My Awesome Flippa Tips & Hints

39 replies
*Already posted this thread once, but had it deleted for making a joke about offering a 4 times refund for my free guide :p

I won't be making that mistake again.


Hey Warriors,

I see a lot of thread asking for tips when selling a website. The truth is, the more you know can really affect the final sale value of your website.

So, I've come up with a quick list of my top Flippa Tips & Hints.

In my personal opinion, Flippa is the best place to sell a website, but you need to be aware that Flippa is not the only option when selling a website.

If you expect your website to sell for $100 or less, you should try to cut costs by listing your website for free someplace else:

Websites For Sale - Buy & Sell Your Site (DP Forums)


All Listings - SitePoint Market (SitePoint Market)

If you have an website earning passive income from Google Adsense:

Complete Web Sites For Sale! (WF)

It costs $20, but Warriors are hungry for Adsense websites.

My Awesome Flippa Tips & Hints

1) Register an attractive username.

Your username shows up beside your listing, so you want your username to be eyecatching.

For example: Spotting the username highrank next to a listing would be more appealing than reading fat bap. Try to be as 'click-able' as possible.

2) Maximise your trust rating.

The higher your trust rating, the more likely you are to attract serious buyers. You can increase your trust by verifying your phone number, adding your Facebook account/Linkedin account, recieving positive feedback or by owning an account for more than a year.

3) Set your established date to after the domain registry date.

This is a pretty obvious one, but I see people doing it all the time. When you are asked to provide a date that your website was established, make certain that this date is later than the date you registered the domain name. Otherwise, buyers get a warning displayed and it makes you look pretty dodgy.

4) If you want to cliam you have traffic: attach verfied Google Analytics.

This is a must. Serious buyers won't even consider purchasing a website unless it has verified Google Analytics data.

5) Paypal screenshots are not proof of revenue.

If you want to claim revenue from your website you need to be able to provide accurate and detailed reports that show exactly where your money is coming from. A simple Paypal screenshot won't get you the best buyers.

6) Do not buy any upgrades when you first list your website.

Yup, upgrades are a waste of money. Unless, you use them properly.

Here is a run-down of the upgrades and the best way to use them:

Avoid: Bold text upgrade. It just makes the listing harder to read and is unlikely to get you more views.

Avoid: Highlighting upgrade. So many people purchase this upgrade that you can actually stand out more by not purchasing it.

Avoid: Twitter upgrade. If you want to spend $80 for a Twitter post, you must be mental. Donate it to charity instead.

Purchase: Screenshot upgrade. If you have an eye-catching website then this upgrade will definitly get you more attention.

Purchase: Featured listing upgrade.
This is the most powerful upgrade available to you, so use it wisely. See that "x buyers and sellers online right now" in the top left of Flippa? Purchase this upgrade when that number is over 2,500 to get maximum exposure. You might also want to use it when your listing is about to end.

7) Select 'automatically accept bids'.

When you first list your website, don't be fussy about who bids. try to get as many bids as possible to get your listing pushed up the most active list. When your listing is about to end, change this to 'manually accept bids'. Now, you can choose to only accept bids from the most trustworthy members.

8) Accept payments via escrow.

Simply by enabling this option, you appear more trustworthy and may attract more serious bidders.

9) Get to know your buyer.

If you sell your website, try to get as much information about your buyer to avoid being scammed. If things seem dodgy, ask for a scanned copy of some PhotoID, or even request that they wait 45 days before transferring the domain name over. Real buyers are patient, scammers want to get in and get out as fast as possible, without sharing any personal information.

10) Don't leave feedback right away.

Don't be nice and leave positive feedback too soon. Make sure everything is hunky dorey first. You don't want to leave positive feedback and then be ripped off the next day.

11) Offer to transfer the website to the buyers hosting for free.

This is a huge upsell that you can mention in your listing description, but not many people seem to use it. Rise above the rest and offer some perks like this.

12) Use a sensible format for your listing description.

I've found that the most effective listing descriptions go like this:

- What does the website do?
- When was it built?
- Attractive features?
- Why are you selling it?

Well, that's all I can think of right now. I hope this information will help some first time flippers.

Good luck!

#awesome #flippa #hints #tips
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Good points, although I disagree about the bold and highlight enhancements. My eyes are attracted to bolded and highlighted listings over those without it... but the Twitter thing is a complete waste of time and money.

    Also, the featured enhancement can get a whole lot more views to your auction, but only use it on the last two days, since that's when everyone will bid anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author roblawrence
    Thanks for these tips, very useful. I am a new seller to Flippa and just recently posted my site:

    I did what you said and added my linked in and facebook accounts to maximize the trust rating and that's helped. This is my first time selling so will be interesting to see how it all turns out.

    Can you advise on how the closing process works with getting payment and handing the site over?
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  • Profile picture of the author roblawrence
    One other question, what about using the "buy it now" feature? Is that worth setting a buy it now price or does this discourage bidders? What about setting a reserve price?
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by roblawrence View Post

      One other question, what about using the "buy it now" feature? Is that worth setting a buy it now price or does this discourage bidders? What about setting a reserve price?
      I've used the BIN feature a lot ... I've had some sites (startups) that sold with BIN within 15 minutes of listing. That's when some startups were selling like hotcakes if they were really well designed and had unique content.

      I do use a reserve. When I list a site, there is a price point that I will not go below.

      A lot of people say run without one and let it get as high as it will get. One of my friends did that and a very nice site went for barely enough to cover the Flippa fees. It works out for some, and others not so much.
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  • I have a website that I took unseen for a year.It is easy to operate but pretty basic.I am a learner but have built the visitor rate up and now have a page rank.I want to change to something that offers a bit more but needs to be just as easy to operate.I think it has a value of about 7-800 dollars.Would it be worth trying to sell it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    This is a huge resource for people interested in selling on flippa, thanks a lot for this mate. Thanked you.

    Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author colinph970
    Great experience is that its pretty easy to make between $500 and $1000 per site on Flippa if you know what you are doing. There is currently a whole lot of crap sites being sold to the extent that its becoming quite difficult to find decent sites to buy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
    Great tips. I am preparing myself to sell two of my sites. One of them is making money but the other isn't. Is there any particular tip for selling sites with original content but not making money?
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    • Profile picture of the author highrank
      Thanks for all the feedback. I'll try to answer a few questions if I can.

      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Good points, although I disagree about the bold and highlight enhancements. My eyes are attracted to bolded and highlighted listings over those without it... but the Twitter thing is a complete waste of time and money.

      Also, the featured enhancement can get a whole lot more views to your auction, but only use it on the last two days, since that's when everyone will bid anyway.
      I think the the upgrades are pretty subjective and the effectiveness varies from person to person. Those suggestions are just my own opinion, but there is no reason to say that the other upgrades won't work for you.

      Except of course for the Twitter upgrade, which is useless :p

      Originally Posted by roblawrence View Post

      One other question, what about using the "buy it now" feature? Is that worth setting a buy it now price or does this discourage bidders? What about setting a reserve price?
      I will probably add this to my original post as it is pretty important.

      Personally, I would suggest setting the lowest possible reserve price you can, as you get the security of knowing your website will sell for the price you want, plus the price will turn green when the reserve is met which often attracts more bidders.

      With regards to the 'Buy It Now' button, I think setting this value pretty high can make bidders feel as if they are getting a good deal.

      Only a very small percentage of buyers actually use the 'Buy It Now' button. Most just use it to gauge how much they think the website is worth.

      Originally Posted by Alex Barboza View Post

      Great tips. I am preparing myself to sell two of my sites. One of them is making money but the other isn't. Is there any particular tip for selling sites with original content but not making money?
      Make a point of mentioning that the content is original and has 'huge potential' as that seems to be a buzz work on Flippa.

      Good luck

      ---> Flappy Bird <---

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  • Profile picture of the author roblawrence
    Thanks for your tips, I've added an income screenshot to my Flippa listing here:

    It's my first time selling anything on there and your advice has been very helpful, thanks again!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sonny Am
    Theres some really good points here. There has been a lot of debate surrounding whether to put a reserve price or not. As with a reserve you seem to get the security of not losing your site for pennies but on the flip side you entice more bidders and seem to have a higher likelihood of getting a higher price for your site (the more bidders there seems to be on a listing, the more bidders it attracts, common psychology) however on the flipside having a reserve is good as it less risky but you attract fewer bidders as a result, so a close the auction with a lower selling price, so its all subjective and relative?
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  • Profile picture of the author Arief Ramadhan
    Originally Posted by highrank View Post

    7) Select 'automatically accept bids'.

    When you first list your website, don't be fussy about who bids. try to get as many bids as possible to get your listing pushed up the most active list. When your listing is about to end, change this to 'manually accept bids'. Now, you can choose to only accept bids from the most trustworthy members.

    8) Accept payments via escrow.

    Simply by enabling this option, you appear more trustworthy and may attract more serious bidders.
    7) Yap! I agree with you. No matter who's the bidder, when the auction has been passing the reserve price your auction will be ended with SOLD.

    If the bidder won't pay the site, you just need wait for 3 days and click on Dispute sales for fraud bidding reasons and you can relist the site for free.

    8) I would like to accept payments through escrow, but escrow is not available on my country. What should I do ?
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  • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
    If your websites are earning steadily each month and you can easily prove income, I really believe going without a reserve is the way to go.

    I liked a few of your points, but I disagree with accepting bids automatically at first and then manually fact, we do the exact opposite. Instead of accepting bids right away, we'll wait for a few bids to build up and accept the lowest bid first...that way we get the maximum value out of each bid and have a better chance at appearing on the "Most Active" section.

    We wrote more about this in detail here:
    Site Flipping Secrets - Selling Websites At A Premium | AdSense Flippers

    I would also add that contacting each and every bidder seems to build quite a bit of trust too and is a good thing to add.

    I really wonder why Flippa offers the Tweet option for $80. I totally love the Featured option, but can't see the value with the Twitter mention at all.

    Hope that helps!
    Website Brokers - We can help you sell businesses making $500 to $50K per month.

    Free Website Valuation - How much is your website really worth? Find out here, free.
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  • Profile picture of the author grover69
    I do a fair amount of selling on Flippa, but wasn't aware of a number of these points. I am just about to list another site of mine and this may help me earn more on the site, so thanks! Also, love the idea about setting the BIN price a bit higher so people view it as worth more. Awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author dimasfly
    This is a high class information. Thanks man. I probably dealing with fraud bidder right now and today is my third message. I hope flippa to know the whole discussion
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnCitizen
    Excellent, thanks for the useful info!
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  • Profile picture of the author motley
    Thanks guys for the value you provided in this topic. After I was fired from my day job a month ago, I decided to scale my hobby - site flipping - to replace the lost salary. I can't say I'm doing perfect at the time, but not too bad however.

    I've noticed when I set up the same start price and reserve price, I get more sales. The amount of bids is low - 1 or 2, but sites sells for the reserve price. The last two weeks I test another option: I set the start price just halve on the reserve price and I don't sell... There are more bids but they don't reach the reserve price. Now I think whether to lower the start price to just $1 keeping the reserve price as before or to higher the start price to the reserve price level...

    Another consideration is the BIN price. I noticed that after I made the BIN price lower, much more people begun to push the BIN button As result the average sale price become higher

    One more thing. I'm not a native English speaker and I'm not able to write a good sales copy. When I started as a flipper I collected sales copies of my competitors and compiled my own one using parts of their text with small rewrite. Very soon I received a message from a colleague/competitor who's copy I used. I was ashamed, especially because I liked this person... I changed my sales copy than. Why I'm talking about it? Because I become quiet successful in selling this type sites and I noticed that one of my competitors use my sales copy almost without change. More than that, there are two competitors who follow my sales: their sites on the same topics appear soon after I sell my site. I don't know why I'm writing all this. May be I want to know what to do if someone use your work?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sayn
    Thanks, I save it to my PC.
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    • Profile picture of the author SlicedGenius
      Thanks for this info! A great resource.
      I'm researching Flipping right now - and having read a few other guides, this is great extra info. Thanks for posting!
      Hot Topics PLR Pack - Get five high quality, exclusive reports on some of the hottest topics in IM. Complete with squeeze pages and e-covers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Torreylee
    I have heard alot of bad things about Flippa, but I sold two sites my very first attempt. (doesn't hurt that they were quality sites) Ever since I have wanted to do more with site-flipping. This guide is money, THANKS BRO!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Vincent Abrugar
    I didn't knew you can change back bidding option to 'manually accept bids' after
    you've already set it to 'automatically accept bids'.

    Thanks for the tip!
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    • Profile picture of the author JJPerkins
      Thanks for these handy tips!
      Devouring everything I can about Flippa right now

      How do you prove Clickbank income?
      I've uploaded the csv file I exported, but anybody could make that up :confused:

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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Smale
    At first glance, number 7 is the WORST advice you could possible give anyone. You should NEVER accept bids automatically, under any circumstances.

    I'm sorry, but this is literally awful advice and could cause someone a lot of wasted time and heart break if someone bids/hits BIN and doesn't pay up (which is NOT uncommon at all for Flippa). Any bids over reserve should ALWAYS be verified with the bidder - speak to them on Skype/phone to ensure they are serious.

    If you don't, you'll probably find around 50% of auctions will end up with non-paying bidders.
    I specialize in selling websites over $10,000 in value. No obligation, confidential valuation here.
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  • Profile picture of the author motley
    Fellow Warriors,

    How do you deal with people who not only copy your sales letter and list the same sites you have just sold yourself, but steal design (CSS) of your site?
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    • Profile picture of the author craigslistleedz
      Originally Posted by motley View Post

      Fellow Warriors,

      How do you deal with people who not only copy your sales letter and list the same sites you have just sold yourself, but steal design (CSS) of your site?
      If they steal your sales letter you can file a dispute with Flippa and they will suspend the offender. There is a link on every auction that says "Report this auction.". However, it must be your auction that they copied, not someone else's.

      As far as site design the same should go if your design was unique, but not if it was a template or something of that nature.
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      • Profile picture of the author motley
        Originally Posted by craigslistleedz View Post

        If they steal your sales letter you can file a dispute with Flippa and they will suspend the offender. There is a link on every auction that says "Report this auction.". However, it must be your auction that they copied, not someone else's.

        As far as site design the same should go if your design was unique, but not if it was a template or something of that nature.
        Thanks for your answer. I asked Flippa support the same question and they sent me to a page where they explained what to do in this situation. As I understood, I could not do anything here. Why? Here is a quote from their answer:
        Flippa will remove a listing with contents infringing on copyright or a trademark, upon receipt of a Digital Millenium Copyright Act ( DMCA ) notice from the affected party, or a signed official document from a legal body.
        More information on Flippa's policies regarding listings containing potentially copyrighted or trademarked material can be found at
        No comments.

        I have one more question about the site flipping which I post a little later.
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  • Profile picture of the author Retziki
    I'm interested in selling on flippa. Thanks for the useful info!
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  • Profile picture of the author itrepreneur
    T Y Highrank. These are great tips. I've bought a couple of cheapies from Flippa but have yet to sell any, but will remember these when I finally have a profitable site to sell!!

    I'm a keen marketer/ web designer/ learner!
    My latest site -

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  • Profile picture of the author sakthiganesh
    Awesome stuff. Agreed all points .especially ,screenshot upgrade,free transfer,increasing trust value

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  • Profile picture of the author motley
    Okay guys, I really need your advise.

    Here are two sites for a case study:

    Site 1

    Site 2

    Which of these two sites is better and most likely would get more bids and as result a better price? Why do you think so? Please, I need your honest opinion to understand how Flippa works and what buyers want.

    Thanks in advance,

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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    Thanks for sharing.. It gives me a little motivation to go into flipping website soon

    After I've completed my project
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  • Profile picture of the author GoBigMarketing
    I just listed my first site on Flippa last night. I was searching for a specific question about website screenshots and happened upon this post. Very good points and I actually implemented a couple of them.

    I am concerned about the auto accept feature, which I activated, but then @Thomas Smale highly advised AGAINST it. Does anyone have their opinion on this one? I see both sides of the coin here, so I'm not sure what I should do. The last thing I want to deal with is someone not paying. I already dealt with that on eBay in the past.
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  • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
    Awesome tips. This will help me to avoid mistakes over flippa. And also very point oriented. Thanks for the share.
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  • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
    great stuff. definitely taking advantage of this information
    Buy YouTube Views, No Way! ! ! Force Youtube Videos To Go Viral. Contact Me For eBook or check my WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author denis57
    Love the tip about the Twitter upgrade, so true!
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    • Profile picture of the author slayer0x59
      I think the bold and italic upgrade are optional but not necessarily useless, it depends on the person and occassion like what if everybody else stopped using bold and italic? And yes twitter upgrade is very much a waste.

      SEO/Webmaster/WordPress/Drupal site builder

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  • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
    I did a lot of the things mentioned here to my auction.

    - I got my phone number verified & updated profile information.
    - I approved A group of bids at one time

    - I submitted my auction link on Digg
    - Did a news post on a "Google News approved' site
    - put a link to my auction in my DP signature

    Results. GREAT.

    I went from less than $300 in bids to over $2400 in bids!

    2006 established website/blog i'm selling -

    Must say, this is some pretty good information.

    Getting to the top of 'most active auctions', Im sure can be very effective after seeing this as well.

    Good luck to all selling!
    Buy YouTube Views, No Way! ! ! Force Youtube Videos To Go Viral. Contact Me For eBook or check my WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanTH
    Sorry to bring this old thread back, guys, but came across it in my Internet travels and thought some of the tips were awesome. I'm testing them out in my first listing:

    We'll see where this goes. To be honest, I'm just happy to get rid of a few domains as my list of purchased-but-inactive-domains is long and depressing. We've all bought domains thinking 'I'm going to build this awesome new website!' only to have it gather dust in the 'My Products' section of Godaddy while you work on other projects. Anyway, would have loved to build something with these domains, but I guess Flippa is the next best thing.

    I hear many of you talking about fraud. This has got me a little worried. Is fraud a big issue on Flippa? What are some telltale signs of fraudsters?


    The luxury of self-discipline.

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