Health Niche Blogs- Do you find it difficult to write about it?
I have been writing for health niches and I am finding it difficult to "unleash" my real voice, opinions etc since these are sensitive issues. Obviously I am not a doctor and therefore I cannot "authorize" myself to comment, criticise, evaluate some of the questions/ issues people have.
I have been looking at a lot of articles regarding many different health things and it is more or less always the same thing over and over again.
For the same reason, I can't use controversy , I may run into trouble at some point so informing people about health issues is a difficult task not because there is no information but because we are limited....
What are your thought? Has any of you managed to be creative with fibroids, ovarian cysts, acne, anxiety, without feeling like what you are doing is not "right"??
For me it is a matter of conscience too! I don't know what you guys think of it but your thoughts, comments are welcome!
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