My Awesome Flippa Tips & Hints
I won't be making that mistake again.
Hey Warriors,
I see a lot of thread asking for tips when selling a website. The truth is, the more you know can really affect the final sale value of your website.
So, I've come up with a quick list of my top Flippa Tips & Hints.
In my personal opinion, Flippa is the best place to sell a website, but you need to be aware that Flippa is not the only option when selling a website.
If you expect your website to sell for $100 or less, you should try to cut costs by listing your website for free someplace else:
Websites For Sale - Buy & Sell Your Site (DP Forums)
All Listings - SitePoint Market (SitePoint Market)
If you have an website earning passive income from Google Adsense:
Complete Web Sites For Sale! (WF)
It costs $20, but Warriors are hungry for Adsense websites.
My Awesome Flippa Tips & Hints
1) Register an attractive username.
Your username shows up beside your listing, so you want your username to be eyecatching.
For example: Spotting the username highrank next to a listing would be more appealing than reading fat bap. Try to be as 'click-able' as possible.
2) Maximise your trust rating.
The higher your trust rating, the more likely you are to attract serious buyers. You can increase your trust by verifying your phone number, adding your Facebook account/Linkedin account, recieving positive feedback or by owning an account for more than a year.
3) Set your established date to after the domain registry date.
This is a pretty obvious one, but I see people doing it all the time. When you are asked to provide a date that your website was established, make certain that this date is later than the date you registered the domain name. Otherwise, buyers get a warning displayed and it makes you look pretty dodgy.
4) If you want to cliam you have traffic: attach verfied Google Analytics.
This is a must. Serious buyers won't even consider purchasing a website unless it has verified Google Analytics data.
5) Paypal screenshots are not proof of revenue.
If you want to claim revenue from your website you need to be able to provide accurate and detailed reports that show exactly where your money is coming from. A simple Paypal screenshot won't get you the best buyers.
6) Do not buy any upgrades when you first list your website.
Yup, upgrades are a waste of money. Unless, you use them properly.
Here is a run-down of the upgrades and the best way to use them:
Avoid: Bold text upgrade. It just makes the listing harder to read and is unlikely to get you more views.
Avoid: Highlighting upgrade. So many people purchase this upgrade that you can actually stand out more by not purchasing it.
Avoid: Twitter upgrade. If you want to spend $80 for a Twitter post, you must be mental. Donate it to charity instead.
Purchase: Screenshot upgrade. If you have an eye-catching website then this upgrade will definitly get you more attention.
Purchase: Featured listing upgrade. This is the most powerful upgrade available to you, so use it wisely. See that "x buyers and sellers online right now" in the top left of Flippa? Purchase this upgrade when that number is over 2,500 to get maximum exposure. You might also want to use it when your listing is about to end.
7) Select 'automatically accept bids'.
When you first list your website, don't be fussy about who bids. try to get as many bids as possible to get your listing pushed up the most active list. When your listing is about to end, change this to 'manually accept bids'. Now, you can choose to only accept bids from the most trustworthy members.
8) Accept payments via escrow.
Simply by enabling this option, you appear more trustworthy and may attract more serious bidders.
9) Get to know your buyer.
If you sell your website, try to get as much information about your buyer to avoid being scammed. If things seem dodgy, ask for a scanned copy of some PhotoID, or even request that they wait 45 days before transferring the domain name over. Real buyers are patient, scammers want to get in and get out as fast as possible, without sharing any personal information.
10) Don't leave feedback right away.
Don't be nice and leave positive feedback too soon. Make sure everything is hunky dorey first. You don't want to leave positive feedback and then be ripped off the next day.
11) Offer to transfer the website to the buyers hosting for free.
This is a huge upsell that you can mention in your listing description, but not many people seem to use it. Rise above the rest and offer some perks like this.
12) Use a sensible format for your listing description.
I've found that the most effective listing descriptions go like this:
- What does the website do?
- When was it built?
- Attractive features?
- Why are you selling it?
Well, that's all I can think of right now. I hope this information will help some first time flippers.
Good luck!
Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)
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