519 optins in one day!
Here is something that can help you generate more optins.
I got somewhere around 6000 visits and 519 optins.
Here is how you can do it.
Write a super high quality article that genuinely provides value. So if you want to write a super awesome article, here is how you can do it.
Use a "top 5" and "Top 10" style.
In the list of top 10, use ten 1 minute videos that explains the point. Now write a short paragraph describing the tip.
In my case I used 3 one minute video and 2 ten minute videos, all created by me with no pitch at all.
Post some links to useful RELEVANT resources at the bottom. Use one image with alternative text as your main keyword.
Post all the videos on youtube and other sites. I used traffic geyser.
So now you can get traffic from videos too. And since you are not just helping people by providing useful information you are also developing a relationship.
Once you've completed that articles and your 1 minute video series, you've got a great article. People are looking for this type of content.
Now make it viral, distribute it on all the major social network. IF the article is awesome people WILL hit the like button, +1 and tweet it. Everybody wants to share awesome content.
Use popup domination or any software like that to create exit popups and give away some really valuable stuff. Also put an optin form on the widget, in my case, I only used exit popup. Try not to make it annoying.
You WILL get optins.
I got 519 optins in just few hours.
I was writing all sorts of article and posting it on ezine articles and haven't generated this types of results.
You can also use PPC traffic to get leads. This seems to be converting well and you won't face any google slap.
This may seems a little hard but it pays, and yes IM isn't that easy.
Good luck, try it.
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