176 people on my list, what next...

12 replies
I finally have a list with 176 people now. This is just for opting in for a free guide. I sell my own ebook. Over the last few months these people have only heard from me for the first two weeks after they subscribed and then nothing............. I don't have any upsells or anything and don't intend doing anything for this project.

Is there any point emailing them again about my ebook after all this time :confused:

How can I promote other things to them, they would have to be affiliate things, Can I put affiliate codes into an aweber email straight to a merchant site :confused: Could I just chat casually about a product that I have come accross and say how good it is and just mention it may be worth a peep because it has rave reviews or something??

I presume that I would only send them things relating to in this case their problem and nothing else about something totally unrelated:confused:

Pls let me know what you think and any do's and dont's will be helpful

Many thanks!
#176 #list #people
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Henderson
    I would not let them fade away, spend a few hours and set up an autoresponder series.

    It's called Relationship Marketing. You should be doing something along the lines of the CCCP method which is - Free Content - Free Content - Free Content - Paid Offer, (your product or an affiliate offer). Yes you can put the codes into your aweber emails.

    Build a rapport with your subscribers, become their friends, when you send out an email do it in a manner that makes the reader sound like it was sent to them personally. Talk about something current in your niche, something cool you just discovered, give them free valuable information, send out regular emails.

    Go look at some of the emails that you get by being on someone's list. Do you read any of them? If so why? Probably because they are using the methods above, do the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author spennyc
    I can tell you what not to do... Don't flood them with junk offers. Value and nurture your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkJones
    What Scott has said is correct.

    It's all about constant contact with your database. Before sending an offer to your list you should send them a free content email to re-engage them into opening your emails, reading them and responding.

    It may take a couple free content emails to get your list re-engaged, once it is shoot them out a offer email (your own product or an affiliate promotion).

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  • Profile picture of the author rocketmoto
    You should also focus on building your list bigger. Seems like you already have a method down so just keep building and building.
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  • Profile picture of the author BackLinkingNinja
    I wouldn't leave it too much longer without sending something free, topical and of value. Write to them in a natural speaking 'one to one' kind of manner, provide some useful tips (create a series of tips) and ask them their thoughts, feedback and so on.

    I see no end of people sending out affiliate offer after affiliate offer, and when I see three offers in a row with no content then I unsubscribe. Building a personal, valuable and respectful relationship with your list is the key.

    A good idea to keep them engaged and waiting for your next tip is to always leave a taster or a cliff hanger announcing the next email... 'and next week I touch on the amazing new way I found/researched/stumbled upon of... that ...benefit'

    You can also include a resources and useful links section as this means some emails may get stored.

    Keep delivering content, tips, advice, real life experience and keep building your list. If I am short of a topic to discuss with my list, I surf through the WF to gauge what's hot news, and often I pick up a great tip that I then share to my list. Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author eugene6796
    you got to build a bond now just start sending emails explain what you did to get those email and how you could teach them to do the same thing to start there business .Give them something with value . im pretty sure you can do that if not you can start learning buy picking up how to product's to get more education in your field
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Barrington
    Send them cool stuff. They'll learn to really look forward to your emails, and they won't mind it when you pitch them eventually. The other thing you might do with a list that big is have a giveaway contest. Have them refer people to you by posting on their facebook, twitter, or other social media platform. For every place they post your website, give them a "raffle ticket" for a free copy of your book. You'll be amazed at how well this works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Syamsul Alam
    If you want to monetize your list, my suggestion is to find 100% affiliate commission low ticket product to offer to your list or to create your own product and turn your freebie list into buyer list.

    I personally think having a ebook to sell is a good way to decrease your conversion rate. How about reformat your product and change it into video series or something?

    Even if the information is exactly the same, video has higher perceived value thus easier to convince them to buy it. Especially if your video product meets their needs.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Magician
    Over the last few months these people have only heard from me for the first two weeks after they subscribed and then nothing
    Best practices suggest emailing your list every day. You should add content to your autoresponder -- maybe you can poll your list with a survey to ask what they'd be interested in (offer something free for their time). If your subscribers stop hearing from you, they'll forget about you.
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    • Profile picture of the author photomom04
      Great advice here.. I have a list of over 10k and have never put it to good use... That wasn't the type of affiliate marketing I was involved in. I have had others say they could make a fortune with that list so I am trying to learn the best way to put it to use now... this gives me a pretty good idea of where to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author vincentpeter
    Autoresponder, personalised comms, consistent value added information / communication and occassionally pushing the Affiliate stuff. The key is mixing it effectively.
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