Jeff Johnson banned from YouTube!
I find it pretty interesting that this veteran IM "guru" couldn't understand what happened. I am not that experienced but my guess is that being related to the "make money online" business, he has been shut down.
This business has indeed bad reputation and Facebook, Google, YouTube, ... has no sympathy for the actors involved in it. These companies rely on End User satisfaction and unfortunaly the IM niche isn't too good at that. So when they get some complains, some flagged IM videos, ... they probably pull the plug pretty fast.
In this case Jeff can argue that he was providing valuable content for free and didn't sale anything but YouTube perfectly knows that Jeff will profit indirectly from it and probably at the expense of YouTube end user satisfaction.
After recognizing this issue, Jeff could argue that most people aren't indeed satisfied but only because that people aren't completing the courses and aren't committed. You can certainly blame the students. But if my business was to teach and my success rate was 10-20% with my students, I may re-evaluate my responsability and may accept YouTube ban.
Finally Jeff could argue that HIS students have 80% success rate and are happy campers. Thats 80% of people buying from his emails are satisfied as well. Thus this is unfair and shouldn't apply to him. I guess the true test would then to lock Jeff in a room for 24 hours with all his direct and indirect customers, past and present. If Jeff survives that experience and even receives accolades from the crowd, I believe Jeff ban should be lifted and apologies shall be made.
What do you think?
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It's Simple... I don't "sell" IM anymore, but still do lots of YouTube Videos
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