$70 in a week! Looking to invest..

by smokee
7 replies
Hey guys, guess what?

I freelanced, and earned 70$ in a week. It was easy since I was much interested in the work.

I earned them at Vworker.com (Formerly known as RentACoder) so I will use them from the website by hiring people or some other way. Please note, for now I can only use that money to hire coders who are on vWorker.com for my work.

Anyhow, I am looking to invest my 70$ to start earning myself whereas I'll be doing the freelancing side by side. I am pretty much confused on what to invest since these are my first reasonable amount of money earned.

I am not really much interested in blogging since I am busy in doing freelancing aswell + (I HATE WRITING ABOUT).

What else can you guys suggest me?

I saw someone's post about how to hire people to do their task but could not get hold of it.
#$70 #invest #week
  • Profile picture of the author IprovideSEO
    Can you clearly define you investment goals? If you only have $70 to invest I wouldn't sign up for a stock portfolio or anything because that is to small of an amount to receive any decent ROI (return on investment).

    If I were you, I would set up a Fiverr account on fiverr.com and freelance for people by writing articles or whatever it is you do.

    You could also use your $70 to buy a domain name and hosting services for a website. Then put ads on your site to receive income over time.
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    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      Realistically you're probably better off doing what you're currently doing until you get some more to invest.

      Maybe do as the above poster suggested and get involved with Fiverr and other similar sites and do that for a while.

      I would probably wait until you had about $1000 and then start looking at some of the different business models around. There are heaps discussed on all parts of this forum.

      You'll inevitably need to spend a little bit on some tools and domains/hosting etc so I think having about $1000 or at least somewhere in the range of $600-$750 to start will make things easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author kursat
    I would say the same, wait for a while and then look into areas for investment.

    and congratulations, I think like you mentioned when you like the task and enjoy what you are doing, money comes easy
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
    If your serious about making money online, you have to get a domain and paid hosting. Start off with using CPA methods to generate leads rather than getting customers to buy products from your site.

    You could build websites and flip them, especially as you have coding and other IT skills.
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  • Profile picture of the author smokee
    I am looking to invest money in certain places like people say Autopilot blogging, CPA, Sales and other stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebsiteDeck
    As with what others have said, I would wait till I had at least $500+ before going about putting this into a website - however till the time you get that money you can decide on a niche and probably get a domain and some web hosting. You don't necessarily have to write the content either - you can have this written through anyone quite cheap.
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  • Profile picture of the author hpad06
    what's your strength, use your $70 wisely, and better earn another few thousand before you invest
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