WarriorPlus Affiliates Hassle or Help?

5 replies

I've been reading through threads, and I've seen one OP say, he is receiving a lot of spam from affiliates helping to promote WSOS. He even went as far as to say he was not on their lists. YIKES!!

I'm planning soon to release my very first WSO, and I'd appreciate feedback from the people who have sold WSO's. Would you say that affiliates are a Hassle or do they really help push sales.

I noticed in the WarriorPlus platform that you can block certain affiliates from pushing your offer. I would prefer to deal with all ethical affiliates. Keep dreaming right?

Surely someone has put together a list of affiliates that are more trouble than they are worth. Or perhaps a list of good affiliates.

If you don't want to state openly, feel free to PM me.

Thank you.
#affiliates #hassle #warriorplus
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Naming names is not allowed.

    You have to manually approve every affiliate you want to take on, so the recommendation would be to look them up yourself.

    Only accept those you want to trust.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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    • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
      Exactly. Only approve affiliates you know or have been recommended.


      "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author warriorkay
    It's very important that you do NOT approve every
    affiliate unless you do a little work to know more about
    them. If you don't, you are pretty much setting
    yourself up for trouble.

    I provided some very helpful tips on dealing with the
    problem of scammers for those using WarriorPlus and
    DigiResults in the below post:


    I hope this helps,

    Kingged.com Coaching and Partnership Program
    Is The ONLY Coaching Program That Does 99% Of The Work
    So they EARN while they LEARN

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  • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
    Unless you have a huge list, you will make a lot more sales by working with affiliates. The key is to follow the earlier suggestions, and to check out who they are before approving.
    "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
    Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
    PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

    Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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    • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
      I would also tend to agree. I would add in to seek out your own affiliates. Do you have any friends in the business? Seek them out!

      I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

      Connect with me at www.Scarpero.com

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