Where To Find Business Angels/Investors

6 replies
Gday guys n girls

Im wondering if anyone can share information on where one would go to interact and network with possible business angels taht are interested in online ventures?

I have found many online websites which claim to put people in touch investors and angels but i dont feel compfortable paying for any of these services without getting feedback from fellow warriors first.

One website i found charged exorbitant fees and claimed to have many "happy clients" but when i contacted the owner and asked him to give me some figures on how many site visitors he gets and how many he has hooked up with investors successfully he told me he had connected only 4 people together in the last 12 months and that he gets about 1000 hits per day. To me that was a shockingly low conversion rate and this guy was clearly a scam artist.

I have tried the joint ventures section on this very forum with not much luck so far.


#angels #business #find #legit
  • Profile picture of the author Mac the Knife

    Good luck. The angels have largely closed their wings due to past losses and the current economy...not sure how Australia is faring, but America and Europe SUCK in that area right now.

    The bottom line is, like any business, you need a solid business plan with solid financials...proven success is pretty much a requirement...too many traditional businesses need money and can prove past success for most institutions or investors to care about speculative business ideas. If you can prove success and consistency and have a well laid out plan, you may have some success. Good luck,

    Mac the Knife
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    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Originally Posted by Macurdy View Post


      Good luck. The angels have largely closed their wings due to past losses and the current economy...not sure how Australia is faring, but America and Europe SUCK in that area right now.

      The bottom line is, like any business, you need a solid business plan with solid financials...proven success is pretty much a requirement...too many traditional businesses need money and can prove past success for most institutions or investors to care about speculative business ideas. If you can prove success and consistency and have a well laid out plan, you may have some success. Good luck,

      Mac the Knife

      Thanks Mac,

      Yeah Australia is doing better than most at the moment. We are lucky because we have BIG customers in China, plus we have a lot of ammunition left like lowering interest rates and cutting spending.

      Yeah US is pretty bad atm and personally im an optimist but i think its going to get much worse before it gets better, i never believed the GFC was ever even over.

      Yeah see here is the thing with the site. Im me and im not into business plans or any of that weird corporate stuff. The site is all i need to prove its worth. Its getting better by the day, we have about 1000 unique free visitors every month and we have not even begun adding content!

      Thanks mate
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    In the US, nearly every large local metro area has a venture association and/or a SCORE branch through the chamber. Dunno about AUS. Every large city generally has a law firm that specializes in finance and securities law. You could watch for events and such being promoted by those firms.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Meetup.com is a good place to find events where startups pitch investors.

    I highly recommend you watch a free podcast by Kevin Rose called Foundation. You will learn more about the process watching a few episodes of that AND it will inspire you!
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