Seasoned Marketers - Share How You Got Started...
One question I keep seeing over and over is "how did you get started in IM" so I thought I'd start a separate thread so some of the more experienced Warriors can share their stories.
Here's mine:
I got going in late 2003 when I was experiencing some really difficult problems in my personal life. I knew absolutely nothing about IM, HTML, Affiliate Marketing or anything like that...
To clear my mind and focus on something other than the mess my personal life had become, I buckled down and put together a great package of information to help Management Consultants and Independent Contractors get started in the business. It was all based on my own experience and the materials I had created, collected and used during the time I was a Management Consultant. Originally I put it together for a friend who was just starting out, and I thought I'd sell it on eBay just for kicks.
It sold like gangbusters! Then one of my eBay customers turned me on to ClickBank. The idea of automating the download and delivery of the product, while also being able to accept credit cards automatically... it was a God-send.
Through my affiliation with ClickBank I discovered affiliate marketing and started building a list and selling affiliate products through the web and through my email lists. The ball was rolling...
Got heavy into blogging & pinging, making money through AdSense, added Commission Junction and LinkShare to my affiliate arsenal, then decided to create and market more information-based products based on what I had learned.
Along the way I also started following "Gurus" like Mike Filsaime, Yanik, John Reese and others to learn more and find new ways to branch out.
Ultimately packaged up my "methodology" and some tools I developed along the way and for the last year and a half I've been actively marketing those - while also USING them to still make $$$ online.
The bottom line is this.
You should start simple.
Find something you know a lot about and/or enjoy doing, and do it.
Once you've reached a comfort zone, branch out into new things.
The knowledge and resources available to you as a WF member can be overwhelming.
Don't get lost in the noise.
I'd love to hear other people's stories...
All the best,