A question about Warriorplus..

3 replies
Hey everyone!

So I noticed that many WSO sellers use WSOpro on Warriorplus.com with their WSOs.. I was just wondering something and I'm hoping some kind soul could answer this for me:

Is WarriorPlus directly affiliated with WF in any way? I mean, did the creator of WarriorPlus have to set this up with Allen Says, the creator of WarriorForum?

Seeing as there's some sort of integration with the forum on WarriorPlus I'm wondering if the creator had to first get approval before creating this system.

Thank you!
#question #warriorplus
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    WarriorPlus is NOT affiliated at all with the Warrior Forum. For the rest of your questions contact the Forum Support or Allen himself for the answers because all I know is that it works fantastic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      It is wide open (as far as I know) should you be interested in creating an additional system to work along side the forum.

      I know a couple of new payment processor options were recently added - and I don't believe warrior plus covers those options.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author caskofdregs
        Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

        It is wide open (as far as I know) should you be interested in creating an additional system to work along side the forum.

        I know a couple of new payment processor options were recently added - and I don't believe warrior plus covers those options.
        Thank you - exactly the answer I was looking for!
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