to read your e-mails, it costs
you valuable content.

The game has changed. And you can no longer drown your
list in offers day after day. They'll simply stop opening
your e-mails or unsubscribe. You've gotta know how to ...

Change Gears

When you are harvesting your list, it's great. You get to
watch the numbers go up in your online banking. But, they
could be going up more.


You have to cultivate your list. Today, the price of
getting your emails read is quality content. If you don't
have the right balance of harvest and cultivation, it's
not too late to start.

If you start to favor more cultivation than harvesting, a
great thing happens. You'll get more sales when you
harvest. And actually once you've built that relationship
with your list, you'll get FAR MORE sales than you were by
shooting offer after offer.

Create valuable content. Then cut it into little bite-size
pieces. And serve one to your list each day.
When you harvest, you'll harvest big!

Have a great day,
Dante Romero

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear from you :-)
#boost #buzz #crazy #sales #wanting

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