No subscribers no sales

26 replies
Hi in my website just recently built 2 months ago I had 1300 visits only one subscriber to my mail list and ZERO sales.

May be the free ebook i offer is not enticing the people.I don't know what to do.It seems like I'm unable to build any list.May be the website is built in a way that i cannot make any money out of it.I would be happy if i made one, i say $1 out of it.LOL

I know is hard to make money with internet marketing but Im talking about one just one click.:rolleyes:
#sales #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author VinnyBock
    Post a link to your squeeze page, let's have a look...

    I'm sure some of the IM vets can give you some quick pointers that will improve your results...

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  • Profile picture of the author vikingmarketer
    Originally Posted by filippot51 View Post

    Hi in my website just recently built 2 months ago I had 1300 visits only one subscriber to my mail list and ZERO sales.

    May be the free ebook i offer is not enticing the people.I don't know what to do.It seems like I'm unable to build any list.May be the website is built in a way that i cannot make any money out of it.I would be happy if i made one, i say $1 out of it.LOL

    I know is hard to make money with internet marketing but Im talking about one just one click.:rolleyes:
    How have you formatted your squeezepage?

    It should be short and simple almost like a salesletter.

    Also what niche do you target?
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  • Profile picture of the author filippot51
    my website is in my profile
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    • Profile picture of the author VinnyBock
      If the site is about tatoo designs for people to get tatood with, that's what your give away should be, just that. It shouldn't be
      "or if you want to become a tatoo artist".

      Be more salesy about it..

      "Don't Get The Same Generic Tatoo's Everyone Has, Download This FREE Ebook For Never Before Seen Tatoo Desingns"!

      Or something like that... :confused:

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  • Profile picture of the author AnilK
    Originally Posted by filippot51 View Post

    Hi in my website just recently built 2 months ago I had 1300 visits only one subscriber to my mail list and ZERO sales.

    May be the free ebook i offer is not enticing the people.I don't know what to do.It seems like I'm unable to build any list.May be the website is built in a way that i cannot make any money out of it.I would be happy if i made one, i say $1 out of it.LOL

    I know is hard to make money with internet marketing but Im talking about one just one click.:rolleyes:
    Main areas you want to review/tweak are:

    - does your optin sell the free ebook enough
    - is your method of capturing subscribers attention effective (squeeze page/popup/sidebar optin form etc)
    - does the ebook match the theme that brought the visitors to your site (check analytics report to see what keywords are bringing them to you)
    - read recently about popup surveys (and think John Resse has one on his site or did at some point in time). Install and ask your viewers want/expect to see.
    - headlines
    - optin form bullet points (reasons for reader to optin)
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  • My guess would be that this is a tough niche to make money in. People are probably looking mostly for free tattoo ideas, not necessarily to buy.

    It's true that they're probably not looking to become a tattoo artist, either so the offer seems a bit off.

    You also might want to wait a few seconds for the popup to appear, because when it appears right away I think people may tend to just click the X without reading anything.
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    • Profile picture of the author filippot51
      I think you are right ,people seems to go there mainly to get info,and read,the keywords dont sound like something that makes money
      Im understanding that
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Brownsword
    Where is your traffic coming from? Is it "bots" (i.e. search engines) or is it "real eyeballs"?

    awstats should be able to help you with that; if not, look through your log files for visits with user agents that don't mention some type of search engine robot.

    Tom Brownsword, CISSP®, GCIA, ITILv3
    Certified Computer Security Pro

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    • Profile picture of the author filippot51
      I have statcounter and it says me lot of info
      I have the 60 percent of visitors that stay from 1 to 5 seconds ,before i was around the 54 percent .I have 23 percent that stay around 2 -3 minutes.

      I think the visit are humans.

      The website has already page rank2 in google and Im on first page 4th position for classy tattoos keyword and in good position also for related keywords as "classy tattoos for women" or "classy tattoos for girls" "classy tattoos for men" etc etc
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    • Profile picture of the author filippot51
      Thanks for help what do you mean with a form??
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    • Profile picture of the author filippot51
      i got that form from Aweber
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      • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
        Originally Posted by filippot51 View Post

        i got that form from Aweber
        Yes, but you can still format it better. The key is to show the benefits of using the material in your ebook. 3 - 7 bullets points is fine.

        In the place on the left, you need to add the sign up form as well. Now people have to click on the picture before seeing the sign up form. That will cause you to lose some potential subscribers.
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    • Profile picture of the author filippot51
      I will do it thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
    $16 ebook? That makes it sound cheap.

    If it really contains good stuff, then it's definitely worth more than that. Also, place a form on your site, not just a link to the script.

    The form itself isn't properly formatted, that may cause some trust issues.

    In addition, your title seems to target two groups - people who want tatoos, and people who want to design them.

    You will get better results if you decide which group has your potential customers. Judging from your keywords, it's people who want tattos.

    So direct your copy towards them.
    "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
    Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul - Top of the range PHP developers

    Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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  • Profile picture of the author eskimoto
    i am struggling with it as well. i even offer free stuff on some of my websites but people for some reason dont sign up. i am confused dot com
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    • Profile picture of the author VinnyBock
      Originally Posted by eskimoto View Post

      i am struggling with it as well. i even offer free stuff on some of my websites but people for some reason dont sign up. i am confused dot com
      Have you tried the tutorials on Aweber?

      May clear a few things up for you...

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      • Profile picture of the author eskimoto
        i havent actually but defo will. thaks for dropping the hint!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kate C
    2 months is not a very long time to get you discouraged. You are probably right about the book not being enticing enough. You could try a short but powerful report on how to do something really fast like lose weight or make money etc. You have to try all sorts of tweaking to make it work. It will take a while to make money so hang in there and you will be glad you did.
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    • Profile picture of the author filippot51
      ok thanks
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    • Profile picture of the author filippot51
      Thank you guys for getting a look i think it can be informative for everyone,to learn from more experienced people and anyway learn from people is always nice ,hear what they say what they suggest,how they see things ,how other people see us.
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      • Profile picture of the author vikingmarketer
        Alright I have had a look at your site and Yikes!

        there is way to much stuff going on there to get people to optin. Have you taken your optin offer down or what?

        I can't even find it

        Clean the whole thing up a bit, I'm sure you'd still wan't to have som content on your site so you could just make your optin form appear in your sitebar or an top of every page and post.
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        • Profile picture of the author russells
          I can't really expand on what's already been said, but I will say that generally, the tattoo niche is a difficult one to monetize. That market is usually looking for free designs to either print and take to their tattoist or to base an original idea from.

          If you really do want to pursue the tattoo market I would change the focus to tattoo removal.

          It's a market that has a problem - they want a particular tattoo removed for a number of reasons and are desperate to do so.

          There are many affiliate programs for ink fading creams and other products etc so consider that.

          At the moment you are trying to target a market that hasn't got a desperate need to solve an issue.

          Hope that helps,


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  • Profile picture of the author CoffeeIceCream
    I would also add that the website looks a little busy to me. There are too many things on the page competing for my attention. I think if you simplify it a bit and make the opt-in form more visible with a stronger offer, you should see some results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Reed7
    Looks like you have the correct feedback by others, "give them want they want"(specifically) not something else... The tattoo industry is tough, most are freebie shoppers looking for just the new designs posted for fresh ideas, that's about it. Seems you could a special twist to this, offering a package of fresh designs, new to the market-never seen before-limited design/copies...etc...?
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  • Profile picture of the author filippot51
    guys i dont know how to thank all of you for your opinion and your ideas and your suggests,Im learning and yes i always got the impression that people comes there to get a look around and thats it.And i think the idea of "tattoos removing products" could be a good one i will write a post about that and see how it goes...
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