How to make money online

42 replies
Hey peeps

Right Im gunna tell you all how I have made money online.. But first you need to know why I didnt make any money online for a long time !

Ok, so heres me.. over a year ago and broke ( big time ).. I started to look for ways to make money, initially this was off line.

Mailing catalogues, betting systems, pretty much anything !

Yes you guessed it I lost money not made money...

Now just over a year ago I discovered people were making money online,
Great !! This looks simple

So I bought the first product I found - Chris Mcneeney's Day job killer ebook. Firstly let me say that looking back with the little knowledge I now have that book was very good but my lack of experience at the time left me lost.

So I blamed the book and went on to the next ebook, then I bought into another paid system, then into the stock market.. blah blah

Probably sounds all too familiar to many of you ???

Theres was one time I blew hundreds and HUNDREDS of dollars trying Google adwords.. YEAH.. I made my first ever sale !! But that $40 commission cost about $600 if I remember right LOL

So thats been me for well over a year, until just a few months back when I went to my first seminar. It was for 3 days and appart from the many great people that I met the highlight of the weekend was meeting Alex Jeffreys of Post launch profits.

This guy quite literally changed it all for me !!

So as we were about to leave that seminar I says to Alex ..
"Dude Im broke I need your help, what should I go home and do ?"

At that point he tells me to do something I have never even looked into, and this is what he tells me...

"Dude .. You gotta get yourself a blog setup"... "You just have to man, thats the way the internet is moving..."

That was it for me.. That guy makes about $20,000 every month so its about time I did something right and listened to what he told me. So when I got home the very next day I got onto and started me a blog !!

Well that was, that as they say.. The rest is history

My blog has been running for about 10 weeks now, receives between 88 - 436 visits per day and has made me over $3,000 to date.

So .. That help was given to me, now I want to tell anyone in that same position exactly what I have done to get to this point.

Here goes ....

1 - Started a blog on . Obviously this was on wordpresses hosting so I didnt own the blog ( Although I didnt know this at the time ).

2 - I purchased my domain. My domain is my name as I was advised to get ( )

3 - Posted my first post on my blog, told the world who I was and the situation I was in and where I WANTED to be - Dean Holland Presents … Blog Archive My First Blog Post !

4 - then realising what I had done by setting up on I knew I needed to get my own hosting for my blog. I bought hosting with hostgator and transfered what I had done onto my hosting. I also installed analytics to monitor traffic

5 - All the while I continued posting on my blog, telling the world every step I took in building my online business

6 - Alex Jeffreys contacted me to see how I was getting on and to check if I had listened to him. when he saw what I had done he was that impressed with me that he featured me in an ebook he was about to release. A free ebook called gurus Dream -

7 - I began putting myself out there on the internet using social media. I found other blogs in the IM niche and began taking part on them, getting into the conversations building backlinks to my blog. I joined forums but give my main focus here !!

8 - I put up on my blog my first affiliate promotion, this was for Alex Jeffreys coaching program. Commissions for each sale were $250 ... I made $1729 profit.. Yes I couldnt believe it !! Amazing

8 - I began writing my first ebook - The blog setup guide. This is a step by step guide to building and getting a blog online from scratch exactly as I had done.

9 - My ebook was finished !! I put this ebook up on my blog and I give it away for free

To date after about 4 weeks I have built an email list of around 500 using my blog. Feedback on my book was insanly great, people began building blogs and writting about me and my book !!

I now continue posting on my blog and taking part in social media over the internet every single day.. I spend around 4 hours a day online.

Thats really all I have done so far. Sorry I did also include a post on my blog with affiliate links to hostgator for hosting and also for Aweber autoresponder service.

It may look real easy and it is, but its not simple !! By that I mean that the procedure is easy but the ammount of work involved is HARD and takes many hours.

In the 10 weeks my blog has been online it has made me around $3300 and income continues to come.

If that helps anyone get going online then great, realise the above details are not in great detail but if you want to get going and dont know where to start grab my free ebook at my blog or search this forum.

Stop buying into products and begin building a business !

Good luck, remember not happens if nothing changes !!

#make #money #online
  • Profile picture of the author babarapho
    This is an awesome post.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[402966].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AndyCamden
    Congrats man. I started reading through your post and then realized that I have your RSS fee hooked up to my Google reader in my Gmail account. It really is a great blog and I recommend it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[402986].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Murdaugh
    It's always good to hear a success story. Congrats. Going to check out your blog now...


    Over $30 Million In Marketing Data And A Decade Of Consistently Generating Breakthrough Results - Ask How My Unique Approach To Copy Typically Outsells Traditional Ads By Up To 29x Or More...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[402998].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sal Corso
    Awesome story Dean! You're an inspiration to all who are trying to make it online.
    eBay, Amazon & eCommerce Business Building System
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[404866].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cristina12
    Well it is marvellous post. It is very real that if a person wants to earn money online, he/she must have a passion to start. I hope it works for all.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[405107].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
      Congratulations!..This success story just goes to show the power of 2 things: Persistance and Blogging..Keep going!
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  • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
    Way to go man!

    Congratulations, your success story is inspiring.
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  • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
    Way to go man!

    Congratulations, your success story is inspiring.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[405150].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chris47
    Hi Dean,

    Congratulations on what you have acheived I too am a student of Alex. I just hope I can Achieve as much as you.

    Best wishes
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  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator

    You got a plan and then you took strategic a c t i o n.

    Good battle plan + action = money.

    All The Best!


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[405471].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chrisc58
    Hi there,

    Very true!

    Before you set out to try and make money and rush ahead to get a website etc. you must plan and see if it will be worth it and possible.

    Plan then action equals money as stated above.
    Signature - Hosting That Bites!
    100% FREE Web Hosting or UNLIMITED Web Hosting from 83p a month.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[405491].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
    Hi again guys..

    Thankyou for all you kind words !!

    This is to anyone thats where I was 10 weeks ago, do as I did above.. Its only a matter of a lot of work, and I do mean long hours at the computer

    But hell later this year when I tell my boss Im done FOREVER than tell me thats not worth it .. ?!

    I wish you all the best, just stick at it !!

    Follow My Journey To Online Success >
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  • Profile picture of the author KathyBaka

    Your a great inspiration and sounding much like me and I am sure a bunch of other internet marketers. I think what you have done is simply amazing. Alex Jeffreys is also very amazing!

    Kathy Baka
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  • Profile picture of the author dennisleo0
    Great inspiration Dean i will check it out
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  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    Dean, that was a nice little guide you put up man and good bloody

    A great tip don't just focus on affiliate marketing, from what it seems
    you have a little following find out what they and create and sell it to
    them, you really do need your own products, just look at your mentor
    he has his own product line doesn't he...

    With your own product it's another kind of ball game.

    JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[418370].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Oscar D
    Congrats, I am also trying to set up a blog and it is so complicated with the php and Wordpress - I just signed up for your book (hope it can help explain things)

    -> FindNewDomains - Domain Finding Service WSO - BONUS: Free Domain Name Included!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[418375].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Buckley
    Good for you Dean. You asked for advice then followed the advice...and it worked

    "Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something." -Plato

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  • Profile picture of the author perfecthomebuz
    You have given me a priceless information. Thanks.

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  • Profile picture of the author rhclemmons
    Way to go Dean,I've been toying with the idea for a while now and you have just pushed me over the edge,Thanks and here goes RH.
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    • Profile picture of the author Makabongwe Maseko
      Thinks for your step by step guide.

      The last time I had a blog with high traffic my host cut it off because they said I'm using too much processes.

      Website Design | App Creation | Video Marketing | Social Media | Web Hosting

      ==> SlashTouch.Com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[420689].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MikeWords
    Hell Yeah Dean! Lets blog to the top!
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  • Profile picture of the author carlos_a
    Outstanding job Dean.

    Keep up the good work.

    There's no looking back, dominate 2009 you are on the right track....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[420987].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland

    Wow.. You know what the responses here actually have proven something for me that I already expected was true

    ... Stories sell

    Obviously Im not selling anything here but I was told when writing my ebook that the story is most important.

    I have been analysing peoples reactions and the stories are always well received !!

    Thankyou all so much, honestly any of you can do this if you are not already .. Dont know where to start ?? Check my blog from the first post

    Glad to of helped some of you

    Best wishes

    Follow My Journey To Online Success >
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[421632].message }}
  • Hi Dean,

    And following on from your last post Dean, yours is a great and inspiring story as I can fully vouch for :-) This is my first ever post on WF but I felt compelled to write in reply to Dean's post.

    You see Dean's story struck a chord with me and when I read it in the free ebook Alex Jeffreys published (Gurus Dream) something just clicked within me and I thought that's the way to do it. It just seemed so hype free and different from the usual re-hashed stuff that it just made sense.

    I signed up as a fellow Student with Dean on Alex's coaching course and well 2 months later it's the best thing I ever did. (And No I'm not selling anything at all here as the doors are well and truly closed tight). But after years and years of getting nowhere I suddenly starting making real progress (and money!). So I totally agree with Dean - stop buying product after product. Just commit to somthing that is credable, take action and learn as you go along. You won't get it right every time but all the small steps rapidly come together and create momentum. I have a blog now with 100s and 100s of visitors a day which I could only dream of a few months ago. Yes, it's hard work (but great fun) as I post and comment every single day but in the long run it is worth it. Getting a mentor was the thing that made the difference to me but in the end I think the main thing is just taking action every single day and watch it grow.
    Bringing you the very best practical information to master your Life.
    ~ Applied Life Mastery in Action ~
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianTubbs
    Thanks for sharing your story. I just became one of your subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author vifechi
    Thanks Dean,i am encouraged by your success story.I now believe i can also make it blogging and will follow your foot step.Am new to online business and willing to learn fast from people like you and those before you.
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  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
    Hey warriors

    Just tracing back some of my previous posts and thisone meaning a lot to me I thought I would respond....

    I just want anyone to know that is perhaps toying with the idea of starting a blog that I personally feel that it is essential to your business to have one.. In fact that just gave me an idea for a neew thread that may be good benefit to you all !!

    If you havent made money online yet then this is how you can do it... Just get it going and stick to it !!

    Thankyou to you all and best of luck to any one starting out !!

    Follow My Journey To Online Success >
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[446374].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Panique
    Thanks for the information!
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  • Profile picture of the author marcus passey
    Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

    Hey peeps

    Right Im gunna tell you all how I have made money online.. But first you need to know why I didnt make any money online for a long time !

    Ok, so heres me.. over a year ago and broke ( big time ).. I started to look for ways to make money, initially this was off line.

    Mailing catalogues, betting systems, pretty much anything !

    Yes you guessed it I lost money not made money...

    Now just over a year ago I discovered people were making money online,
    Great !! This looks simple

    So I bought the first product I found - Chris Mcneeney's Day job killer ebook. Firstly let me say that looking back with the little knowledge I now have that book was very good but my lack of experience at the time left me lost.

    So I blamed the book and went on to the next ebook, then I bought into another paid system, then into the stock market.. blah blah

    Probably sounds all too familiar to many of you ???

    Theres was one time I blew hundreds and HUNDREDS of dollars trying Google adwords.. YEAH.. I made my first ever sale !! But that $40 commission cost about $600 if I remember right LOL

    So thats been me for well over a year, until just a few months back when I went to my first seminar. It was for 3 days and appart from the many great people that I met the highlight of the weekend was meeting Alex Jeffreys of Post launch profits.

    This guy quite literally changed it all for me !!

    So as we were about to leave that seminar I says to Alex ..
    "Dude Im broke I need your help, what should I go home and do ?"

    At that point he tells me to do something I have never even looked into, and this is what he tells me...

    "Dude .. You gotta get yourself a blog setup"... "You just have to man, thats the way the internet is moving..."

    That was it for me.. That guy makes about $20,000 every month so its about time I did something right and listened to what he told me. So when I got home the very next day I got onto and started me a blog !!

    Well that was, that as they say.. The rest is history

    My blog has been running for about 10 weeks now, receives between 88 - 436 visits per day and has made me over $3,000 to date.

    So .. That help was given to me, now I want to tell anyone in that same position exactly what I have done to get to this point.

    Here goes ....

    1 - Started a blog on . Obviously this was on wordpresses hosting so I didnt own the blog ( Although I didnt know this at the time ).

    2 - I purchased my domain. My domain is my name as I was advised to get ( )

    3 - Posted my first post on my blog, told the world who I was and the situation I was in and where I WANTED to be - Dean Holland Presents ... Blog Archive My First Blog Post !

    4 - then realising what I had done by setting up on I knew I needed to get my own hosting for my blog. I bought hosting with hostgator and transfered what I had done onto my hosting. I also installed analytics to monitor traffic

    5 - All the while I continued posting on my blog, telling the world every step I took in building my online business

    6 - Alex Jeffreys contacted me to see how I was getting on and to check if I had listened to him. when he saw what I had done he was that impressed with me that he featured me in an ebook he was about to release. A free ebook called gurus Dream -

    7 - I began putting myself out there on the internet using social media. I found other blogs in the IM niche and began taking part on them, getting into the conversations building backlinks to my blog. I joined forums but give my main focus here !!

    8 - I put up on my blog my first affiliate promotion, this was for Alex Jeffreys coaching program. Commissions for each sale were $250 ... I made $1729 profit.. Yes I couldnt believe it !! Amazing

    8 - I began writing my first ebook - The blog setup guide. This is a step by step guide to building and getting a blog online from scratch exactly as I had done.

    9 - My ebook was finished !! I put this ebook up on my blog and I give it away for free

    To date after about 4 weeks I have built an email list of around 500 using my blog. Feedback on my book was insanly great, people began building blogs and writting about me and my book !!

    I now continue posting on my blog and taking part in social media over the internet every single day.. I spend around 4 hours a day online.

    Thats really all I have done so far. Sorry I did also include a post on my blog with affiliate links to hostgator for hosting and also for Aweber autoresponder service.

    It may look real easy and it is, but its not simple !! By that I mean that the procedure is easy but the ammount of work involved is HARD and takes many hours.

    In the 10 weeks my blog has been online it has made me around $3300 and income continues to come.

    If that helps anyone get going online then great, realise the above details are not in great detail but if you want to get going and dont know where to start grab my free ebook at my blog or search this forum.

    Stop buying into products and begin building a business !

    Good luck, remember not happens if nothing changes !!

    Yes that is a good post Dean it has given me some pointers.


    Watch me finally make money this year now I have a mentor follow my journey at

    Are you building a list? get my FREE report on list building CLICK HERE!
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  • Profile picture of the author JWB
    Great Post....there are certainly multiple ways to make money online...sometimes you have to force yourself to think outside the box...
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  • Profile picture of the author sega001
    Great Info . . Thanks alot for the valuable information
    The Best Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
    Hi Dean:

    A tremendous post where the words actually came off the page and made sense and cents too! Keep it up and hope you keep seeing economic growth!

    Have a great afternoon.

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    • Profile picture of the author bwall
      Thanks for sharing the information Dean.
      I can definitely relate to your story. I am trying to blog my way to success too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kunle Olomofe
    Hi Dean, I'm usually not a fan of these kinds of posts especially when vital info like how much it has cost you financially to make that kind of money is left out, but, I have seen similar posts from you in the past and you're clearly one of the good guys, just a few suggestions to make your "stories" more helpful.

    Tell us exactly how many hours you've spent (and/or how much money you've invested in this project or at least give a ball park). It's very important how much you value your time, and if that $3,000 is really worth it on the books, even if it's not profit yet, at least a gauge will give an indication of you real progress which will help others.

    You can take a look at my post regarding determining your worth per hour.

    Knowing this will also help you better utilize your time and other resources.

    If you spent $10,000 to make that $3,000 and you always have to do that forever then your advice could be dangerous instead of helpful, I'm sure that's not the case with you, but you understand where I'm coming from.

    Some more specifics in terms of actual progress made will help even more.

    Keep up the great work. Hope this helps,


    PS: I did notice you gave an example of what I'm talking about regarding your adwords $40 income for $600 invested failed project, the same would be great for this more successful blogging project.
    Celebrity Marketing Formula - How To Quickly Become A Celebrated Authority In ANY Industry/Niche... Coming Soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nitro
    Haha you pretty well just described me, minus the making lots of money now part.. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Connie Everson
    This is truly an inpiring and moving story. I think what all newbies look for is someone who shares our story and that gives us the motivation to move ahead. It is all here for the taking but you have made it happen. A big congrats and I look forward to updates.

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