Do you need unique content to be able to guest blog?

13 replies
When contacting other blogs/forums, does the content you offer have to be unique. Or can you just write one quality article and offer it to many webmasters (article syndication)?

Also, assuming you can send out the same article, how is that any different from sending out a press release? Does the press release just make it more automated and more likely to be picked up by news sites rather than niche blogs in your industry? By guess is that guest blogging may be more effective in that I see many articles from press releases, although on some very stong sites, wind up on very low pr pages.
#blog #content #guest #unique
  • Profile picture of the author lisakleinweber
    Most blogs are going to want unique content, imo. I personally wouldn't accept any article on my site that wasn't unique and awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author VincentK
    You wouldn't want to offer the same articles to different webmasters. Especially after the Panda thing with Google, duplication content is a no go. I run copyscape before I publish an article on my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author SUPER Louie
    You can rehash content from other sites but make sure that you present it your own way. I doubt that all blog posts are unique... bloggers probably found ideas and just presented it in their own way.

    The panda thing only detect plagiarism, it's impossible to detect your post if you only took the idea from another source and rewrote it on your own.
    A superhero is someone who knows how to be quiet, shed a tear for a moment, then pick up his sword, and fight again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Murlu
    Excuse the caps but DO NOT submit the same guest post to multiple blog owners because this not only tarnishes your reputation but won't be all that effective for your link building and branding purposes.

    Remember, guest posting isn't just about the link - you're trying to get exposure to a new community and by replicating the same article you'll find that many of the blog readers are likely to read the other ones that are relevant which can have negative effects at how you present yourself online.

    Create unique content. It'll take more time but will be infinitely more rewarding in the long run. Make GREAT connections with the blog owners by bringing something amazing to the table because you'll build you network which will help you out on social media and more.
    Signature - Niche-Ready PLR Articles Packs at just $12.95 each! - Where I write about starting an online business and taking your blog to the next level.

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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku

    Impeccable English spelling and grammar

    It should teach something of 'value'

    At least 500 words in length

    and NO spinner trash content
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Would you want the same article on your site as is on five, ten or more other sites? I very much doubt it, and neither do those blogger owners that are letting you guest blog.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Most site owners would insist on unique content only...Not reposted anywhere else. I know I would.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
      Hi there,

      Please, put yourself into the blog owner's position. Suppose, you have a successful blog with large readership. How did you get to this level? Probably...

      * you've invested serious money and effort into until your blog has been read by several thousands people - and make money to you,

      * this level is achieved by the value you have given to your audience,

      * you've accomplished a level you not just want to keep, but want to raise.

      Would you be interested to accept a week quality, not unique writing as guest post and to put on your quality blog?

      I doubt this, because I wouldn't accept that. I appreciate so much my audience that I wouldn't let fall the level of quality.

      As for press release, news sites are interested in getting only fresh and unique content as well. Why?

      They are positioned themselves to the future, so they are uniquely situated to play a vital role in development. Their readership value their brands as trusted sources for news and information.

      You can achiece success with guest blogging and press release both, just provide unique and high quality information. Try to master yourself in them. Or outsource.

      Many successes,


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  • Profile picture of the author jaiganeshv
    Yes guest blogging expect unique content because they are live blogs and not stale directories. You can expect targeted traffic from these blogs that are relevant to your niche not generic traffic like in directories.

    Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by easygoingdude View Post

    When contacting other blogs/forums, does the content you offer have to be unique.

    Originally Posted by easygoingdude View Post

    Or can you just write one quality article and offer it to many webmasters (article syndication)?

    That's part of how article marketers are making our livings and building our businesses.

    All the people syndicating articles on their own from article directories (which is why article directories exist in the first place, of course) are clearly perfectly happy to put syndicated content on their sites, aren't they? And those are the very same people you're asking about: people who want content for their targeted traffic.

    When you then contact them to offer them further "content for backlinks" (which is part of how you build an article marketing business) they clearly don't expect it suddenly to be "unique content". Why would they?

    Be careful about interpreting people telling you that they'd publish only "unique content" on their sites!

    No disrespect to them at all: I'm sure what they're saying is perfectly true, and that they intend it entirely helpfully, but it simply isn't relevant to your questions. Those are other internet marketers talking - and they're not article syndicators. And you're not going to get your articles published on your competitors' sites, are you? Those people's opinions are very clearly NOT relevant to your situation. The people whose opinions are collectively relevant to you are the ones who are syndicating articles from directories, clearly, because they're the ones looking for content.

    In all the guest blogging I have ever done in my entire career, I have never once given anyone unique content (and I won't be starting to any time soon). I'm building my business, not other people's. Unique, original content I publish and have indexed on my own site first, and so should you.

    Originally Posted by easygoingdude View Post

    how is that any different from sending out a press release?
    How is it similar?

    Sorry - not trying to be evasive but I can't understand this question: article syndication has absolutely nothing to do with press releases at all.

    Originally Posted by easygoingdude View Post

    My guess is that guest blogging may be more effective in that I see many articles from press releases, although on some very stong sites, wind up on very low pr pages.
    The page rank of the pages on which they end up has nothing to do with it. Page rank is virtually unconnected with article marketing. It doesn't mean anything worth talking about to Google and it shouldn't to you, either. The things that matter are quality, relevance and getting your work on sites visited all the time by targeted traffic (and/or getting it delivered to them by others, in an ezine, of course).

    But you're certainly right about guest blogging being a far better bet, overall, than press releases. No comparison at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    It depends. If the article is valuable, well-written, and would benefit my readers and would teach them something that would make their lives easier and more efficient, then it would be a disservice to them "not" to publish it...even if it was duplicate.

    Sometimes, its about your readers...not just SEO.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by thebitbotdotcom View Post

      It depends. If the article is valuable, well-written, and would benefit my readers and would teach them something that would make their lives easier and more efficient, then it would be a disservice to them "not" to publish it...even if it was duplicate.

      Sometimes, its about your readers...not just SEO.
      Read this again.

      I've worked both sides of the fence. As a publisher, I'll mix quality material that has been published elsewhere in with the original content. I like when guest writers give me unique content, but I don't require it. Quality content which both serves my audience and my goals is the name of the game, not a number spit out by Copyscape or some other automated "uniqueness" bot.

      As an article marketer, I mostly use syndicated articles as is. On certain occasions, when it suits my goals (like establishing a relationship with a particularly valuable person), I will submit new content. Even then, most of the time just tweaking some existing content to address their specific audience is enough.

      If that doesn't make sense to you, read thebitbotdotcom's post again.
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      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Read this again.

        As an article marketer, I mostly use syndicated articles as is. On certain occasions, when it suits my goals (like establishing a relationship with a particularly valuable person), I will submit new content. Even then, most of the time just tweaking some existing content to address their specific audience is enough.

        If that doesn't make sense to you, read thebitbotdotcom's post again.
        Exactly. How and what material you present is determined by your goal in giving it to someone.

        If you are simply getting info out for backlinks, syndicated material, or just a tweaked article may be enough. If you are interested in networking with a related business owner and winning over their crowd to use your services and buy your products, too, you might want to take the time to give a more personalized effort to your material.

        I have one niche that I would never go through the trouble of writing unique content for someone to promote. I have another niche that is both an offline and online field which closely networking with others results in a major boost for my offline endeavors. When I deal with people associated with that field I ALWAYS give them fresh content. While I do get backlinks - backlinking is not my major goal when giving them content.

        Many people want one-method-fits-all answers to things when it just doesn't make sense to do something the same way in all cases. It's important to realize what your goal is when you approach another business before deciding exactly how to handle the information you give the other business owner and their clientele.

        When I want something just to stick on my site that has value, but won't take a lot of work - I use syndicated material and just put a few sentences of fresh introduction for the article and author. It gives both the author and the material a little more credibility and tadds a little more personal touch. When someone actually is wanting to network through me for reasons other than getting some attention to a backlink, I like them to give me fresh material. It works two ways.

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