California Affiliates Terminated by Amazon: Read This!!

by 11 replies
Hi everyone,

All of you who do affiliate marketing must know about the affiliate nexus tax laws that have been passed in various states - California being the most recent. All of you affiliate marketers based in California (myself included) recently suffered the devastating effects of this law when Amazon and other companies massively dropped us from their affiliate programs.

Well, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel for all of us California affiliate marketers. The Performance Marketing Association (PMA) with the blessings of Amazon has put together a ballot that is now asking for the help of California-based affiliates (and non-affiliates as well). They need a certain amount of signatures (I believe it's 300,000) requesting for the affiliate nexus tax law to go to a referendum.
If enough people sign the ballot: a) the law will be put on hold until the referendum next year, and b) the referendum will give the people of California the option to decide if they want the law repealed or not.
Even if the referendum does not result in a repeal of the law, at the very least we can have Amazon and the other companies back on our affiliate sites for at least another year.

So I would like to encourage everyone concerned to sign the ballot and encourage others (colleagues, friends, relatives etc.) to sign it too - spread the word. The only pre-requisite to sign is that you must be a registered California voter.

Once you sign the online form, the ballot will be mailed to the address you provide and you will then have to mail it back in the pre-paid envelope hat you will receive. Each ballot can be signed by up to 3 people, so if you think you may be able to get more people to sign it, order more than one ballots.

The form to request the ballot can be accessed here:
#main internet marketing discussion forum #affiliates #amazon #california #read #terminated
  • Thanks for the heads up on this Christi. I had no idea this petition was out there. I just signed the petition!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks for the link!
    • [1] reply
    • Thank you so much for that, I'd really like to get back in business with Amazon and the law changes were sooo annoying/devastating to business. It doesn't help California's economy grow with laws like these.
  • it is not just california. Illinois also. They are getting stricter with rules.
  • I'm not surprised at all at this. I lived in NC not too long ago and there were all kinds of restrictions like this there. I hope it works so it can be turned around.
  • This is amazon's way of protecting their merchants. They sell tons of stuff and in order for people to keep coming back to buyers must feel safe in ordering.
  • Yes! Let our voices be heard damnit!

    Thank you for this post.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks for getting the word out! I went to the fair today and they had a booth where they were recruiting people to sign this petition. It was great!
  • That's great! We need to be heard!

    I knew they were going to food stores too - wish they had a schedule published somewhere so that we could know when they'd be in our area.
    Doesn't matter - I filled out the online form and ordered 2 forms. Hubby and I, mother-in-law, sister and brother-in-law are all signing the ballot. I'll try to see if some of our friends will be willing to sign too - in that case I may need to order additional ballots
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks for keeping us informed. I heard they were going to get something together, I just didn't know when it was going to happen.
  • Thanks for telling us. I hope this will send a signal to other states that are considering this move. Hope we can repeal it soon. God less you.

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  • 14

    Hi everyone, All of you who do affiliate marketing must know about the affiliate nexus tax laws that have been passed in various states - California being the most recent. All of you affiliate marketers based in California (myself included) recently suffered the devastating effects of this law when Amazon and other companies massively dropped us from their affiliate programs.